Re: Pokémon Registration Office
[Stuxnet] Porygon (N)
Signature Move:Exploitation
As mentioned here, this Porygon was corrupted by a powerful virus, Stuxnet. This virus was used as a weapon to infect things like power plants and oil grids, and shut these things down using holes in the programming known as "Zero Days".
Porygon's digital nature allowed Stuxnet to infect one member of the species. Scientists quickly stopped the virus from spreading, but Stuxnet still used it's purpose-it still found Zero Days. But not just in computer programming-as it turns out, our world is merely a gigantic mash of incredibly complex computer code:a code filled with holes, for those able to see them.
And Stuxnet is. It exploits them every round, regardless of it's trainer's wish, which is what it's Attribute Zero Day is all about. However, Stuxnet can also be commanded to use these holes in the programming of life offensively, as an attack. However, these Zero Days are wildly uncontrollable, and the target, damage and energy cost of the move are all things Stuxnet has no bearing over. The complex makeup of this code means it will always hit what it classifies as a 'target', be that an enemy, foe, or Stuxnet itself.
Base Damage: 1-10%
Accuracy:Always Hits
Target:Random Pokémon in battle
Duration:One Action
Stuxnet's exploitation of Zero Days inflicts random typeless damage (between 1% and 10%) at a random cost of energy (between 1% and 10%) to a random Pokémon in battle. The Pokémon hit is surrounded by a flash of white numbers, which surge inwards at the Pokémon, which has no chance of escaping.
Usage Gap:Two Rounds
(Though this attack can inflict 10% damage to an enemy for 1% energy, I believe it is balanced by the fact that it is just as likely to inflict 10% damage to itself for 10% energy).
Looks good now. Approved.
And reposting in case this is overlooked:
And making some changes to my own signature attribute, as suggested by Negrek.

[Khao] Typhlosion (M) <Blaze> @Magmarizer
Signature Attribute: Bound to the Lion
If there’s one thing in the world that Khao would die for, it’s his Magmarizer. He and his Magmarizer (who he affectionately calls Leo) have been together since the beginning. As a child, he loved to explore – he still does now. He found his Magmarizer on one of his first excursions. Khao was captivated by the object: it was pleasantly warm to the touch and reminded him of his own fire. He dragged many novel objects home, but his Magmarizer was the only toy he never tired of. When he matured and left his mother’s den, as all Cyndaquil eventually must, he took his Magmarizer with him. For years it was his only company, and on cold winter nights he curled up around it to keep himself warm.
Eventually, though, he was caught by the ASB League. Thinking nothing of the Magmarizer, those who caught Khao left the object behind. Khao was understandably distraught when he was sent out of his Pokeball for the first time in front of his new trainer. He kicked and pounded at the ground in a frenzy, spat small embers at his new trainer when she tried to comfort him, all the while wailing, “Where’s Leo?
Where is Leo?!” It took a saintly amount of patience and several cookies to calm the hysterical Cyndaquil.
Khao’s new trainer went to great lengths to keep him happy. For days she talked to him, tried to coax him into telling her what was wrong, if she could do anything to help. When she finally learned who (or rather, what) Leo was, she walked right to the nearest official ASB store and bought Khao a brand new Magmarizer. Khao was ecstatic. He gave a squeal of happiness and hugged his trainer’s leg, then promptly curled around the new “Leo” and fell asleep, purring contentedly.
Since then, Khao made sure that Leo was with him at all times. He vowed the two would never be separated again. But reality hit him in the face: the opponents he faced in battle were interested in Leo, too. They would steal him, take him away, and he would never see him again. Several Pokemon came frighteningly close to stealing Leo, but they were always stopped by something or other (paralysis, for example). Clearly, the gods acknowledged that Khao and Leo should not be separated. Just as clearly, Khao knew his luck could not last, so he decided to take matters into his own hands.
Khao asked his trainer to make sure that Leo stayed with him always. Surgically attached to him, bound to him with the strongest material – he didn’t care how. Khao’s trainer decided to bind Leo to him with fire-proofed and fortified ropes of the strongest Ariados silk. This material was light yet durable, harder to break than the toughest steel. Leo settled at the center of Khao’s chest; the ropes of silk that kept Leo in place wrapped around his midsection and above his shoulder blades, tied in a dead knot on his back. The contraption fit snugly, was impossible to untie, and was nigh indestructible. To be doubly sure, Khao’s trainer took up on his other suggestion: she paid a licensed Pokesurgeon to attach some of Khao’s muscles to Leo and cover the base with Khao’s skin and fur. Khao was satisfied. Though he could no longer sleep comfortably on his stomach,
and powerful shoves caused the skin and muscle there to stretch painfully, he knew no-one would be able to take Leo away from him, and that was all that mattered.
Effects: Khao’s Magmarizer is attached to his chest with ropes of fire-proofed, fortified Ariados silk that is nearly indestructible. It is also surgically attached to his chest: the base is covered with skin and fur, and muscles are connected to the object. Because of that,
Khao's Magmarizer may not be knocked off, stolen, or otherwise removed. He may still use Covet, but the stolen item will immediately be discarded. He may not Fling his Magmarizer.
Additionally, since his Magmarizer is not naturally part of him and sticks awkwardly out, a powerful shove or blow will painfully stretch the skin and muscle attached to his Magmarizer. As such, physical attacks with a base power at or higher than 75 aimed at his Magmarizer will deal 1% more damage after all calculations.
(changed the base power of a physical attack needed to add the extra damage, since practically all usable physical attacks are at least 60BP)
And some changes to my Swellow's signature move since its health and energy cost for its effects were pretty steep:

[Ventus] Swellow (F) <Guts>
Signature move: Bombs Away!
Ventus is a ruthless, ruthless bird. She’s developed an obsession for battling – the excitement, the adrenaline! – and she’ll do anything to win. She’ll even sacrifice her future children for the sake of victory, and I mean it literally – if deemed necessary, she will lay an egg on command and watch as it explodes on her opponent’s head.
... okay, so maybe not future children. More like would-be children who were somehow converted into bombs. Poor Taillow chicks, and cruel, cruel Ventus.
How did a Swellow figure out how to make eggs explode, anyway? Years ago, when Ventus was still a wild Taillow, she used to travel the world, leaving her homeland of Hoenn to see the lands of Johto and Kanto. In Kanto she came across the Safari Zone, where she witnessed Chansey and Exeggutor toss eggs around. Normally it wouldn’t interest her much, but some of the eggs exploded in a great burst of energy and flying eggshell. Ever the obsessive battler, Ventus saw the destructive potential of the exploding egg. Captivated, she swooped down and demanded to know how it was done.
The Chansey and Exeggutor explained that what they were throwing merely looked like eggs. Indeed, they were eggs no longer as the contents had been converted into pure energy. The eggshells were also fairly thin compared to normal eggs. Upon being struck, the shell cracked, and the unstable energy within jumped at the opportunity to be free. In effect, the energy leapt out of the crack, forcing it wider and causing other cracks to spider along the surface. Propelled by the eager power, shards of eggshell would fly off in every direction at high speeds. All this happened in an instant; the opponent would be struck by a shower of sharp eggshell and buffeted by the energy inside the egg. Ventus thanked the Chansey and Exeggutor and flew off. Secretly, she was fairly unimpressed by the force of the Egg Bombs and Barrages shown to her. However, she had already decided to spurn the life-giving qualities of eggs in favour of their destructive power. She just had to find a way to make the attack stronger.
The answer was simple: just store as much energy in the egg as possible. If necessary, many Egg Bombs or Barrages could be launched in a single battle; they traded power for availability. Ventus decided to hold one large egg in her body instead of many small ones. A larger egg meant more space for energy to be stored, and thus more power behind the attack. To Ventus’s delight, the added power had an unexpected but very welcome effect: the egg shards now flew everywhere with such force that nearby Pokemon would suffer damage, as well. Unfortunately, not everything was sunshine and rainbows; a larger egg meant more effort was needed to squeeze it out. In fact, so much effort was needed that when the egg came out at last, she was rocketed up and away.
Type: Flying |
Stat: Physical |
Base damage: 15%, a flat 3% to anyone within 5m |
Energy: 8% |
Accuracy: 100% |
Target: 1 target, damages anyone within 2m |
Duration: 1 action
Effects: Ventus flies directly over her target and squeezes a fairly large egg out of herself. The egg explodes on the target, damaging them, while eggshells fly every which way, dealing a flat 3% damage to anyone within two meters of the initial explosion. Upon ejecting the egg, Ventus is immediately thrown up and forward, though she can still somewhat control the direction of her flight with her wings. Also, as she expends a lot of effort forcing the egg out, Ventus takes 3% recoil damage. Finally, Ventus only stores one of these explosive eggs in her body, so she can only use this attack one per battle.
Usage Gap: Once per battle
(changes in effect summary are underlined)