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Favorite Fictional Weapon

Blastoise Fortooate

Just post your favorite fictional weapon, be it from a book, movie, video game, or something else!

Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch. >:]

Wow, this is like the first thread I've made in, like, forever.
Nice topic you made. -_^

I see weapons as an extension of hand.
I see fictional weapons as a creative extension of hand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Forgot to mention a personal bomb favorite,

Light bombs - Bomberman 64: The Second Attack


I love it because it has that hero feeling to it.

Molten Rebar Crossbow - HL2
Acquired: Chapter 7, Highway 17
Damage: 100
Chamber/Max Ammo: 1/10
Sec. Fire: Zoom
Damage: 100 (instant death to human-sized enemies)
Chamber/Max Ammo: 1/3
Despite a long reload time and slow dart speed, the crossbow always has been and still is an accurate and stealthy option for dispatching opponents. The secondary-fire zoom makes it especially apt for picking off stationary long-distance targets.


A hot, red rebar shooting weapon... I once was obsessed with it. I love crossbows and 'risky' rifles (like scout in Counter-Strike #.#).
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Definitely the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch.
"Thou shalt count to 3, not to 5, or 4, but to 3..."
"Get on with it!"
"3 Sir!"
Holy Hand Grenade. :D

...I should really watch more Monty Python, instead of just the Holy Grail. -_-
The Gaia Cleaver from the Tales series. Known as the strongest axe.

Also, the Shotgun in the Halo games. I get most of my kills with it.

Let's not forget the Axe-Gun from Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers.
Holy Hand Grenade. :D

...I should really watch more Monty Python, instead of just the Holy Grail. -_-

I don't think there are any more fictional weapons in Monty Python...

@Mercury: "Then, thine enemy, being naughty in mine sight, shalt snuff it."
The Tentacle from Disgaea. Because it's item description is "Useful for groping all sorts of places! <3" X3

The Keyblade also ranks high, as do Pokemon if they count. And Lulu's moggle plushies~
If systems of magic and spells count, then I'd choose the following in this order: Charter Magic from the Abhorsen Trilogy by Garth Nix, runes and spells from the game LostMagic, or the ancient language from the Inheritance Trilogy by Christopher Paolini.

I can't think of a specific weapon right now.
Lightsabers. They're cool and graceful and holy crap I love the lightsaber hum. :3

Rat flail
Lots of stuff from .hack; AFK's Empty Skies, Dual Guns, the Lost Weapons, the Twilight Bracelet...it just goes on and on.
Uh. I'm pretty sure in some game there's a gun that shoots swords.

Oh! Or even better! A sword that shoots guns! yes
Suddenly I somehow find myself unable to remember very many fictional weapons at all.

For some reason, the Frostmourne comes to mind (that page breaks my heart every time I look at it - I waaaannnnttt ;;). I don't even know all that much about it, but it came to mind and it is pretty kickass as fantasy swords go. *Dribble.*
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