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Planned Teams For SS/HG?

I miss my team from Crystal, so... I'm remaking it. And I'm getting Soul Silver. :D

Feraligatr Crocojaw [M]
Graveler Bother [M]
Hypno Comet [M]
Farfetchd Binary [F]
Heracross Shino [M]
Umbreon ShadowMoon [F]

Because I like the Emerald sprite for Umbreon best. :P And my Umbreon in Crystal was named Eve but I need a Pokesona within my games. XD
I want either:

Typhlosion, Scizor/Steelix, Lanturn, Crobat, Sneasel/Weavile and something else.


Meganium, Scizor/Steelix, Lanturn, Crobat, Sneasel/Weavile and something else.

But I'll just wait til the game and see :)
Even though I recently realized that I'm wasting money by buying both of the versions, I'm still probably going to get both HG and SS. On HG I think I'll go with my old Crystal team of Typhlosion, Noctowl, Espeon, Golem, Lapras and Electabuzz (if the Odd Egg exists in the game)/Ampharos, but on SS I might see how much I like Feraligatr and go with something like Feraligatr, Fearow, Bellossom, Ninetales, Umbreon and either Ampharos or one of the two special Pichu.

Speaking of the Pichu, are they part of a Wi-Fi event? I think the only event Pokémon I can get are Wi-Fi ones. :/
When I replay a game I like to try to remake my team from a previous game. So if/when I get one of these I'll probably be using Typhlosion, H Unown (I think it was H) and Shiny Gyarados like in my old Silver. I can't remember the other three though, also I'll probably be ditching them all after I beat the game and just do my usual thing of only ever carrying a bird Pokémon and a HM slave.
I've got my base team set up in my mind already. Though I'm going to end up getting only Soul Silver.

Planned starter:

Planned Pre-Elite 4 Team:
Umbreon (breeding)

Post Elite 4:
(This means I can trade from Platinum? SHWEET!)
Shiny Shedinja with impossible attacks
Darkrai (LEGAL)
Shaymin (LEGAL)
Movie Arceus

Typhlosion Daniel, Male
sudowoodo Nana, Female.
Name comes from Nana plant.
Tyranitar Brutala, Male.
Brutala(nda) is the german name of salamance, but I didnt realize that till I gave that name to my strongest character ever, from Ruby, Brutala the level 100 Salamance, female, lots of defence EVs. P.S. I gave the Tyraintar that name cuz I gained it as a larvitar in the daycare in Crystal, one day after gaining salamance.
Pidgeot one of my best male attackers, now that I know about EV's and Natures and that attacks are not contolled by type I might use him better than before.
If 4th generation is now allowed in these games.
Steelix/Scizor favourite steel types.

Sudowoodo might be exchanged with my favourite water type, the mighty red gyarados!
I already have a special set in mind...
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Because I'm a nostalgic old sop, I'll probably get Cyndaquil as my starter as I did on my beloved Crystal and then get stuff as I go along. Although preferably I'll make more sensible choices on a team than I did before...
changed my team choices a bit

smeargle is just filler for when i'm not using an hm slave because he's cool
Never actually had a 2nd gen team (always ran through with just Typholsion as a kid), so I'll probably just use my current Crystal team with a few changes.

Actually, since I'll be getting a female Totodile named Yasha, I'll probably get a different team.

Pre-Elite-Four team:

Yasha, F

Dawn, F

ShadowMoon, F

Mitsubachi, M

Lament, F

Ranmaru, hypothetically M

One male Pokémon.... EDIT: Now two.
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Meganium Spike
Scizor Stryke (I can finally evolve it now, yay!)
Ampharos Beacon
Kingdra Ock (only for competitve use; I use a Quagsire in all other places)
Golem Rockman (if i get lucky, I'll replace him with a blissey)
Misdreavus Envy (trading with my friend for a murkrow, seeing as I'm getting hg)
Okay, I've dome some changes in my plans now.


To be honest I think Hitmonlee is kinda cool, I've never used it before, thought
Now that HGSS is finally out in Japan, I feel like I can make a better estimate of what my team will be.

Typhlosion (Favorite Johto starter, plus Smokescreen is a godsend against Whitney's Miltank)
Murkrow / Noctowl (Now that I can get Murkrow pre-E4, I'll probably use it, but Noctowl still might be a more viable choice)
Mantine / Slowbro (I've never used Mantine before, but Slowbro is so much fun to use!!!)
Misdreavus (See reason for using Murkrow)
Kangaskhan (Don't know why, I just want one. :D)
Typhlosion: As well as I can, I will get a female! (Tyra) Femme
Tyranitar: Simple, I'm opening a can of overkill... (Syrte) Male
Gengar GSC, Ghost Specialist Cover. Duh! (Sithis) Male
Espeon: Better than your everyday Gengar! (Hythix) Male
Kingdra: Never used one, and you know what, I wanna! (Laithy) Femme
Dragonite: Two pseudo-ubers, no wai! (Thylius) Male

Yeah, I'm damn sure, though Kingdra'll be a dick to get...
So it turns out that due to version exclusives, my team will not work without GTS. So I'm considering revision even though using GTS is possible.

Meganium- I want to use the grass starter.
Arcanine- It appears Arcanine is going to be the permanent team member. Mostly because I love it so much and want to play with its new toys.
Slowbro- I like the type mix.
Crobat- I started using one on Platinum and really like it.
Ampharos- Used one of my original Silver.

I'm not sure who to use for my last slot. Again. Again, I might use Milktank. Or I might just trade for a Meowth. Umbreon is also an option simply because I like it.
Revised mine a bit~

Starter :3 I'm using her because I used one in Silver.

Because I have never used a Persian on a main team even if it's my favourite Pokemon.

She will be shiny if it kills me.

I used one in Silver. 8D

<Water Absorb>

<Keen Eye>
I've always wanted to use one.
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