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NaNoWriMo 2009

Are we going to do it in teams, as we tried to in 2007, or in groups (pick a few individuals you want to war with), or free-for-all... does anyone have a preference? I don't.

I finally got most of the basic plot for my story hammered out, thank god. It was all ambiguous and full of holes before, but now it makes sense (as much sense as is necessary for stupid parodyfic) and I can see room for all the mystery elements and silly stuff I need. Still plenty to iron out, of course, but nothing that can't be crapped out on the fly come November. The story is currently called Zelos Wilder, Dame Investigator, but that is incredibly lame and doesn't sound very 1930's at all. I'm still trying to think of something gaudy, edgy and kitschy enough, but it isn't working. >| *goes back to trying to channel Dashiell Hammett*

And FYI, Negrek, the one with the princess and the alien gypsies was the one about the deck of playing cards.
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In the two teams? I don't mind either way really, but it seems the simplest way of word-warring and we're short of time. :B Just post to get put into a team? Like, I'd be in Team A, the next poster who's up for the word war would be in Team B, the next in Team A etc. etc. then I guess we just have to set up the widget.

Can I ask though, whyyyy is NaNo in November? o_x Why not August or something, when thumb-twiddling is the most you have to keep you busy.

Oh, and I'm here.
A story based on the Canterbury Tales frame story actually sounds pretty cool--the frame is more interesting than half of the stories anyway, based on what I've read. (Although... finding some way to include the Reeve's and Miller's tales might be kind of cool, if nothing else. Just for the stupid slapstick sex factor, anyway.)

They're fantastic played on stage! My school did a show based on some of the Tales two years ago and it was awesome.
Kinova said:
In the two teams? I don't mind either way really, but it seems the simplest way of word-warring and we're short of time. :B Just post to get put into a team? Like, I'd be in Team A, the next poster who's up for the word war would be in Team B, the next in Team A etc. etc. then I guess we just have to set up the widget.

This sounds like a pretty good idea. I can edit the first post to have a list of team members.
But we do need to set up the widget, and I wouldn't know how.
I'm thinking of making a story about a guy who must fight Satan.

So that he can get his hamburger back.

But we do need to set up the widget, and I wouldn't know how.
Unless you're talking about some other widget than the wordcount-bar used last year, it already is set up. (If you don't see the bar, it's just because the NaNo servers are swamped around this time and the script might not have been able to grab data to generate the image. The code is just fine.)
There is a word war widget on the official site, but it's meant for two to five individuals and pulls word count directly from individual user accounts. There isn't one that will handle groups by default; I imagine it would be possible to fiddle with the data output in such a way that you could get it to aggregate data from multiple accounts and put it on one bar (presumably what they're doing for the region war widgets), but I wouldn't know how to do it. I guess it would be possible to set up two dummy accounts and combine all of a team's wordcounts in the one, but we'd already be doing the adding ourselves and there's really no point. Why not just put everyone's nanobar code in the first post under their team and leave it at that?
Why not just put everyone's nanobar code in the first post under their team and leave it at that?

That sounds good enough for me.

So, whoever is interested in Word Warring, post and say so. We'll do what Kinova said; the first person to post is Team A, second is Team B, third Team A, and so on and so forth. I'll add the word count bars to the first post and we should be set.

EDIT: If someone wants to make up some creative names for the teams, I wouldn't mind. Team A and Team B are boring names.
Signing up. User ID is 200427.

Oh, and Negrek--your history is blank because right now you have to update it manually. It's somewhere in your Author Info settings, I think.
Buhhhh. I shall search!

Also, do we say what team we're joining, or just sign up? (Are there only two teams?)
Found my winner button setting. Yaaay.

And sure, I'll get in on the war. Sort me wherever, I suppose.
...and this is why I need to pay attention.

So there is a war going on now? I'd like to know a little more, but I'll join none the less~
I'll join, I guess. My NaNo profile's here, if you need it. But I don't really expect to update much. If I don't count my words I'll not feel bad about doing so little, but I'll probably have like a mass count each week or so. :/
Hmm... not really that interested in the word-war thing, but I suppose if any of the teams needs an extra person they could add me in.
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