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Political Compass II


Opinions always subject to change.
(I'm not sure if you're allowed to revive old threads by starting new ones... if not, please lock this ^^')

Just because I stumbled across the old thread, thought the quiz was neat, and figured I'd try to revive it :B


...There really should have been a "No Opinion" option on these damn questions, though. That might be why I got a little further fiscally right than I would've thought. :c I guess it doesn't matter, though; I consider myself more of a moderate than anything, so.
Hmm... I thought I might have been more economically Left and somewhat more Authoritarian.


I think I keep inching closer and closer to the purple. I always think I'm going to be further down the Y axis though.

"When you are troubled, it's better not to think about it, but to keep busy with more cheerful things." WTF?
Just curious- do all of you on the extreme far left actually want with a 100% state-planned economy? Or did the test just put you there?
Let me rephrase: What economic system do those of you on the far left of the scale (Pathos, Alvyren) advocate?

Theoretically speaking it would be a command economy a la communism but I consider myself a socialist (economically) and look what I got.
Is there anyone here who leans towards Authoritarian?

Yes? There were a few in the old thread.


There were a few things I didn't really care about, so I was just like 'agree' rather than 'strongly agree' or whatever! That could be why I'm not as left and down as I thought I'd be.
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