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Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Mafia Win)

Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Day 2)


The mafia didn't send in their night action. These people were inactive. It's the best lead we have after only two pages...
Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Day 2)

Just saying I'm here so don't kill me. I guess this is why lurking the game is bad.

In case Pig-serpent does come back to defend themselves, though, I'll do nothing so the bandwagon doesn't get bigger and we make a mistake. I haven't counted, but I think you don't need my vote to get a majority.
Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Day 2)

Hmmm. I have no night action ((again)) so I don't get raged at. Yay! While it sucks to not have a night thing, it does take stress off.
Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Day 2)

so I can post pokemon but not power?
I'll come out and say that Whirlpool and I are Nidoking and Nidoqueen.
ask him if you want.
Also, we're not mafia.
Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Day 2)

Hum. That's no light role to claim.
Changing my vote to... hrm. Abstain I guess. Flower Doll seems like she's going to get autokilled anyway.
Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Day 2)

Oh right!

Well uh, Pig-Serpent and Whirlpool kinda defended themselves, and I don't want to waste a lynch vote on somebody who's probably going to get autokilled today anyway...

so Blaziking I guess? If Blaziking defends himself though we'll have to start checking inactive people besides those four that OrngSumb mentioned specifically, since our mafia is almost definitely inactive...
Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Day 2)

I guess I vote for Blaziking then since we have to lynch someone.
Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Day 2)

Gah. I hate indecisive/can't really do it to anyone else lynches. Blaziking of The Keyblade
Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Day 2)

Syl, You're dead! Stop talking! And yes, it does rather sound like Alien talk. I suggest we change our lynching. *Burns Ivadersyl's body and gets her spirit exercised*

How about Pig-serpent again?
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Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Day 2)

I vote kill Syl again.

Aslo, if I was mafia why would I give out another name? If that player is mafia, it's stupid. If innocent, you could ask that person.
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