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Obsessive Scribblers~

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Only four days until the Draw-A-Thon!

Expect a lot of my stuff to be holiday-themed, because Christmas.
And I'll start coming up with ideas tonight.
Because to me, as soon as I finish Thanksgiving dinner (The first time, seconds don't count), the Christmas season has begun.

Today is Turkey Day in America! I'm not eating turkey! I think...

I personally only like Turkey Day because it gives the school an excuse to stick a break here. Hurr. The bad part is that my parents are home, so no scanner activity for me.

So I'll probably be able to put up the group pic on Dec. 1. And, as for the new members... You'll have to be on a seperate piece of paper, if that's fine with you...
:DDDDD We really need more crackshippings in this thread, mainly due to the influence of this quote of Dannichu's (refering to why Kratos is amused in her OS group picture), "It's just that Kratos really likes Spoon." No really, we should a have a pairing fest of insomnia, and draw the crack shippings. It'd be fun~

Oh, and hi, new members :3 I seriously need to update the memberlist.
Just in case you're wondering, I've not forgotten about this place. I'm drawing something right now, and I might scan it at the weekend if possible. It's a picture of some of my clay Pokemon (and a few non-Pokemon too), being all alive and such.

I may try the December Arty-thing, but they'll all definitely be doodles.
Oh, before it turns into the first of December... Can anyone suggest a good, over 30 page sketchbook? Obviously I can't submit a drawing every day, so I'm just going to draw each day and post them all at once after December is over. :D

Bienfang makes some pretty good ones that I can usually find at staples; I've only seen these in places like Michael's and other art stores but Strathmore makes good ones in all sizes; Canson makes good sketchbooks, but again, I've only seen those in art stores and sometimes some nice hardcover ones in big book stores like Barnes and Noble. (I'm very sorry if you live somewhere else and have no clue what the hell any of these stores are. I tried. :[)

The prices for them are kind of ridiculous sometimes, but I personally prefer buying hardcover sketchbooks. I carry my sketchbooks all over the place, and the paper cover ones tend to get that thing that I hate where the bottom right corner is all messed up and nasty. And then there's been a few times where I've had a particularly shitty sketchbook just completely die on me in my backpack. I hate it. :c

I'm gonna try my hardest to participate in this Art-A-Thon! Because I really haven't been posting much lately.
Spoon said:
Dannichu said:
"It's just that Kratos really likes Spoon."

:D This is brilliant.
I secretly ship Flareth/Zora and Arylett/Spaekle and Kratos/Dannichu and Vlad/Everyone.
DON'T ASK MY MIND IS SCREWED UP actually they're sorta canon hmmmm

Oh and Vlad, that video has pretty pictures~

You scare me now.....

Thanksgiving.....it was fun.

I feel like seeing a Rolled!group picture. I can just imagine us singing it after the "..." factor is done. xDDDD
Haha, I support the OS pairings hugely XDDD
Sorry guys, but I totally see Flareth/Zora. And Arylett/Kinova. And Vlad/everyone, but that's a given.
And Crazy Linoone/Spoon because a picture of that would be really cute :3

If I really start running low on ideas for pictures, I might have to assign everyone a number and pull numbers randomly out of a hat or something XDD

Which gives me a (slightly less potentially disturbing) idea! We should totally do a Secret Santa :D

(I'm working out how who-gets-whom could stay secret until the day in my head... we could get a non-OSer to pick random pre-assigned numbers?)

And WOAH that video is SO COOL. I approve hugely. It's very, very film noir-y and very sad and the voice over is extremely cool and I like the smooshing effect (look at me, I' know all the technical terms!) on the "NO!" part. And the haaaaaands. Are so good.
I secretly ship Flareth/Zora and Arylett/Spaekle and Kratos/Dannichu and Vlad/Everyone.

It seems I have a new secret pairing buddy(not like that, fools. |:<). <3

Thanks Spaekle and Dannichu! I've seen all of those sketchbooks before, but never knew they were any good. I'll try and see if any of them fit my needs. x3
:D This is brilliant.
I secretly ship Flareth/Zora and Arylett/Spaekle and Kratos/Dannichu and Vlad/Everyone.
DON'T ASK MY MIND IS SCREWED UP actually they're sorta canon hmmmm

Oh and Vlad, that video has pretty pictures~
Me and Spaekle? ;;Snackers;; Oooooh, what would Arylett/Spaekle be called? Umm... Crazybuddyshipping! Oh and Kratos/Dannichu makes sense to me too.

And yes, Putin's video has much pretty pictures. Oh and I love the music. And the voice. Oh and the way it looks all old timey, it's a nice effect.

Haha, I support the OS pairings hugely XDDD
Sorry guys, but I totally see Flareth/Zora. And Arylett/Kinova. And Vlad/everyone, but that's a given.
And Crazy Linoone/Spoon because a picture of that would be really cute :3

If I really start running low on ideas for pictures, I might have to assign everyone a number and pull numbers randomly out of a hat or something XDD

Which gives me a (slightly less potentially disturbing) idea! We should totally do a Secret Santa :D

(I'm working out how who-gets-whom could stay secret until the day in my head... we could get a non-OSer to pick random pre-assigned numbers?)

And WOAH that video is SO COOL. I approve hugely. It's very, very film noir-y and very sad and the voice over is extremely cool and I like the smooshing effect (look at me, I' know all the technical terms!) on the "NO!" part. And the haaaaaands. Are so good.
Me and Kinovacakes? Oooh! I know the name for that one! Kinovarylettshipping! ;;SNACKERS!;; Ahahaha~ Arylett massively supports OS pairings, because they amuse her~ And yes, Linoone/Spoonie is awesomenocity and would be cute.

Secret Santa is an AWESOMELY COOL idea Danni, we should TOTALLY DO IT. Yes, yes, yes, yes~!

Hmm... If I did decide to do the December Draw-A-Thon... it'd probably all be uncoloured stuff. Still contemplating it. Maybe I will~ Maybe I won't. I'll have to get HUGE ARYLETTMOTIVATION built up though.
Secret Santa would be awesome. We can to give each other drawings...

And my Art-a-Thon drawings are probably all going to be random uncolored sketches. Just because.

Oh yes! And Kinova/Arylett! Why haven't I thought of that before? Silly Linoone. And Dannichu/everyone and Danni/Vlad also works. Although I still prefer Dannichu/Kratos because it's totally canon and awesome. And then of course, Dwagie/Shockail because I can.

ECPLISE paring buddy~ :D

I think we're scaring away the new members.

Oh EW. Me and Flareth?
Never EVER gonna happen.
I already have a bf anyway, he just can't be an OS because he has no scanner. He said he might be getting a tablet though so I'll see if I can nag him to join if he does. :]
I'm afraid that I don't really know what shippings are, but by the sounds of things, I'm guessing that its coupling/pairing.

OMG ITS ONLY 3 DAYS TILL NaDecArtMo!!! I've been practising drawing something new each day of the week, as people who view my art thread will find out.

It's nearly december, so we should all be getting our Danniscarfs out. X)
XD OShipping~ I'm seeing FMC/Spaekle (because for some reason I always used to get you two mixed uuuup D<) and Danni/scarf. Don't deny it.

Woah, Vlad. That video was really well done. I particularly liked the backgrounds in it, and all the face close-ups. The picture where you can see the guy's single blue eye is so well drawn; I also especially liked the one where you could see the single streak of light over the Police Officer's face.

Secret Santa? Hey, that's not a bad idea. We'd have to sort out who's taking part soonish... would be fun, though. :D

Th - three days? *Panic mode* (Also, gogogo for it, Arylett~ You know you want to. Art-A-Thon~)

Oh, and RainbowRayquaza, I suddenly remembered those clay Pokemon of yours; they were reaaly cool. :D
i am such a pimp.

um excuse me i top everyone, kk?

Anyway December art thing rapidly approaching, awesome. I'll probably throw in something AIDS-related for the first day (since the first of December is World AIDS Day and all), no clue about the rest.
Thanks to everyone who commented about the video, it's awesome to receive feedback.
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