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Obsessive Scribblers~

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Nah, I show finished pictures to people (my sister, occasionally my mum and sometimes to my friends); I just can't draw with somebody watching me; it's the most off-putting thing in the world.

As for parents who'd go nuts if they found out about having online friends... my mum has a vague idea who a bunch of people on here are... and my room's got a ton of pictures that people have drawn for me for birthdays and things and I delight in pointing out "That one's from Arylett and that one there's from Flazeah...". I want to put the OS group pictures up, too, but I don't have a printer here D:
Fweeee~ Crazytwins~ This is awesome~

Zora, what school do you go to? Wanna switch with me so you can take all those nice AP classes with tons of homework?

I do show my drawings to other people, but only finished drawings. I can't draw with people watching me. Heck, I can't even type with people watching me!

My mom will probably kill me and burn the computer if she finds out about this place. After all, it's on the internet. About Pokemon.

My parents think Pokemon is for kids, and I'm being immature for liking it. And since 99.99% of my drawings is related to Pokemon in some way, I can't exactly show them my art without getting ranted at...

Only my little brother knows about this place. He was fanboying over Dannichu quite a while ago, actually...
My parents really don't seem to care that I like Pokemon, but they do think everything and everyone on the internet is evil. Despite my mom running like three mesage boards and having several internet friends herself. Hell, in about a month I'll be old enough to see R-rated movies by myself, and I still have these stupid parental controls that only slightly hamper my efforts to view pron by making me have to Babelfish everything that comes up blocked. :V

I show pictures to my parents sometimes if there's nothing wrong with them. They're usually just like "OH SPAEKLE CAN DRAW VERY WELL WE'RE GONNA HAVE AN ARTIST IN THE FAMILY :D here check out this college in Middleoffuckingnowhere West Virginia it says it offers an art degree!"

I wanna see if I can go out to Michael's again. I need a new sketchbook. :[
Hey guys.
Guess what.
I got a tablet yesterday.
That means I can easily make our group picture. <3
Make room for the OS gallery~
Woot, tablet! I love my tablet. What kind is yours?

I've still kinda got to get on my group picture. :[

...but I finally put some stuff on my DA Account! It's just my purplehair picture and some things I still like from my old art thread, but at least I got an up-and-running account now. :V
Tablet... I want a tablet...

Drawing with a tablet would be so much easier. And I would get to use the handy Ctrl + Z.

Linoone is currently procrastinating on her Halloween picture again because she just got this insanely great idea that she just had to draw right now or else she'll forget so yeah. And she is also using the Halloween picture as an excuse to practice drawing human beings because she cannot draw humans properly and she keep screwing up the hair and the face and the anatomy and the hands oh horrors the hands and the expressions but after much erasing she thought it turned out pretty well beside the fact that she screwed up on Kratos (sorry Kratos...) but she thinks she can fix it with a bit of messing around on the paint program and why am I typing in third person and a run-on sentence anyway?

I've decided. Spoon!Spoon permanently have an arrow and a question mark hanging off of her/it now.
a-am i in any of the pictures?

I'm not sure wether I'll be able to post my picture before the 2nd/3rd of Novermber, seeing as I'll be going to Portugal on Saturday for a week and I definitely won't have time to colour/ink tomorrow since I'll (finally) be receiving my award for that comic contest I miraculously won.
woot woot it's been five months or more ugghg
...Can we like, compile a list of members so we know who to draw?

I ask because if I don't I'll wind up procrastinating on finding the members and I'll never get the pic done. >>
It's a Wacom Bamboo, black. x3 <3

I, and for your convenience, Zora and possibly others, made the list:

Kratos Aurion
Zora of Termina
Arylett Dawnsborough
Spaekle Oddberry
*Frozen Weta
Crazy Linoone
Vladimir Putin's LJ
*Terry T.

* Notes Inactivity
** Notes unsureness about actual membership.

I think I listed them all. O:
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Yup, Strangy. You're in both of the pictures I'm drawing right now. And congrats on winning a comics contest thing!

Uhhh.... Let's see.... Members.... *reads through thread*

Zora, Linoone, Spaekle, Dannichu, Spoon, VPLJ, Eclipse, Flareth, Kratos, Salamander, PickuK, Arylett, and I think that's it. Then there's the people who only poster once or twice, and they are: Frozen Weta, Linzys, Dewgongeru, OrangeAipom, Seritinajii, Terry T., Kai, and I think that's it.

Ah, I have a Wacom Bamboo too, only it's the silver one. :p

I started sketching my picture out. There's this thing I want to have in it that's really awesome, but I don't know what it's called, so I can't exactly look up reference pictures and I can't get it to look right. And I dunno if I want to describe it because that'll ruin the surprise!
Hmm... me... do a group picture...

;;Contemplating;; Well maybe. Maybe, we'll see. Ah, I've never drawn that many humans before. But it'd certainly be good practice.

I should do it! Ooh, but I'm lazy. Lazety laze! Yeah, like I said, we'll see about that. For the OS Groupie pics, I don't mind much what outfit you guys draw me in, just remember the basics. Glasses somewhere and curly furly hairs. And dark eyes, remember that one too.

Also Danni, I'm still incredibly flattered that you put my picture up on your wall. <3

Oh and a tablet WOULD be much awesomenocity, oh~ Craaazytwins!
YAY, Bamboo Twins 8D

Except I forgot Kai. I fail on that. |||OTL
[Crazy Linoone has received title, "WIN"]

Better finish my homework and work on that group pic. : D
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Linoone is procrastinating on both homework and the group pic again, mainly because she already started coloring before researching who's in the club. Oh bother....

Well, all of the people I missed are inactive, so maybe they won't notice... >.<

And Arylett needs glasses. Hurr... *goes messing with paint.NET again*

Linoone has received the title, "WIN"
Linoone's title turned to "FAIL"!
Okay I'm trying to be active now. Yay.

So, I'm not gonna be in the picture? That's okay, I'll wait another month or two or three, it's fine.

Spaekle, I love your "purple hair" picture. =D
askjsjdkjs I really need to be more active here. I'll update the memberlist shortly, and I guess I could start having a fill-out sheet for everyone so it'd be more convient for all of us.

Favorite Subjects:
Type(s) of Graphic Medium used:
Art Url(s):
I'm really, really happy, because I finally picked up my pencil and drew something. Of course, I traced another picture on the computer first, and I didn't bother shading because I already had a headache, and it turned out pretty crappy, but I finally drew something. I haven't drawn for, like, months.
Can we see it, Salamander?

So my mum asked me a while back if I could re-draw THIS onto canvas. I've done the outline so far, but as we lack paints... We'll have to wait until later.

Anyway, why am I not on the members list?

Name: Joshua Hompstead / Kai
Favorite Subjects: music Mostly Pokemon, Anime/Manga characters and natural forms.
Characters: Kai
Type(s) of Graphic Medium used: Color, HB, 2B and 4B pencils mostly.
Art Url(s): Bidoof Massacre lol
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