New member
Yeah, I've heard that while the Southern US states are regarded as, like, homophobia central, the big cities are more okay with it. Good for you! :D
The more I hear about people getting hateful comments from older family members, the more I'm glad I don't have any old family members (few people in my family live past 60; my oldest family member is my dad's sister, at 55), and then I feel really bad.
The problems with my family are:
-It has a history of long life, so there are many old people in my family. In fact, two of my great-grandparents and all of my grandparents are still alive.
-A good portion of my family lives in Stereotypically Racist, Sexist, and Homophobic Rural Texas™.
-I've heard them say and do some seriously messed-up shit. My mom totally flipped out when my brother and I were acting somewhat sexual with our friends for the lulz and my dad once refused to watch a movie about two guys who were only pretending to be gay just because of the gay theme. The crowning jewel? My mom, dad, and brother were talking with my aunt about a cross dresser that they saw in D.C. and my aunt replied "Some people are just messed up in the head..." in an amused and mocking tone of voice. No one called her out on it.
Ugh... it took forever for me to accept myself, probably because of these family issues and the fact that I was disgusted by gay people just like mommy and daddy for the longest time. Then my attractions developed. I was very confused about my sexuality at the Age In Which Hormones Make Everyone Bicurious, and when I finally figured it out almost a year ago, I obsessed over it for the longest time... I still am, but to a lesser extent. Does this kind of shit really happen in 2010, or am I alone?
Well, it could be worse. If I was trans, I would probably be kicked out if I told my family.