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Obsessive Scribblers~

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That is SO COOL. Haha, I adore it (helloooo new desktop background~); everyone looks amazing XD

And thank you Seri~ And I'm still squeebling over Kratos' awesome, awesome Elphiechu <3

Well, Salamander, I suggest you try doodling aimlessly. Don't worry about trying to draw something perfect, just... doodle and leave stuff unfinished. It's a great way to practice a little and, since it isn't intended to be a finished piece of gorgeous artwork, you won't feel so self-concious. Besides, a lot of my aimless doodles end up looking pretty nice, and I can clean them up/redraw them later.

It's the artist's version of the NaNoWriMo!

*sudden idea* Next month we should do a thing where we all have to draw something every day. Ooh, that'd be fun~
Linoone, that is... epic. In more words then I can say.
God, stop making so much win-ful stuff. Dx

Ooh, Dannichu it'd be like some art meme. Awesome
So guys... I'll be starting on that group-pic. I promise. |D

And in 10 seconds, I edited a Snickers bar and this is what you get:
*sudden idea* Next month we should do a thing where we all have to draw something every day. Ooh, that'd be fun~

Ah, I like that idea - I lurk the ConceptArt.org forums and they have a "Daily Sketch Group" where this one guy posts (usually) Sci-Fi or Fantasy-themed prompts and people draw them. It's right here if anyone wants to look, but note that all of these people are either professionals or just really really good. It makes me feel inferior, actually. But, um, I'm guessing if we did this it'd be a little bit like that?

I am being very slow with my pic. :[ I will work on it today! ...After I clean my room!
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I wonder if I should join this or not. I doodle some stuff on paper, and I'd quite like to show them to people, but at the same time I don't. Maybe I need to start caring less/using the scanner more.
And even if I do join, I'll probably forget to be active anyway.
Fweeee~ Thanks for all the comments~ I feel loved.

Speaking of drawing something everyday.... ART MEME. I'm surprised that nobody has brought it up yet.

I'll do the meme on Monday or something. [/procrastination]
Oh, ironically, I did that meme two days ago. x3

In other news, I made a new icon and banner. For those who have signatures off, here:
I want to do a meme like that.
My printer's busted and it's too much bother to copypasta everything onto it.

I need a tablet D:
Daah, Zora. If only your parents would loosen up enough to get you one. x.x;;
And I understand the pain of doing it with a mouse, so that's (almost) a no-go. D:
Well I haven't asked them until just a few minutes ago.
I asked Dad about getting one for Christmas.
A few minutes of explaining to him what one was later, he said he'd see what he could do.
I'm hopeful :D
Yay~ It would be interesting to see your drawingsmoar often.

By the way, anyone else done the meme? It'd be awesome to have a whole gallery of memes. That (too) would be epic. :D
Oh Strangy. Only you would tag Hitler-kun XDD
(or, uh, draw Jesus in a thong o.o)

I've only done two memes, neither very good, and both done with traditional art (doing memes on paper is SO HARD DX):

Nyu's meme (parts of this might look suspiciously like my art thread intro...)
Wicked meme

There's a House one out there that I'm tempted by, but I don't have a tablet or even a mouse, so it'd be more traditional art... and I don't have a scanner. Clearly, God does not want me doing memes.
Blank House meme here.

Pleaseplease do it~ X3

I can't because it's all blue, and scanning and cutting and pasting things would look horrendous. ):
That fuckin' killed me.

I'ma see if mom fixed my printer so I can do one of these kthx.
Wow Linoone, I LOVE your Halloween OS Picture~! Ahahaha! Ahahaha! So much awesomenocity.

Arylett is too lazy to look at the memes, but she'll look later~

So, Bonfire night, also known as Guy fawkes night, is coming up soon. I'm not sure if it is celebrated in other parts of the world, but in England, we celebrate it by lighting fireworks. So I had a go at a group picture.

Excuse the comic appearence and lack of color. From left to right; Vladmir, Spaekle [wrapped up in Spaekleblanket], Spoon, Flareth, PichuK, Arylett, Me, Seritinajii, Crazy Linoone [enjoying that a firework has blown up in my face] Dannichu, Kratos, Salamander and Eclipse.

[I forgot Zora, sorry. I'll get you in between Kratos and Eclipse as soon as I can.]
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