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  • I wear glasses.

    Votes: 51 65.4%
  • I wear contacts

    Votes: 8 10.3%
  • I have 20/20 vision, so I don't need any type of seeing aids. Ha.

    Votes: 15 19.2%
  • ...Glasses, hmm? The only ones I wear are sunglasses and thos weird party ones

    Votes: 4 5.1%

  • Total voters


rage against the dying of the light
I was curious- How many TCoDians have Glasses? Some people don't like them, some people do. I wear them, and have been since I was about 10. I personally think I look better in glasses, and people have said they make me look more intelligent. Well, thoughts?
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I have a rather good pair of glasses, although they're a bit loose so they fall off all the time. They're also the kind that go dark in the sun, which is very helpful because my pupils are apparently larger than average. ='\
I wear glasses!
I got them when I was 7 or 8. I wasn't so happy at first, but over time I came to love them~ I don't think I'd be me without them :P
I don't know if I actually have 20/20 vision, but my friend always insists that I do and randomly asks me to read really small letters from far away, so I picked that option. :P
I wear contacts, but I wore glasses for the longest time.

On a semi-related note, if a guy's wearing glasses in my mind he automatically become a billion times more adorable x3
Well, I have glasses prescribed to me, but I never wear them because they make my eyes hurt. Among 108 other tiny details I could complain about...

Yes I have glasses what.

Although they tend to fall off my face a lot. I TOLD them I needed smaller frames, but NOooooo, THEY said...
I've been wearing glasses so long that nobody remembers me NOT having them

and apparently when I take them off people think I look way different and it's like woah
I've been wearing glasses so long that nobody remembers me NOT having them

and apparently when I take them off people think I look way different and it's like woah

Same here, people say my eyes look so much bigger when I take them off that it makes them uncomfortable and they wish I'd put them back on. :c My lenses are at least a quarter of an inch thick so objects are much larger than they appear through them.

For this reason I've been considering contacts since I'm slowly getting better at self maintenance (I can blow dry my hair now!), but I'm still kind of anxious about the touching my eyeballs thing. Obviously I know it's not a big deal because many people I know wear contacts, but knowing and actually being able to get past it are two different things.
I've worn glasses since I was 9 or 10. I found out I needed them because I couldn't read hymns so that's one good thing about going to a Church of England primary school I guess :v

I think they suit me pretty well. In that if I ever catch sight of myself without them on I'm all oh god is that my face i'm hideous
I've always wanted glasses! I have perfect vision, though. :|
Yuss. I wear glasses.

Although I don't like them very much. I only wear them when necessary, usually in class. They annoy me D:
Yes, I wear glasses. I don't much like the frames I have at the moment, though, but it's two years until I can have an excuse to get a new pair. :P

I actually look older when I wear glasses, so I love them and will probably never switch to contacts. :3
I have glasses! They're round with thin silver rims. But they keep sliding down my face. I'm getting them adjusted eventually.

I only look my age with them on. Without them, I look 2 or 3 years younger.
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