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Behind the Avatar [SELF PICTURES GO HERE]

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;;Thumbs up on the hats, Castycal!;; You should've shown me that picture earlier! I could've put it in your gift.. ah, there's always an idea for next year, I suppose.

'Cause nobody that I know well off of here really lives near the sad boring place I live, I haven't met any TCoDers either. And probably won't anytime soon really.
Arylett - That picture was only taken yesterday, so that would have sadly been impossible.

Kinova - That's not mine! I was at a friend's house. But that's rather saddening! And thank you~
oh god why

I want your hair James D:
Haaah. It is pretty awesome, isn't it? It was really easy to do, too! I used this dye after bleaching my hair with the first type of bleach I found at the local beauty supply store that didn't say KEEP AWAY FROM SCALP. It took maybe an hour, with almost all of that consisting of sitting around doing whatever while funky stuff was in my hair. \o/
It is SOCOOL! I love the color :) Maybe I could try just doing a streak sometime since I can't dye all my hair (rules of marching band, blahhhhh)
I feel like a Galactic grunt. :B Also, everyone ever needs purple pants.

:D I should see if I can meet up with you sometime.
I actually do have purple pants, but they are not as blindingly bright (and thus, cool) as yours. I should wear them more often, though.

And if you are ever up north/I am ever further in the middle-area of the east coast, we should definitely meet up. :3
photodump from Amsterdam!

Mike, the Japanese science teacher - he wandered off into the red light district and we never saw him again
I can't remember any of their names, so from left to right: Canadian, Italian, three French (incidentally, guy on the far right was a massive otaku)
the French guys again!
yours truly
this is raw herring, it tastes of fish anus
this made my head hurt
I know you guys would approve - I think I missed Gay Pride by a few days, so this must've been a leftover
a guy dressed as a cigarette - I do not know why
fagman's cart filled with giant fags
normally, you get pigeons. in Amsterdam, you get herons. dozens of them in one place. some old guy got off his mobility scooter and started feeding them!
fast food vending machines. so bad it's good.
cigarette!man is amazing. the otaku also looks like the kind of guy who would be my half-brother or something.
Haha, I love your Amsterdam pics :D I approve muchly of the Pride leftover, and the heron. Looks like a great time.
Haha, I love your Amsterdam pics :D I approve muchly of the Pride leftover, and the heron. Looks like a great time.
Thanks, it was damn good fun. The perfect mix of culture, history, exercise and (moderate) drinking. And the Dutch people are so friendly!
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GQ. May I ask why you know what fish anus tastes like?
certainly. imagine some jelly (I think they call it 'jell-o' in America). but then, someone puts a sardine in the jelly. then they liquidise the mixture and fart in it. then, you set the mixture back into solid jelly and eat.
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