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Odd Truths Thread

It just gets me because there are sixth graders that have a larger cup size than me, and a lot of time my guy friends thoguht it'd be funny to make comments like 'If you had boobs, you'd probably be hot' or 'you have the same bra size as my sister - she's in third grade!', which wasn't the greatest for my self-esteem.

And the tissue has actually fooled quite a few people. But then again, they weren't exactly the brightest people in the world.
Oh, don't listen to them. Boobs are boobs, and they're just fine no matter the size. Boys are immature for the most part, especially at your age. Don't worry about what they think is hot and what they don't, because chances are they don't even know what they think is "hot" in a girl yet and they're just parroting what other boys say.

You are "small" by no stretch of the imagination even if you're only an A cup. And there's nothing wrong with smaller than an A cup anyway. Plus, smaller boobs have less of a chance of getting breast cancer :D
It just gets me because there are sixth graders that have a larger cup size than me, and a lot of time my guy friends thoguht it'd be funny to make comments like 'If you had boobs, you'd probably be hot' or 'you have the same bra size as my sister - she's in third grade!', which wasn't the greatest for my self-esteem.

And the tissue has actually fooled quite a few people. But then again, they weren't exactly the brightest people in the world.
Different people develop differently. Don't worry too much about it.

But the important thing is that you are in middle school. There's something very important to remember about middle school: very few people in middle school are actually people. People in middle school tend to be extremely insecure. A notable percentage of these people then decide to try to pretend that they're not currently hating themselves by making everyone else feel bad. Probably you're one of the people trying to develop some sense of self-esteem without making everyone else's lives just that tiny bit more miserable, but ... middle school. It sucks. It will continue to suck. It will probably mostly stop sucking by the time you're in tenth grade. Until then, have fun with hormones and puberty and crazy expectations, or rather make the best out of middle school sucking until you get to a point where people back off more and you can feel confident in yourself.

Also, try not to remember anything that happens in middle school ever. It's rarely a good idea.

(I basically had EMOTIONAL WRECK; COME PICK ON ME FOR I WILL CRY AND MAKE YOU FEEL POWERFUL floating over my head from second to ninth grade. I have been there, only without the bra stuffing because bra stuffing is silly (though I was very self-conscious about my tiny bust for a while and then I got over it and then I stopped having tiny boobs and now I am like :|), but yeah.)

ETA: 21:58:33 < Midnight> surskitty: did you ever know that you're my hero
21:58:38 < Midnight> and everything i would like to be
21:58:52 <&surskitty> Midnight: hm?
21:59:35 < Midnight> I mean, I was just like that then, and you got selfconfident and awesome and I totes didn't
21:59:47 < Midnight> did something happen
22:00:15 < Midnight> or were you just like "yeah :| gonna do this, not gonna put up with crap anymore"
22:00:27 <&surskitty> I still put up with way too much crap
22:00:43 <&surskitty> I think I started actually having a spine when in ninth grade some guys were picking on me
22:00:50 <&surskitty> so I tried FAKE CRYING
22:01:10 <&surskitty> and the english teacher (who is the best teacher ever) was like LOOK, YOU MADE HER CRY. GO BUY HER CHOCOLATE OR SOMETHING
22:01:21 <&surskitty> and they were mock-concerned after she left
22:01:27 <&surskitty> and I was like ... bahaha
22:01:41 < Midnight> haha
22:01:46 <&surskitty> "... wait you're not actually crying" "noooope!" "... omg."
22:02:08 <&surskitty> and that is my story of how I started actually getting self-confidence
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-I'm envious of everyone. EVERYONE. Five-year old running around the school track? Envious. Ten-year-old at the top of his class? Envious. Hobo on the street? Envious. Average person walking down the street? Envious. Et cetera.
-For this reason, I would gladly give my mathematical ability for an artistic one, seeing as I have none.
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Oh, um, I was invited to post in this thread. I can't decide if this should be a "weird fetishes I have" post or a "weird things I like" post. Uhh...

- I love the smell of wet cardboard. My grandmother sold home interior items and our living room would be full to the roof with boxes of candles and figurines and picture frames every week when I was little, and it all smelled delicious. I'd chew on it too, and make castles out of them when they were emptied out.

- I also love the smell of chlorine and new plastic and rubber. I love it when suitcase handles and the insides of new DVDs have these smells.

- I have a MMO addiction that started with twelve hour stretches of MapleStory. After I quit Final Fantasy XI (that my current username is from!) I hopped around other MMOs like Mabinogi and RO and right now I'm playing on a private WoW server. I'm going to play Final Fantasy XIV when it comes out too, FO SHO

- I'm a terrible hoarder of stuffed animals, pointless books (like three books on how to raise dragons), dragon figurines... and Pokemon cards. My holographics total are probably worth several hundred dollars by now, with one card worth at least a hundred on its own.

- I drink Coke with everything except for cookies, cupcakes, muffins and cereal. With those I drink milk. I also enjoy orange juice. More often than milk.

- I've got a pretty short attention span.

- I've donated bone marrow to my little sister, who had leukemia last year. They like, put these foot long needles in my rib bones and sucked some of it out and took the immune system part out I dunno. I was back in school in two days.

- I'm taking two art classes next year?

- I'm really super neurotic about my fingernails. I hate it when they're long enough to scrape things so I always keep them clipped as close to the quick as possible.
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My two upper canines aren't canines, they're freaking fangs. They're huge and they're coming down from really high up. The weirdest bit is that I have a freaky jaw, and these fangs are actually putting it right. I get to keep my fangs!

1. I smell books. Seriously, I love the smell of them, especially new books or really old books, for some reason.
2. I just about live off of energy drinks, which probably isn't the best for me but hey :V
3. My fingernails are just about unnaturally long; I've had people ask me if they're fake, ahaha; I try to keep them like this, because I sorta have a thing for long nails. I just think they're pretty/cool, I guess |D
4. I've been getting into making random little crafts lately, like the transformation wands from my fictionconceptthing and Poké Balls (been trying to figure out how to make one that opens, aaaa). It's actually really fun, though I don't feel like I'm too good at it yet!
5. I absolutely love dragons; I have ever since I was little, as a matter of fact. I think if they're drawn to look beautiful yet dangerous at the same time, that's probably my favorite~
6. I absolutely cannot throw anything away, even if I know it's something I never use and never will use. I dunno, I'm just a giant packrat, but I don't think I'd call myself a hoarder because I know when I need to clean things up.. (I can throw things like that out if I'm pushed, it's just that I'm really reluctant to lol.)
7. I spend a rather enormous amount of time thinking about random ideas, mostly for my original fiction but I do occasionally get ideas for fancomics (not fanfics, since I can't write for shit and I honestly prefer drawing my ideas out) and the like. A lot of them tend to be totally ridiculous if they're fancomic ideas... Also, I never end up drawing them. So. :V
8. Right now, I go to a public school that specializes in the performing arts, which I think is really neat~ I probably won't be there for much longer, since we're probably moving, and it'll be sad to leave it behind..
- i bite my nails to the death. right now they're down to the meat. |:

- i have sharp teeth. like... i bit a kid in the 4th grade and he bled.

- i can stick both my legs behind my head at the same time then spin around on my head. 8D

- i want a mexican lickilicky.


- i just glued come spare broken headphones to my old bulbasaur plush. his name is radiohead. 8D
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-I can lick my elbow and attempted (and succeeded) such because of the show the Weekenders.
-I'm really good at finishing clay sculptures, but when it come to drawing I hardly ever finish them. (I finished four sculptures in the past day and a half.)
-I have a small dot on my left eye that's between the iris and white part of the eye.
-I listen to late night talk radio when I can't sleep, because the conversations get a whole lot more enjoyable and senseless.
- I have a MMO addiction that started with twelve hour stretches of MapleStory. After I quit Final Fantasy XI (that my current username is from!) I hopped around other MMOs like Mabinogi and RO and right now I'm playing on a private WoW server. I'm going to play Final Fantasy XIV when it comes out too, FO SHO


-I've been somewhat of a Maple addict since I joined on 7/10/10. Yes, I even remember the date...my boyfriend is often annoyed with how much I think of/talk about/play Maple, even though he's the one that made me sign up for it xDD

-I'm often asked to pee in bottles for people I know that are expecting drug tests soon, just because they all know I'm clean. I'm a good girl~ =D

-...I should get people to start paying me for that =x

-I can never seem to decide between high school English teacher or vet for my main career, but I have several "side job" plans. Fiction/fantasy writer, poet, maybe artist...that is, if I can develop my nonexistent skills =/

-I've messed up for both my main career choices, mentioned above. I freshman year of high school, I failed Biology and English 1 =[

-I feel like a failure D=
1: I can make my left thumb make a clicking sound when I bend it.

2: I'm a fan of Pokemon, yet I don't watch the anime (unless it's certain clips of it), play the games, or read the manga. I like it because of the Pokemon.

3: Sometimes, my dreams are realistic and 1st person. At other times, they're 3rd person and animated (like a cartoon). Sometimes, they're in between.

4: I run away from some insects (and I'm 18).

5: I've had dreams where I was either an anthro animal or a pokemon. As a pokemon, I've been a Pikachu and a Floatzel.

6: Whenever I dream about zombies, they're ALWAYS the ones from Thief: The Dark Project.

7: I remember a dream perfectly from when I was 4 years old.

8: I have the body of an adult, but the mind of a 7-year-old. This causes problems between me and my family.

9: I will repeat parts of a song over and over again, just to listen to the notes. Also, I have to have the bass sound a certain way.

10: No matter how many hours I sleep, I always feel like I don't get enough.
- I love the smell of wet cardboard. I'd chew on it too, and make castles out of them when they were emptied out.

- I also love the smell of chlorine and new plastic and rubber. I love it when suitcase handles and the insides of new DVDs have these smells.

- I'm a terrible hoarder of pointless books (like three books on how to raise dragons)

- I drink Coke with everything except for cookies, cupcakes, muffins and cereal. With those I drink milk.

All of these apply, and I edited them a bit to fit me better. Oh, and I only own one dragon-training book. xD

-Soda is a narcotic to me. I drink it whenever possible--I even drink it with breakfast if it's readily available, like when I'm camping. I can actually down a twelve-pack in less then two hours. (Which I've done more than once, but lemme tell ya; NEVER do it in traffic in a big city, when you have no restroom access. It's horrible.)

-I'm also addicted to sunflower seeds.

-I would like to join the military one day, but I doubt I will. xD

-I train at least say... three times a week in my backyard to stay at least relatively in shape. It involves running, climbing trees, beating the hell out of a punching bag or something, and swimming. I still wonder why I am still only in moderate shape. D:

-I have the ability to train goats. Don't ask, just look at the goat walking on two legs.

-I own a package of Bacon Band Aids!

-The package of Bacon Band-Aids came with a Bacon Sticker, which I love.

-I've nearly gotten myself killed twice. Luckily, I knew what to do. (Yell "RATTLESNAIK!!!!!!!!!!!" for the first one, take off running while shrieking horribly for the other. xD)
I'm a statistics and list buff.

My tastebuds have the eloquence of The Incredible Hulk - whenever something is slightly overcooked/too watery/too salty/whatever, the rest of my family always notices, but I don't.

I think the name "Rhiannon" is really awesome.

I love 80's and early 90's cartoons and anime.

I'm a furry. (<--- Really.)

1. I smell books. Seriously, I love the smell of them, especially new books or really old books, for some reason.

I love the smell of old books. Especially the really old ones with oranging paper, and I love the feel of the kind of paper the thick dictionaries are made out of.
I believe I have very good hand-eye coordination, so I practice by tossing things in the air and catching them. the object I've been using most recently is a toy lightsaber. (and yes, I accidentally cut Threepio's head off. sorry)
I always seem to be getting left and right mixed up, like if I say "go for the Pokémon on the right" over half the time I mean the one on the left.

I also constantly mistake profile for portrait... i look for something with the word "portrait" in it and then find "profile" and think I'm successful :U
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