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Obsessive Scribblers~

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now all you need is stick "objection!" over it

Aww, come on. You should know me better than that. There's no way I'd make a running comic and not use an Objection joke.

This...is actually quite bad D:
Not only is it from when my drawing skills were horrible, it's from before I even learned to shade properly.
I'm thinking of remaking it though :D
OTL Sorry. I've been neglecting my duties as a member here. School started and I'm still trying to adjust from the move. D:

Anyways, Crazy Linoone, that picture is epic, and I will have to draw myself with the Dannigear because 1.) she is an epic person and 2.) RAINBOWS. XD
Godamn how did I manage to miss such awesome stuff out of my last post D:?

Im finally going to bring up the courage and post my two fursonas here because I still need help on which one to use. I just hope you guys like them, because I do. The quality may be different but on the Fox one I had some references for clothing folds and positions.

My Wolf Fursona
My Fox Fursona
Those are -really- good, especially the fox x3

Happy Valentines Day!!! Warning: Contains giant rainbows and lots of hearts X3 I tried to draw most of the OS's in it (Sorry Eeveeskitty for making you wear pink, and sorry Arlett for making you look .... strange, and Ice I made you the wrong colors D:)

Dannichu wants YOU to dress someone up as her! Featuring inactive Kratos and inactive Spheal.

Apologies to all whom I've abused in this picture. Don't kill meee Kratos pleeese
Will do.

Hehe, I love the expressions in Ice's comics. They're always perfect X3
Having something called perfect by Danni is awesome :D

And I have an awesome drawing of my Form Tutor drawn Anime style :D
Once I put the finishing touches to it, I'll scan it in (Speaking of which, I eavesdropped (AKA listened to what my parents were saying under the pretence of listening to music) and heard my Dad consider giving me the old scanner/printer :D
Now I just need to wait for him to do ittt D:)
Daw Ice Tiger's pic is awesome~

But anyway for future drawzings of me I have black hair(I know...strange...)

:x sorry >.>
But your avie has blond hair so I only assumed XD

Oh and *Bows down to danni for she called my drawing 'brilliant'* *Is flattered*
We're fourteen posts away from 1,000 posts~

I need to be more active, and so do some other poeple. Maybe we could have some sort of contest, or idea. Like making a Pokémon, like Nosepass, or Magnezone be considered adorable, or drawing something out of the ordinary? Oh, or we could do a few art trades or something? If any of you guys have an idea, or two don't be afraid to say such.

Oh, and I'm being absolutely lazy with up dating the memberlist, so if you're not on the list and would like to be on it, just quote this and post a link to your art thread or something.

Linoone, DanniSpoon is one of the most adorable things I've seen in a while :3 Ice Tiger, it's really nice you've been so active, and the Valentine's Day group picture is vastly amusing. I really need to comment on more artwork, so post a picture you'd like to be reviewed after this post, and I'll unwillingly review it :3
The blue dragon is so nicely done~ I love the colour blue and your dragon's blue is near my favorite shade! And the outline's done by pen, it's so good.
Words do not BEGIN to describe how great this picture is. Mind if I colour it? :3

Go ahead~ :3

XDDDDD This is awesome. I like your expression, and the abuse of rainbows is always awesome. And the rainbow slash goggles are awesome.

Aww, come on. You should know me better than that. There's no way I'd make a running comic and not use an Objection joke.
[whee image]
This...is actually quite bad D:
Not only is it from when my drawing skills were horrible, it's from before I even learned to shade properly.
I'm thinking of remaking it though :D

:D Yay! Remake it remakeitremakeit!!! I love your expression in the second scene, and the dog-thing's expression in the first.

This is supposed to be that snowy mountain in Mother 3 with the group doing stuff

Lucas is wearing a ushanka~ I quite like that. :)

I've drawn a lot more, but I'm too lazy to do any scanning right now. :{ I love the Dannispoon picture as well. I actually have a rainbow scarf which I wore to school when it was (oddly enough) cold.

D: Why does everyone have a rainbow scarf besides meeeee?

But the picture is cute. I really need to get my hands on Mother some day... I like how the guy (is it Lucas?) is all shivering while the other guy is just staring at him with a :I face.

hay look I drew something.

No crits/comments from me right now as I should probably be doing dishes. Just ask if you want me to comment on anything specific though. (I warn you I am bad at critting though)

WHOA awesome shading and scales! And, and, and you drew that with a pen? *bows* ALL HAIL THE MIGHTY DRAGON-ARTIST FMC. I really like the dragon's front legs; the muscles and the front claws are really nice.

And, whee, people are alive~ (psst spoon we should have a event thing where each member has to draw another member dressed up as another member. That would be fun.)
6 posts away from 1000 now.

I'm sorry that I've been really inactive round here; I haven't been drawing much lately and I'm too lazy to give crit for each person. I do take a look at pretty much everything posted round here, I just can't be bothered to comment on them all. So instead, I'll just comment on the last 2-3 drawings posted.

... - I really like how this (And anything) is drawn in biro. Lucas' expression and the other person just looking up at him is adorable.

FMC - Wow... I really a rather speechless here. I really need to get myself photoshop at some point. And a working scanner. And a replacement pen tablet. Thinking about it, I really need to get a lot more stuff for this laptop.
Kay got my stuff scanned in. Dad said I couldn't have the scanner but I'm going to ask to use it more often to prompt him to let me have it :D

I'm pretty annoyed that it wasn't picked up very well by the scanner, but eh >.<

I love the lineart and the pose and the coloring and everything. The face looks a little smushed it, but who cares about that when the lining is so detailed? :3

D: Why does everyone have a rainbow scarf besides meeeee?

But the picture is cute. I really need to get my hands on Mother some day... I like how the guy (is it Lucas?) is all shivering while the other guy is just staring at him with a :I face.

Aaw, thanks. :) Lucas is the one with the :I face; the freezing person is Kumatora.

... - I really like how this (And anything) is drawn in biro. Lucas' expression and the other person just looking up at him is adorable.

Thanks! The first pen I was using ran out of ink, so I had to use some lame erasable pen for the rest of the picture. :x

Kay got my stuff scanned in. Dad said I couldn't have the scanner but I'm going to ask to use it more often to prompt him to let me have it :D
I'm pretty annoyed that it wasn't picked up very well by the scanner, but eh >.<

I like the expressions on everyone and the random dude holding out his arms.
Jack's head looks a little weird.

Hah, I'd love to do a 'draw another member' thing here.

I drew more stuff. I blame VPLJ (argh you got me drawing politislash).

I drew the President of Russia (Dmitrij Medvedev) holding hands with the president of Iran (Mahmoud Ahmadinejad). Of course, the scanner killed the sublety of my charcoal shading and prima colors, so I did some photoshop stuff.
Before and

Last edited:
I like the expressions on everyone and the random dude holding out his arms.
Jack's head looks a little weird.
Aww, I like that part the best as well x3
I'm surprised you could make much of it out though. Stupid scanner was horrible D:
That'll teach me to use a Pencil Crayon instead of a Fine-liner :<

Oh wait, Dad said I couldn't have the scanner D:
So yeah, curse my Dad for the couple of hours wait you'll have before you can see RainbowIce D:

In the meantime however, another Ice and GF0 comic



Artist's Comments
Blargh. Horrible drawing in this one >.<
I didn't spend too much time on it.
I found the joke on a site full of Pranks, in the "How to annoy your room mate" section. It said to hang a horseshoe above a door and praise it's lucky powers, and then a few weeks later to take it down and bandage your head and curse the shoe...


Thanks everyone! Now I have confidence that my drawings don't make people rip their eyes out. Though I must point out one comment that I saw:

The shading's not half-bad, either.
are you kidding
That was the first *actual* attempt at art I have ever made (the shading was excruciating and took *forever*), and such a comment coming from a great artist like you, well.
that just made my day. thank you.

Also guys I've bought a nice set of colored pencils (prismacolor, not crayola, so). Next drawing will be in /color/. (cue confetti)
I'm really happy that you guys liked my diamond and carbon dogs :D I did try very hard to make them look good, I'm glad it worked, thanks!

Right, I've actually got something to say about FMC's Dragon here!
I love how realistic it is! And I like how you can be bothered to draw so many little scales. I just don't have the patience for that D:
I think the little claws on the wings look a little odd pointing in different directions like that. The one behind it might look better pointing down and forward like the other one. The tail doesn't seem to get much thinner near the end, but I dunno if it's supposed to be like that.

And I like the Objection-Injection comic. It's simple but effective :D

Okay, time for some recent-ish stuff I couldn't be bothered to scan until now.


Baby Drago from Mother 3. This was coloured with pencil first, then with pen over it. I dunno if it made much of a difference or not...


Weird thing I drew at silly o'clock in the morning. A mix of a few of my favourite Pokemon, whoever can guess them all wins some air. Also coloured with pencil + pen.


I'm not sure what happened here, but I ended up doing some pretty weird shading. Looks okay I guess.

I coloured that dog from a while back too. I quite like it.

Oh, does a rainbow hat count as a Dannihat? If so, I have recently acquired a Dannihat. My dad got it for Christmas and I wanted it, but he's found that he likes my hat better, so we did a trade. It's a rather nice hat and I can see you.
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