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When the Worlds Need Us [MASS CROSSOVER RP]

Well I was gunna use my TF2 OC for a second chara but then everyone else decided to use TF2 charas so >:C

Name: (She doesn't really have a name that she can remember, but you can call her...) Little Sister
Media: Bioshock
Gender: Female

Appearance: Looking about six years old, Little Sister is relatively tiny and delicate, with slender limbs, a round face, and delicate body. She has long black hair that's pulled back into a ponytail, and a large dirty pink bow on her head. Her dress is also pink and a bit grungy and torn, and she doesn't wear shoes. Her eyes, however, are rather different for a normal child, being large, yellow, and lamplike, seeming to glow. Her skin is rather dirty and dark looking, as well. She carries a large, makeshift needle with her.

Personality: She is mostly innocent and childlike, and rather carefree, expect when frightened. Her mental conditioning causes her to see the world around her as a paradise, everything pristinely clean and perfect, though the vision shatters when she's scared.

Abilities: Can instantly regenerate any harm inflicted upon her (except the force from an explosion), but beyond that she's a normal little girl.

Other: She's probably gunna look for someone to latch onto, hurhur
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(You see why I was so hesitant to join as the BLU Soldier now? I agree, we have too many TF2 characters here.)

Anyway, still trying to decide who to be. I'll get back to you once I do. Yay, it's like Rift, only I don't have to run it! :D
It did annoy me how the people here have literary endless choices and yet people kept signing up as characters from the same game.

Maybe I should've put a limitation on how many characters from the same media there can be. :V

Name: Zero

Media: Pokemon (original character)

Gender: Male

Appearance: Here's a Trainer Card:

Personality: Zero is an easygoing guy (although he likes some adventure now and then), but all the things he's gone through in life has hardened him. Since he has so few people in his life, he'll do anything to protect the ones he does have, and when he's angry, all hell brakes loose and he becomes rash and quick-to-think.

Abilities: He can send his Pokemon (see Trainer Card for his lineup) into battle and implement their various abilities. He's also skilled with a dagger and in hand-to-hand combat, and cold hold his own if he has to fight that way.

Other: Some background: Zero is a 15-year old trainer who hails from Kanto, born on Cinnabar Island (before the volcano erupted). He was only 3 on the day of the eruption, and while he was with his grandparents in Pewter City, safe from the eruption, his parents were still on the island, and they died in the catastrophe. Being only 3 years old at the time, he barely remembers the day or how he reacted to it. His grandparents soon took to raising him, but his grandmother died 1 year later from natural causes. That left Zero's grandfather, a retired trainer, to raise the child, and it was Zero's grandfather that got him into Pokemon training. Zero was 11 when his grandfather (and supposed only family) died from a heart attack, and, with no one else in his life, Zero ran off and lived on the streets, with only the clothes on his back and a few empty Pokeballs, and a dagger that his dad had left him. Before long, Zero caught his first Pokemon, and many more later, and from there, he travelled the world and grew into the acclaimed trainer he is today.
Well there was already a character named Zero so now there's two Zero's but I guess we'll survive or something.

Yay, it's like Rift, only I don't have to run it! :D
I actually made a thread about this in the Rift social group.
It did annoy me how the people here have literary endless choices and yet people kept signing up as characters from the same game.

Maybe I should've put a limitation on how many characters from the same media there can be. :V

Just use your own discretion. Some franchises lend themselves to more characters, and some less. Make a list in the opening post showing which ones have too many.
Name: Flandre Scarlet
Media: Touhou Project
Gender: Female

Appearance: She looks like this. And here's a picture of her with her staff.

Personality: For the most part she is docile and very naive. Having been locked in a basement for most of her 500 years of life, she shows curiosity towards most things and has a never-ending sense of wonder towards the hugeness of the world. However, she is also very unbalanced, knowing very little about proper social conduct and going off on rambling tangents. She tends to cling to people and be over-dependent and is rarely on the front lines because of this.

Abilities: Her tiny form and kind (but unstable) nature hides immense destructive power. Though her wings are merely aesthetic, she can fly and also possesses super-strength, but more importantly, she can focus on points of tension within objects and increase it to the breaking point, and by clenching her fist she can destroy it, though this requires her to focus, so if she's scared or upset her abilities are compromised. She wields a wand (called "Laevateinn") which helps her focus her power and can be used hand-to-hand.

Other: She's a vampire, so she does need to feed off of humans every now and then. I won't make her go after any of the playable characters, though. Just...if you see her go after a human enemy with a little too much zeal or spend a little too much time around a dead body, you'll know why. (Yes, I know they prefer live victims, but whatever)

I toned her down somewhat so she won't be so cheap, because her canon power is literally "complete annihilation of almost everything she sees". I'm also downplaying her craziness to something a little less violent for the same reason, playing the more "uber-sheltered child" Flandre rather than the "omnicidal maniac" Flandre.
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Interesting RP is interesting. Plus I have a good character idea. Well, actually, two of them.

See, I'm using two characters because one of them is, well, silent. I need a second character to compensate for this.

Name: Leon (The Silent Protagonist)
Media: Dragon Quest IV
Gender: Male


Personality: Leon is very quiet. For real. He doesn't say anything at all. However, most people manage to understand what he means through his motions and expressions. Over time, he has learned how to talk, but he still rarely speaks. Leon has a strong sense of justice and is willing to defend his friends, but occasionally, if he gets bored with the situation at hand, he goes off to take care of some random business of his, usually in the middle of an important moment. After all, the perfect time to run errands is when the world is about to be destroyed amirite?

Abilities: Leon has a sword. He slashes people with it. He kills them. He also can cast some magic and teleport people to places that he has been, but he mostly just uses a sword.

Other: Nothing, really.

Name: Malcolm
Media: Disgaea series
Gender: Male
Appearance: Big pic, just click

Personality: Malcolm is very hyper. He is pretty feisty and gets into many fights, often for ridiculous reasons. He thinks himself to be above most other people in just about every aspect. He is quite selfish. He always speaks his mind, and points out the flaws in other people frequently.

Abilities: Well, he explodes when thrown. Kind of. You see, he's got this red scarf that allows him to not randomly explode, but when it's taken off, he can explode. He compensates for this by having a million and one things in his little pouch/bag. He fights with small daggers, but he is incredibly agile. He also has many bombs in his pouch and tends to use them alot.

Other: I'm not too well informed about Prinnies, so some of this might be a bit off. He's based off of a random Prinny I have in one of my files.
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Can I reserve too?

Eh, reserve me as well. need to think of a character @_@

EDIT: whoa, choosing a character took less time than I thought.

Name: Sora
Media: Kingdom Hearts
Gender: Male
Appearance: From KHII cause 14-year-old!Sora is kinda pathetic.
Personality: Sora is an upbeat sort of person, highly optimistic and very forgiving. He's willing to risk his life even for people he doesn't know well (probably prompting him to help the multiverse in the first place).
However, he's also somewhat gullible and oblivious to the (somewhat) obvious. At the same time, he has a great sense of justice(so obviously the villains couldn't trick him into helping or whatever). He can't tolerate cowardice or selfishness either, leading him to call people out on it.
Abilities: Sora's most notable ability is the use of his Keyblade, which, in his corner of the multiverse, was one of the few weapons that could destroy Heartless, though it works just fine on people, too. He's also somewhat proficient in magic, and in extreme circumstances, he can either summon a friend to help or transform into a "Drvie Form" via his magical clothes.
Other: His magical clothes are also useful for changing his form in certain areas of the multiverse.

(I'm thinking the abilties might be too much? I guess I could delete the summons and/or the Drive Forms (since technically they're not supposed to work without party members)
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Skymin accepted, Aryllet reserved, Blaziking (dood) accepted, Patar reserved and Flora accepted.
Name: Moonwing (Diamagon Ace)
Media: Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker
Gender: Female
Appearance: The sprites are small but this is an image.
Basically, a bipedal dragon with cerulean scales and a thin but muscular build. Two large, bat-like wings; four horns on the back of its head, two on each side and the top one larger than the bottom; spikes along its spine; three-toed clawed feet, clawed hands; a long and thick tail; finally, light violet armor on its torso, the tip of its tail, its thighs and the top of its skull, trimmed with gold. Oh, yes, and it has narrow green eyes and a head somewhat like a gecko's.
Personality: Moonwing is proud, thanks to the fact that she was revered back in her own world, and likes to act independent. She is bold, but this can lead her into bad situations. She is also intelligent and likes to outsmart the enemy, and will only resort to force if worse comes to worst. She's calm and only short-tempered if someone insults her or someone who is close. She tends not to make many friends but is extremely loyal to those whom she does know. What pushed her to help the multiverse was the fact that though her world wasn't perfectly peaceful, she did enjoy what peace she had and wanted to recover it.
Abilities: Steadily recovers health in battle if it is lost, somewhat like Leftovers in Pokemon. Can summon icicles to rain down on the foe, a waterspout, or an explosion.
Other: Her name is Moonwing but her species is a diamagon ace; you can just put "diamagon ace" on the first post if you want to.
Name: Lucidia
Media: Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker , with monsters from Dragon Quest 8 (If that's okay - they have lookalikes if not)
Gender: Female
Appearance: Lucidia is a monster scout - although quite customized. She is a little over five feet tall and has blue eyes and curly bronze hair. She hates wearing socks and so she is usually dressed in a dark blue-gray t-shirt, khaki capris, and gray multi-purpose shoes which look a little like hiking boots. She also has a scout ring on her left hand's ring finger - it's a silver loop with a bright green orb stuck in it.
Personality: Lucidia is usually optimistic and friendly. She can also be naive, and doesn't seem to pay attention to herself much. She enjoys hanging out with her monsters and is careful to neither spoil nor upset or tire them too much. However she only has the three in this form, and she isn't inclined to get more.
Abilities: She's a normal person, but she has three monsters who accompany her just about everywhere:

-Name: Lightning
-Species: Hellspawn
-Gender: Female
-Appearance: This
-Skillset Summary: Can use magical powers of lightning and ice, and has some resistance to these attacks. Has higher than average defense against magic and attack power with magic.

-Name: Dorchet
-Species: Fowl Fighter
-Gender: Male
-Appearance: This except mostly white with crimson shoulders and tail feathers
-Skillset Summary: Wields many elements (darkess, light, wind, ice, lightning) with his sword. Has higher than average attack.

-Name: Blackstar
-Species: Solaris
-Gender: Male
-Appearance: This but with a dark purple comet, fading to fuschia towards the tail.
-Skillset Summary: Specializes in explosion and fire attacks. Has higher than average magic power and physical defense.

Other: This is probably really confusing. Oh, and don't worry, these monsters do have flaws.
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All right! I've finally settled on my choice.

Name: DORUmon & Tokomon (X)
Media: Digimon (Digital Monster X-Evolution)
Gender: Male
Appearance: This is DORUmon, and this is Tokomon (X).

Personality: DORUmon is a warm, friendly, and pacifistic Digimon. Though he has a somewhat childish manner, he also has a strong sense of justice due to the injustice he has seen and experienced. He fights fiercely when his friends are under threat, Tokomon especially. Tokomon is a very young Digimon who has been entrusted to DORUmon. Thus, he is like a baby, always laughing or crying and incapable of understanding much. He knows few words and refers to DORUmon as "Mon." The two are best friends who have been through much together.

Abilities: DORUmon's primary attack is Metal Cannon, in which he fires round, metal projectiles--either one or multiple ones--from his mouth like a cannon. This has little affect on most Digimon due to DORUmon's lesser form, and other beings will often sustain less damage depending on their level of power.

DORUmon, like any Digimon, has the ability to evolve when his emotions and willpower are pushed to their limit. His other forms are DORUgamon, DORUgremon, and finally, the legendary Alphamon (Ouryuuken form). With each evolution he has a drastic boost in power and abilities, and he will remain in his current form until he evolves or regresses due to overexertion.

DORUmon is a natural carrier of the X-Antibody, and as such, if another Digimon is in need, he can pass it on to them in order to boost their strength. (I don't expect this to occur in the RP.)

Tokomon is basically helpless, though he has been known to bite with his surprising number of hidden fangs.

Other: I didn't consider Tokomon major enough for his own form, but I can separate the two if you like. Also, as their movie of origin was never dubbed, I will use original names and terms as opposed to those of the dub. Whenever DORUmon evolves, I'll make changes to his form accordingly. (Images courtesy of With the Will's Card Terminal (Alphamon Ouryuuken) and Digimon Wiki (everything else))

That took entirely too long.
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Well there was already a character named Zero so now there's two Zero's but I guess we'll survive or something.


Whoops, forgot about the other Zero. I'll see if I can think up another name...in the meantime i'll just live with what I got.
Name: Mmmph Huddahudda mmphhhda
Occupation: RED Pyro
Media: Team Fortress 2
Gender: Unknown. No Seriously unknown. ((I say a male but others disagree))
Appearance: Link for huge picture
Personality: Well s/he doesn't talk so not much is known, but s/he has a great((Apparently)) sense of humor because s/he wears a Respectless Rubber Glove on his/her head and likes to Air Guitar. Very talkative, or at least attempts to talk a lot. Also always attempts to get 'acheivements' even though no such thing exists((haha what an idiot oh god this guy's crazy!))
Abilities: Ability to ignite pretty much everything on fire with a Flamethrower, able to shoot people with Shotgun, able to chop people to death with Fire Axe. Also has all the taunts available to in game Characters. Also has the ability to confuse people as to what gender s/he is and what s/he's actually saying.
Other: mmmmph mphhh hudda hudahudahudammph mpfa hudda mmpha mmph

Undecided on other character. Maybe a Pokémon or Bowser or someone.
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Name:lelouch lamperouge
Media:code geass
Gender: male
Personality: It's hard to come up with a "hero" who is more unabashedly, unashamedly evil. Seriously. Lelouch is a liar, a thief, a manipulator, and a mass murderer with a body count. He did have good intentions in the end and was willing to pay the price.
Abilities: master of tactics can indefinetly control people (only his minions in this case) Weilds an ancient sword.
Other: none

Yeah I might not be active during the summer so you can give away my character.
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