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How Tall Are You?

Re: Are You Short or Tall?

So for what it's worth, don't complain about being short. Especially you girls. Short girls are cute. ...although for people of our height, all girls are short... but that's not the point...
You think so? Whenever I find myself physically attracted to a short girl, I feel like a pedo. Even if they're older than me. :0
Re: Are You Short or Tall?

4' 11" and 3/4"

Four feet, eleven and three-quarters inches. No, I haven't even reached five feet yet. Yes, I'm just twelve, but I sure enjoy being short. Most guys I know think short girls are cute. The only time that being short is annoying is when we short girls have to kiss someone that's a hell of a lot taller than us. I feel so bad, the poor guy has to like...I don't know, lean forward or bend down or something =P

I know yeah I talk too much ^^;
Re: Are You Short or Tall?

I'm sort of average :D It's been a long time since I last measured my height, but I'm around as tall as my friends. Of course, there are a lot of excessively tall people in my school, so I feel short.. lol.
Re: Are You Short or Tall?

I used to be really short, but I hit a growth spurt recently and now I'm slightly above average for my age.
Re: Are You Short or Tall?

I'm nice and tall. When I get older I should be at least 6' 1".
Re: Are You Short or Tall?

5'2", which is just a little short for 16 which isn't so bad, but I can never reach the bowls on the top shelf. ;_;

... And what really gets on my nerves is my little sister is taller than me and she's three years younger. D:

Whee italics abuse. :D
Re: Are You Short or Tall?

I'm average height. Just an inch or two over five feet. Or at least what I consider average height.
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Re: Are You Short or Tall?

I stand at 5'4''. Pretty average for my age, I guess, but I'd like to be shorter.

(For some odd reason, I feel attracted to girls that are much, much taller than I am.)
Re: Are You Short or Tall?

5'2" (157 cm). Quite short.

I dunno, I don't really have many problems with it, but people have made comments before. :D;
Re: Are You Short or Tall?

After reading all these posts, I seem to be scarily tall. 5' 3'', and I'm a 10 year old girl! D:
Maybe if I cut off my feet I'll grow them back, but they'll be flat so I'll be shorter! Yeah!
*runs to get chainsaw*
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