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Stupid things you thought were true

For some reason, up until recently, I thought that Alomomola was only female, and evolved into Frillish (of which I had never seen a male before).

I also thought that Skarmory, Slugma, Phanpy AND Wooper and Remoraid were from Gen III, not Gen II.
For some reason, up until recently, I thought that Alomomola was only female, and evolved into Frillish (of which I had never seen a male before).

I also thought that Skarmory, Slugma, Phanpy AND Wooper and Remoraid were from Gen III, not Gen II.

It makes some sense for Alomomola to be female-only (it's a fish version of Chansey) and it evolving into Frillish is only slightly weirder than Remoraid evolving into Octillery.

And as for thinking Slugma is from Gen III, that might because Hoenn looks like the perfect region to introduce a Pokémon made of lava.
I don't know if someone mentioned this but:
I used to think if you taught a legendary bird FLY, and used the move it would go away. Some idiot told me that back when I only owned pokemon blue.
I was one of those wee young lads who believed a button sequence increased the chance of catching a Pokemon.

This, however, still does not stop myself from doing so today.
Not me, but my friends think that rubbing the PokeBall on the botton screen of Pokemon Black would make catching Pokemon easier...

Still trying to convince them.
When I first encountered a Dunsparce I refused to believe a pokemon this awful could exist and so spent a considerable amount of time furiously trying any and every method to evolve them damned thing.
Consequently I am the proud owner of a level 100 Dunsparce proudly named 'TotalArse' . . .

I also thought that Maractus, Alomamola and Bouffalant were evolutions of Cacnea, Luvdisc and Tauros respectively and had absolutely no idea that Trapinch evolved since it looked nothing like Vibrava. Ain't I special. D'oi!

When I was younger and didn't know much about Pokémon, I used to think that:
-there was a female Pidgeotto evolution named Pidgina.
-the Bird Trio was a bird version of the first three Eeveons, complete with an Eevee equivalent.

Sometimes, my brother told me what happened in some episodes of the anime, but he didn't know the names of some Pokémon and mistook other Pokémon for ones we knew better. That made me think that:
-Metapod (a green bug) and Raichu went crazy when they saw something red.
-Poliwhirl's spiral was a vortex thing that could suck stuff into it (now I know that the one that sucked everyone inside was a Gengar, but back when my brother was telling me the story, I imagined a Poliwhirl).

EDIT: Not the first three Eeveons, because I knew Articuno was an Ice-type. I just thought they were connected like the Eeveons.
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To be honest, I actually can't think of anything really stupid that I once thought. The only one is pretty minor, and that is that I believed that Scizor had better stats than Scyther.

And I do not understand button-mashing for the life of me. My friend attempted to catch a Pokemon like that once, and i just gave him a WTF look.
Well, peraining to holding down the buttons, my friend and I tried it all. we also thought that shouting "Gotcha" into the DS mic would guarantee capture.

I originally thought that Mew evolved into Mewtwo.

A guy at my school swore up and down on two things.
-Splash does damage
-Cloyster evolves into Gastly. (You know, because they're right next to each other in the pokedex.)
-Splash does damage
...oh, God, I remember this one myth that was going around that Splash did awesome damage against Tentacool and Tentacruel. I tried it and was puzzled to find it did no damage just like normal. :(

I also tried this one fake cheat about going to Bill's cottage with Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Articuno, Zadpos and Moltres in your party (I think that was it) and then he would let you into his secret garden. When I took my Pikachu back out of the PC he only had one heart above his head and I had to train him to level 100 before he loved me again.

Oh, and I also believed this one thing about how if you had 17 level 100 Pokémon and talked to some girl in Cerulean City she would give you a Pikablu, but only because Mew's Hangout assured me it did work despite what everybody else on the internet said about there being no data for Pikablu in R/B/Y. Mewkitty wouldn't lie!
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-Splash does damage

...oh, God, I remember this one myth that was going around that Splash did awesome damage against Tentacool and Tentacruel. I tried it and was puzzled to find it did no damage just like normal. :(

I heard a myth that Splash did something different when Wobbuffet used it, but I never actually tried it out because I didn't want to sacrifice one of the four moves that Wobbuffet learns upon becoming a Wobbuffet from Wynaut. So, because I've never tried it: does it work? I'm thinking no...
No. It does not.

I never actually subscribed to any of the silly myths, actually! (Okay, that's probably because no-one I know in real life likes it and so I didn't have anywhere to hear them but.)
I used to think using raindance then splash made it do damage. I never actually tested it because I didn't feel like having a gyarados that knew splash.
I used to think using raindance then splash made it do damage. I never actually tested it because I didn't feel like having a gyarados that knew splash.

You do knoe you could have done a double battle with a gyrados and magikarp.

what I believed in;
1. Any trick to capture Mew

2. Macargo Evolves to Torkoal.(lol)

3.caterpie evolved into Charizard (WTF?)

4.that trick on HOW to get Pikablu (i knew the pokemon was a marill,)
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