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  • Well, you do get six-year-olds and seventeen-year-olds in the same building. Usually not at the same time, though.

    Probably law.
    Does Safeguard prevent all status afflictions, including minor ones such as Infatuation and Confusion? It didn't specify in the ASB Attack Guide, so I was just wondering.
    There are quite a few differences between school systems across countries. For instance, around here, the differentiation between grade school and high school is mostly in name only, as most (if not all) schools that do one do both and most people do both in the same place.

    I'm sticking to Brazil, and most probably I'm not even going out of my own city. I don't know if I could find better possibilities outside, but, I'm pretty sure I can get something good enough within this range.
    Still in school. In this hemisphere, we get a shorter break for winter and a longer break for summer, just as you do in yours. With the winters and summers reversed, that usually means we get July, December and January off.

    And it might as well be mentioned, this is my last year in school before college/university, which is one of the reasons why I've been so busy.
    Well, yes, there is an ongoing tournament in my league right now, but most of the reffing there is being done by other refs. This is just one among several cases of me being extremely busy over a veriety of issues.
    Hey! Would it be possible for my Feebas to be treated as though it has a Marvel Scale in this battle, even though it didn't have it in the first post? Espeon is happy to let me and sqourn doesn't mind either, but I wasn't sure where to ask!

    My battle with Patar seems to have disappeared during the board cleaning. While the chances of getting a ref for that battle is slim at best, I would appreciate it if you incorporate it back into the "Awaiting Referees" list.
    Erm, I think my bank account should be at $41. The three paychecks shown here = +28, +1 from these two posts, +5 from here, this week's allowance = another +3, plus the $4 I had before that. I'm just saying because my CP was updated, but with a different amount (and no Soothe Bell). Thanks.
    Hey negrek, just a quick question. What base power would I give night shade if I'm not sure how many experience points the user had when the battle was started?
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