Re: Pokémon Registration Office
Signature move: Echoing scream
Muffin is used to being without vision, and has come up with many ways to cope with it. For one thing, he has decided to wear glasses to hide his blank eyes from young Pokemon. Another way he has coped is to harness his echolocation and use it in battle.
Being blind, Muffin realizes, really sucks in battle. Sometimes the Pokemon he is facing moves around so quickly that he can't even work out where they are! In his frustration, he decided to work on a move that could help him find his foes, no matter where they may be running.
Type: Psychic
Stat: Special
Base Damage: 7%
Accuracy: Always Hits
Target: All Pokemon, including partner Pokemon in double/triple battles
Energy: 8%
Duration:One Action
Usage gap: 3 rounds
Muffin lets out a scream so loud it fills the whole arena, no matter how big it is. When the scream hits a Pokemon, most of it bounces off but a little bit of psychic energy remains. This psychic energy allows Muffin to locate the foe, removing any evasion boosts the Pokemon may have. As this is a very loud scream, Muffin is unable to use any sound based moves for the next 3 rounds.
Due to the fact it is sound based, soundproof Pokemon, ect, are not affected.
While this is certainly approvable, the energy cost is quite steep. You could probably get away with 6% energy, if you'd like to make that change.
Ghirahim [M] Sneasel
<Keen Eye>
Signature Move: Ice Daggers
Ghirahim takes profound enjoyment in causing his opponents pain. In researching tactics, he found a way to taunt and enrage his opponents that pleases him to no end. In a regular Ice Shard, the air in front of the user is flash frozen, and a number of jagged shards form. These can be flung at an opponent very quickly. However, Ghirahim found that if the air is frozen at a slower rate, he could control the shape the ice took. Naturally, he formed them into sharp, kunai-like daggers. He also found that by manipulating the frozen air around him, he could have these daggers circle him as a protective shield and have a multitude flung at once. The daggers are very sharp, but fragile. They will be broken by one solid hit from or against anything, and will melt if hit by fire or any type of heat.
Type: Ice /Stat: Physical / Damage: 2% per dagger /Accuracy: 100% / Target: Multiple / Energy: 1% per dagger / Duration: up to 4 actions / Priority: last
Effects: Ghirahim creates 5-15 sharp daggers from ice. These daggers circle him like a shield while they are intact. Any move will be blocked by 5 daggers. Ghirahim cannot use any moves aside from casting daggers towards his opponent while they circle him. He can fling up to 5 daggers at once. Accuracy should be calculated like Pin Missile and Spike Cannon, dealing 2% damage per hit, and breaking on contact. The daggers will last up to 4 actions unused, and then they will melt. It takes Ghirahim 1 action to form the daggers, and he will move last on the action he creates them. The daggers have no effect on Steel, Rock, and Fire type Pokemon, as they would shatter harmlessly and/or melt when they got close. In a double battle, Ghirahim can fire 10 daggers at once, to hit multiple pokemon.
Usage Gap: 5 Rounds.
For the usage gap, specify that it is 5 rounds after the end of all effects.
The whole shielding with daggers seems complicated and rather odd - why would it take five daggers to block a Tackle, or a Giga Impact? Additionally, I don't see the daggers canceling the move entirely. Overall I'm not entirely sure on this idea, but my suggestion is to have how many daggers used to be up to the ref's discretion, or provide a basic guideline (e.g. 40BP and less breaks 2 daggers, 41-60 breaks 3, etc.), and have damage reduced instead of canceled entirely.
Until Ghirahim evolves, 5-10 daggers sounds good. 15 is a bit much.
Also, the sentence "It takes Ghirahim 1 action to form the daggers, and he will move last on the action he creates them." is a bit confusing. Simply mentioning that this move has reduced priority (how much reduced? Simply -1, or -2, etc.?) should be good enough.
Finally, keep it so that Ghirahim can only throw 5 daggers at once, but that he can split it up how he likes - 1 on each of 5 targets, 3 on one and 2 on another, etc. You may up this number upon evolution.
[Zoe] Carnivine (Female)
Ability: Levitate
Signature Move: Amnesiac's Fog
There is something inherently trying about being a carnivine in the wild. Like all of her species, Zoe traditionally caught prey the easy-but-annoying way; hanging from a tree in the Great Marsh and waiting for a pokemon to come by. Oh, and she waited. And waited for a pokemon to come by.
...You can see where this was going, can't you? While solitarily anticipating any unsuspecting victim's arrival, the carnivine usually got very impatient. It already took her a whole day to eat a kricketot, why did it have to take her a week to catch it?! So, every few days after growing irritable at the delay, Zoe would give up and go about catching things with the ancient shortcut her people had used since the birth of Dialga; she learned to use and abuse sweet scent. Slowly but surely, she perfected the method to emitting the most appealing scent; a touch of sweetness, mixed with a bit of saliva, and along with the aroma imitated from a non-living flower made quite a powerful brew. There was just one problem, sadly, and that issue was not something she could wave away with a fling of her tentacle vines.
She was very small when she first learned that customary method, and more often than not her prey escaped. While normally she could tolerate a day or two with no meal, she slowly but surely learned a very important lesson--your prey did not fly itself into your mouth more than once or twice. Even the stupid ones. There being only a limited number of prey small enough for the young carnivine to digest, she was almost forced to starve. While pondering her empty stomach, Zoe thought an idea that might have saved her from starvation. If her prey forgot she had tried to eat them, maybe they would start flying into her mouth again! Yes!
Weakly practicing her technique on the smallest things she could manage, eventually she came up with a method that seemed to work--with a breath of the smog a leaf or weak plant wilted, and it seemed to do a well enough job of rotting the mind. Best of all, it lured the target into complacency; one move and the ledyba she had just failed to swallow came right back into her gullet.
She still needs this move. She's terrible at catching prey, especially after becoming accustomed to the pokefood she can get with a trainer.
Poison/Special/5%/100%/Single/6%/One action
Zoe concocts a batch of sense-dulling powder, which she blows onto the opponent with a smile. This is harmful to inhale and causes the target to forget interactions between themself and the opponent(s), making them easier and simpler to manipulate in the future. Therefore, in addition to the normal trauma caused by losing your memory, they forget how emotionally manipulative their foes can be; they can be fooled again with fake out, taunts work as if they haven't been used yet, encore will cause just as much of an ego as before, etc.
Due to the carelessness and naivety of not knowing how worrying their opponent(s) can be, the target gains +1 in special defense after being hit with this attack. However, these chemicals are very harmful to the brain and have a 20% chance of causing poisoning.
Usage Gap: Six actions.
Now I've already looked over this before, so I may not be the best choice for approving this... But well, approved unless someone wants to overturn it.
[Mal] Electivire (M)
Move Modification: Triboelectric Effect
Description: "The triboelectric effect (also known as triboelectric charging) is a type of contact electrification in which certain materials become electrically charged after they come into contact with another different material and are then separated (such as through rubbing). The polarity and strength of the charges produced differ according to the materials, surface roughness, temperature, strain, and other properties."
Mal is fascinated with the science of electricity and enjoys practicing and manipulating the energies in any way he can. Through this he has learned to employ it in an interesting way. He charges himself to the point where he cannot contain the electricity anymore and then launches at his opponent with maximum speed. With his massive bulk and the extreme heat and speed generated, the impact is quite impressive and the electricity stored is so hot it leaves bright scorch marks where the opponent was hit.
Type: Electric / Power: 8% / Energy: 4% / Accuracy: 100% / Target: Single / Duration: One action
Effects: Priority +1. 30% of burn, 30% chance of paralysis.
Usage Gap: Every 5 rounds
You're going to have to up the energy cost for this one, considering how steep it was for him before his evolution. 6% energy sounds fine.
[Roxas] Pikachu (M)
Ability: Static
Signature Move: Thirteen Beams
As a Nobody, Roxas has the power to wield light. He uses this in one very offensive and symbolic way: the Thirteen Beams attack. Roxas takes a second to take in the light, and then create thirteen powerful beams of concentrated light, then dashes in the direction of his opponent, unleashing the blades of light in front of him which move forward even after he has stopped.
Type: Normal / Stat: Special / Base Damage: 8% (12% on Dark types) / Accuracy: 100% / Target: All enemies / Energy: 8% on non-Dark types, 11% on Dark types. / Duration: single attack
Effects: Roxas uses blades of light to attack. These blades of light have a 40% chance of lowering the accuracy of a target by -1, due to their sheer brightness. This move can strike Ghost Types despite being a normal-type attack. The typeless damage boost and the energy cost increase he gets from his signature ability does not apply to this move, due to it already channeling the power of light.
Usage Gap: Two rounds
So I faintly recall saying that the high energy cost was to account for multiple targets but... most refs give a damage penalty for targeting multiple Pokemon already, whoops. 8D; So you can lower the energy to... 6% on non-darks and 8% to darks.
no no wait drop that last one I submitted this is more amusing. right, so. being sane is nice, right?
[Puff] drifloon (f) <Unburden>
Move modification: Projection of Madness
Once, Puff could have been considered sane. A bit odd, perhaps -- one might say rather eccentric. That was before Puff witnessed a flight of legendaries -- we say witness, because they cannot be simply seen, only experienced. The influence of even one of Darkrai, Giratina, or Mewtwo would be detrimental to one's sanity. Perhaps the mere sight of the three would not be so bad for most -- but the experience drove Puff, already nearly orthogonal (or normal) to ordinary thinking, over the edge.
It is decidedly not a good idea to keep a pokémon with ghost powers and minor telepathy around which is also batshit insane. Often, Puff projects ... not quite images, but representations of something strange and alien to most minds -- representations of something which might drive one insane, if one could grasp its true form; perhaps fortunately, most cannot.
Even so, the projection is likely to befuddle those who observe it, to the point that observers are often left with lasting, though reparable, mental damage.
Puff herself is seldom confused by her projection -- perhaps she does not observe it, or, more likely, it is simply not exceptionally strange to her; nevertheless, the mere act of conjuring the illusion tends to break down her own mental barriers, reducing her resistance to special attacks.
Type: Ghost / Stat: Other / Energy: 6% / Accuracy: 100% / Target: All
Effects: All pokémon are severely confused, and their Special Defense are reduced one stage. The user's Special Defense is reduced by one additional stage. Special Defense drops caused by this move's effect do not fade.
Puff is not confused by the effect of this move.
Usage Gap: four rounds.
When you say that the user's sp. def is reduced by one additional stage, do you mean that her sp. def is reduced by 1 or 2 stages? And when you say the drops do not fade, do you mean they are permanent/become inherent, i.e. do not go away if one uses Psych Up, Haze, etc.? Does their max/min for sp. def become -7/+5?
And reposting in case this is overlooked:
Some changes to my Swellow's signature move since its health and energy cost for its effects were pretty steep:

[Ventus] Swellow (F) <Guts>
Signature move: Bombs Away!
Ventus is a ruthless, ruthless bird. She’s developed an obsession for battling – the excitement, the adrenaline! – and she’ll do anything to win. She’ll even sacrifice her future children for the sake of victory, and I mean it literally – if deemed necessary, she will lay an egg on command and watch as it explodes on her opponent’s head.
... okay, so maybe not future children. More like would-be children who were somehow converted into bombs. Poor Taillow chicks, and cruel, cruel Ventus.
How did a Swellow figure out how to make eggs explode, anyway? Years ago, when Ventus was still a wild Taillow, she used to travel the world, leaving her homeland of Hoenn to see the lands of Johto and Kanto. In Kanto she came across the Safari Zone, where she witnessed Chansey and Exeggutor toss eggs around. Normally it wouldn’t interest her much, but some of the eggs exploded in a great burst of energy and flying eggshell. Ever the obsessive battler, Ventus saw the destructive potential of the exploding egg. Captivated, she swooped down and demanded to know how it was done.
The Chansey and Exeggutor explained that what they were throwing merely looked like eggs. Indeed, they were eggs no longer as the contents had been converted into pure energy. The eggshells were also fairly thin compared to normal eggs. Upon being struck, the shell cracked, and the unstable energy within jumped at the opportunity to be free. In effect, the energy leapt out of the crack, forcing it wider and causing other cracks to spider along the surface. Propelled by the eager power, shards of eggshell would fly off in every direction at high speeds. All this happened in an instant; the opponent would be struck by a shower of sharp eggshell and buffeted by the energy inside the egg. Ventus thanked the Chansey and Exeggutor and flew off. Secretly, she was fairly unimpressed by the force of the Egg Bombs and Barrages shown to her. However, she had already decided to spurn the life-giving qualities of eggs in favour of their destructive power. She just had to find a way to make the attack stronger.
The answer was simple: just store as much energy in the egg as possible. If necessary, many Egg Bombs or Barrages could be launched in a single battle; they traded power for availability. Ventus decided to hold one large egg in her body instead of many small ones. A larger egg meant more space for energy to be stored, and thus more power behind the attack. To Ventus’s delight, the added power had an unexpected but very welcome effect: the egg shards now flew everywhere with such force that nearby Pokemon would suffer damage, as well. Unfortunately, not everything was sunshine and rainbows; a larger egg meant more effort was needed to squeeze it out. In fact, so much effort was needed that when the egg came out at last, she was rocketed up and away.
Type: Flying |
Stat: Physical |
Base damage: 15%, a flat 3% to anyone within 5m |
Energy: 8% |
Accuracy: 100% |
Target: 1 target, damages anyone within 2m |
Duration: 1 action
Effects: Ventus flies directly over her target and squeezes a fairly large egg out of herself. The egg explodes on the target, damaging them, while eggshells fly every which way, dealing a flat 3% damage to anyone within two meters of the initial explosion. Upon ejecting the egg, Ventus is immediately thrown up and forward, though she can still somewhat control the direction of her flight with her wings. Also, as she expends a lot of effort forcing the egg out, Ventus takes 3% recoil damage. Finally, Ventus only stores one of these explosive eggs in her body, so she can only use this attack one per battle.
Usage Gap: Once per battle
(changes in effect summary are underlined)
... phew