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What are you reading?

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The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield. I've tried to read it on and off throughout the past year, but I always had to read soemthing else instead (usually for English) or I couldn't find it.
I am currently reading "High Society" by Ben Elton, hopefully I will finish that soon and move onto Blind Faith by Ben Elton.
He writes great books.
Just finished "The Sea of Monsters" by Rick Riordan.

Reading Nickel and Dimed by Some Jerk.
H8 this book so hard

I want to start reading A Prayer for Owen Meany. Luckily it's on my summer reading list for AP English (and Nickel and Dimed is required D:).
The Hana Yori Dango or Boys over Flowers series by Kamio Yoko. And it is SO SO GOOD

I'm already on volume twenty-seven! o_o

This summer I also plan on finding Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Howl's Moving Castle.
Still haven't finished Les Mis, but I'm rereading Fingersmigh by Sarah Waters because I watched the 3-episode dramatization of it on Youtube earlier (which was actually very well-done) and then felt the need to read it again.
Currently, I'm on the last 50-odd pages of Orson Scott Card's Speaker for the Dead. Possibly one of the saddest books I've read in a while, and certainly one of the most gripping. I've been near obsessively reading it for the last few days.

Next up, Isaac Asimov's Foundation and Earth. Should be a hoot. God, I read too much sci-fi. :3
(When Dannichu/Full Metal Cookies posted right after another, I thought that Dannichu had double posted. The avvies look so alike! XD)

Just finished book four of the Ranger's Apprentice series. Does anyone know if there will be anymore?
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