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  • I think you are awesome, and so I am saying as much. :O

    I started playing TWEWY about a week ago! It is a huge shock, I know. (Or possibly it is more of a shock that I hadn't played it ...) I am not sure what I think :(
    Do we need to have you post in the thread saying we can collect then?

    And I assume we must go get them approved?
    Aww! It was to the last secret report, if that helps. I knew no one would catch it though, haha.

    Terrifying? :B It's... well, it's just decent, but I'm chalking that up to the chapters I'm reading still being years old. I forget the chapter number -- somewhere in the thirties...? -- but they just jumped in a lake in the lighthouse. Yep.

    I hope you eventually learned how to spell 'masquerain'. :B
    Gue-- I love your profile picture. (did you catch my TWEWY reference in TTMafia? haha)

    Guess what I am doing! I am reading your fic. After Blastoise recommended it to me! :D
    I have one ASB batlle that's currently going on, and no other challenges, so am I still barred from challenging, or is there another reason?
    Oh, I haven't been paying attention either. All I know is "doryuuzu is broken and overcentralizing everything", to which my only response is "I loved it first".

    (Though reshiram and zekrom being banned isn't that big a loss imo... it's really hard to get a decent one without running through a million cutscenes all over again, because you don't get a chance to really look at it after you catch it and the game autosaves before the credits. :/ Case in point: jolly reshiram I can do absolutely nothing about (though at least I think it has a 31 speed IV).)
    Just wondering what I should replace Car Insurance's tutored grasswhistle with since apparently when I checked "grass-type moves the treecko line doesn't have" I managed to miss that that was an egg move. >>; I feel like taking the extra grasswhistle off and adding a new move all in one go, so I'm waiting until Car Insurance evolves.
    Would it be infeasible for a sceptile to learn power whip and/or wood hammer? Wood hammer seems the more likely of the two, I guess, but. Yes.
    What, the chances of me being doctor? Astronomical. Duh.

    (I remember counting all the games I could remember the roles for a while ago and I was doctor in 45-50% of them, incidentally.)
    All right, cool.

    And you'd better hope that I'm not an alien then! Or doctor, because generally the only time I don't die first night I'm doctor. Someone will totally magically stop you if I'm doctor.
    Before I go ahead and approve the new teams, is it too late for players to collect allowance? One of the new guys just did and is attempting to use that money to pay for a starting team, and I'm not sure whether he should actually be able to claim/use that money now.
    Ooh, kakuna.

    Hey, uh. So this is the third-or-so time I've had to call someone out for editing commands, but they said they'd actually checked the rules to see if it was legal first and "didn't see anything against it". I realize that it should be common sense and all, but perhaps it's worth including a mention in the rules, at least when you finish the general revamp?
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