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Both approved.Okay, change made. Reposting sig attribute too just for convenience sake.
[Roxas] Pikachu (M)
Ability: Static
Signature Attribute: Nobody
Centuries ago, there was only light. But people squabbled and fought for the light, and became jealous and violent. And so the first darkness spread in their hearts, until it grew and grew, and became real, overcoming the light. But there is still a tiny spark, awaiting. Or so the legends go. The true origins of the Heartless, this darkness of old, may never be revealed. But one thing is known-they are attracted to those with hearts, seeking to reclaim them as their own. But, occasionally, when the heart they target is strong enough, when it goes, something remains. The soul and the body, sometimes, have the strength to carry on when the heart is gone. But make no mistake, they are not people. They have no heart, can feel no true emotion. Though they can use their memories to fool people into having that idea, can even fool themselves, they will always be incomplete.
Roxas is such a Nobody. His heart was so strong that instead of merely becoming a mindless drone, he has the title of number XIII of the Organization, a sinister group of Pokémon, who retain their memories, and are driven by an urge to seek hearts for their own. As a Nobody, the rules are somewhat...different for Roxas. He has been given a new element to play with-Light.
Effects:Since he is a Nobody, he has gained the ability to wield light as a weapon. It hangs around him, constantly helping him. After all calculations are done, Roxas deals 2% extra typeless damage, or 3% if he has attacked a Dark-typed Pokémon. This, however, also adds a flat 2% energy boost to all attacks he does. As a Nobody, he can feel no emotion, meaning that emotion-based attacks will always fail on him, whether they appeal to his sense of love, as in Attract, or fear, as in Mean Look or Intimidate. However, he can barely tolerate immature jabs/taunting, and as a result Taunt has 70% normal accuracy instead of 0% like all other emotion-based attacks. Moves that are emotion based but also do damage as an aside effect, such as Covet, will have the emotion based part fail but the damage part succeed. He has improved his emotion faking skills, but is still far from being a master at it, and thus all of his emotion-based moves only have 40% of their original accuracy.
[Roxas] Pikachu (M)
Ability: Static
Signature Move: Thirteen Beams
As a Nobody, Roxas has the power to wield light. He uses this in one very offensive and symbolic way: the Thirteen Beams attack. Roxas takes a second to take in the light, and then create thirteen powerful beams of concentrated light, then dashes in the direction of his opponent, unleashing the blades of light in front of him which move forward even after he has stopped.
Type: Normal / Stat: Special / Base Damage: 8% (12% on Dark types) / Accuracy: 100% / Target: All enemies / Energy: 6% on non-Dark types, 8% on Dark types. / Duration: single attack
Effects: Roxas uses blades of light to attack. These blades of light have a 40% chance of lowering the accuracy of a target by -1, due to their sheer brightness. This move can strike Ghost Types despite being a normal-type attack. The typeless damage boost and the energy cost increase he gets from his signature ability does not apply to this move, due to it already channeling the power of light.
Usage Gap: Two rounds
Sonnichu - Er, not too sure about that backstory. Do you really want an attribute that would put you at such a huge disadvantage? Not being able to attack for three whole rounds then falling under the effects of taunt straight after is a bit much. Also, you'd need to specify the flinch chance.This is so stupid but I will give it a go.
Sonichu [Pichu] (male) (static)
Signature attribute: I h-hate pickles!
Sonichu is quite an...interesting Pichu. He has not evolved yet and still had not collided with Sonic, but still holds a great dislike for pickles that is shared with his father, Christian Western Chandler. Throughout his childhood his God-like father exposed him to the green vegetables, teasing the fear until Sonichu felt a blood rage whenever he sees a pickle. Due to his child-like state, he lumps all forms of vegetables into this category of 'pickles', and will thus attack anything green and plant-like.
Effect: Sonichu is scared of grass types. Each grass type will have the effect of intimidate on him, and he will be unable to attack them for the first three rounds out of fear. He is also more likely to flinch after the grass types attack him.
After these three rounds are over, he will become filled with rage over the grass type, acting permanently as if taunted. This means chills, rests and other forms of non attacking moves will fail. Sonichu will then gain 1+ in attack and special attack, at the cost of 1/3 of energy being used with each move.
And another one.
Hearts on fire (m) Vulpix [flash fire]
Body Modification: Fiery arm
Hearts on fire wasn't as quiet and reflective as he is now. No, he was a lucky young Vulpix, picking fights with any Pokemon he saw. He was smug and full of himself, and often picked on Pokemon that were weak to his attacks.
One day, he ended up walking into a herd of Scyther. A few minutes of boasting later, and he found himself fighting against the entire herd. After dodging a few nasty attacks and knocking down a few Scyther, Hearts of fire realized that he was outnumbered, and would probably be defeated. He tried to turn and run, and that is when one of the Scyther chopped off his front paw. Bleeding and in shock, the Pokemon stumbled as quickly as he could away from the Scyther, who were too busy laughing at the whole thing to notice. He eventually stumbled across a hut, pawing at the door before passing out. Thankfully, the owner of the hut was a mage, and was able to summon a suitable replacement for Hearts on fires' arm. When the Vulpix woke up, he had an arm made of fire. Shocked and scared, he fled before he could hear the mage warning him not to get the arm wet.
Effects: Hearts on fires' arm (front left) is on fire. Any contact moves on this arm can be subject to the effects of flame body. If a water type attack is aimed at the arm, or it is raining, the arm disappears completely. As well as shocking the Vulpix (causing him to flinch) it also lowers his speed by 1 stage. This is a permanent loss, and the speed stat cannot raise above 5 for the rest of the battle.
(m) Woobat
Ability: Unaware
Signature attribute: Blindness
Muffin is very similar to all the Woobat around him. But while they can see to some extent, Muffin is blind due to a birth defect. To make up for this, his hearing has increased significantly. To track opponents down, he uses his psychic powers to determine where they are. However, if they are constantly moving, he will get confused and slow down his actions to get a proper aim at the opponent. While he grew up in the small cave he lived in, he learned to use more moves based off sound and his psychic powers, rather than the physical moves he cannot use properly.
Muffin is completely blind. As a result of this, all moves he preforms have a 5% drop in accuracy. Also, any sound based moves aimed at him will do 2% extra damage after calculating effectiveness. However, any moves that require sight or the reduction of sight (flash, sand attack, ect) will not affect him as he cannot see it at all. However, due to honing his special attacks, he gains a small, 1% boost to special moves he preforms, at the cost of 1% power loss of any physical moves he preforms (due to uncertainty, and the fact he is out of practice with them).
Since he uses his psychic powers to aim his special attacks, they are not affected by the accuracy drop but use up an extra 2% energy due to him using his psychic powers to aim the move, and may also be slower if the opponent is moving around quickly. In such cases, Muffin will go last on that turn.
He loses:
assurance, endeavor, aerial ace, gyro ball, pluck and u-turn.
He gains:
Echoed voice, uproar, snarl, hyper voice, extrasensory, snore
William Scraggy (m)
Ability: Shed skin
Signature attribute: Distracted by the shiny
William has always desired shiny objects, even as a child. He blames this on his father, a Garchomp, Pokemon known for hoarding large numbers of random objects. He never really got on with the other Scraggy due to his desire for these objects (which often caused him to steal them off others) and so he ended up in a group of Meowth while he was maturing. As part of being in this Meowth gang, he learned to distinguish good items from bad items, as these Meowth often had trainers to give such items to. He continued to add to his collection, learning more and more about their worth each time, until he ended up almost as efficient at collecting items as the Meowth. As he was not born with their natural item collecting abilities, however, he is easily distracted by anything that looks shiny (and therefore, valuable). He is also terrified of other Pokemon stealing his hoard, and will become aggressive if another Pokemon with similar item gathering abilities comes up on the field.
William has pickup along with his other ability. However, moves that involve shining light in some way (flash, swift, mirror coat, mirror shot, ect) may cause him to flinch 20% of the time, as he is in awe of the shininess. If another Pokemon with pickup is on the field, his attack will rise by one level (this will count as a normal stat boost and can be reduced to 0 again) at the cost of the William's moves having their accuracy reduced by 10% having due to William's anger distracting him.
I think you'll need to reduce the sound move boosts or add more of a penalty. Even with the increased energy cost, it's a bit much.This never got added D:!
Also I'm just going to casually pile more stuff onto this mountain of words:
[Stacat] Kricketune (M) <Swarm>
Signature Attribute: Deaf Musician
Being deaf, Stacat is rather.. bad at making music. It's difficult for him to tell whether or not he's off-key when he can't hear himself playing songs. It was difficult for a deaf Kricketot to fit into a Kricketot swarm when all he did was clack his antennae off-key and off-tempo, and really freaking loudly. Eventually the rest of his swarm got fed up with his overenthusiastic nonsense and just left him behind, leaving the confused Kricketot to fend for himself and presumably, die.
Fortunately, Stacat was captured by the League (it wasn't hard to notice a lone Kricketot buzzing away at twice the normal volume!) and bought by Kusarigamaitachi, who then gifted him to Dragon. The now-Kricketune remains oblivious to the fact that he is really loud and buzzes away day and night, causing ridiculous amounts of trouble for his Trainer. (Which is probably what Kusari wanted isn't it I see what you did there.)
Because he can't hear himself, Stacat's sound-based moves are twice as loud. This makes them nearly twice as powerful, though they take twice as much energy. He's not very good at using quieter sound based moves like Growl or Sing, since they come out as Roars and Snarls, and even Metal Sounds. Without hearing to rely on, Stacat tends to rely on his vision a lot more and light-based moves used against him will have twice the accuracy and effects, and almost double the power.
Effects: The BP of Stacat's sound-based moves are increased x2 before all calculations. The effects, energy usage and accuracy of these are doubled as well. Light or sight-based moves used against him have x1.5 BP before all calculations, doubled accuracy and effects, and a 10% chance to make him flinch. Stacat has Soundproof in addition to all other abilities.
+ Hyper Voice, Metal Sound, Roar, Snarl, Supersonic
-Growl, Sing, Perish Song, Round, Sleep Talk
And reposting in case this is overlooked:
Some changes to my Swellow's signature move since its health and energy cost for its effects were pretty steep:
[Ventus] Swellow (F) <Guts>
Signature move: Bombs Away!
Ventus is a ruthless, ruthless bird. She’s developed an obsession for battling – the excitement, the adrenaline! – and she’ll do anything to win. She’ll even sacrifice her future children for the sake of victory, and I mean it literally – if deemed necessary, she will lay an egg on command and watch as it explodes on her opponent’s head.
... okay, so maybe not future children. More like would-be children who were somehow converted into bombs. Poor Taillow chicks, and cruel, cruel Ventus.
How did a Swellow figure out how to make eggs explode, anyway? Years ago, when Ventus was still a wild Taillow, she used to travel the world, leaving her homeland of Hoenn to see the lands of Johto and Kanto. In Kanto she came across the Safari Zone, where she witnessed Chansey and Exeggutor toss eggs around. Normally it wouldn’t interest her much, but some of the eggs exploded in a great burst of energy and flying eggshell. Ever the obsessive battler, Ventus saw the destructive potential of the exploding egg. Captivated, she swooped down and demanded to know how it was done.
The Chansey and Exeggutor explained that what they were throwing merely looked like eggs. Indeed, they were eggs no longer as the contents had been converted into pure energy. The eggshells were also fairly thin compared to normal eggs. Upon being struck, the shell cracked, and the unstable energy within jumped at the opportunity to be free. In effect, the energy leapt out of the crack, forcing it wider and causing other cracks to spider along the surface. Propelled by the eager power, shards of eggshell would fly off in every direction at high speeds. All this happened in an instant; the opponent would be struck by a shower of sharp eggshell and buffeted by the energy inside the egg. Ventus thanked the Chansey and Exeggutor and flew off. Secretly, she was fairly unimpressed by the force of the Egg Bombs and Barrages shown to her. However, she had already decided to spurn the life-giving qualities of eggs in favour of their destructive power. She just had to find a way to make the attack stronger.
The answer was simple: just store as much energy in the egg as possible. If necessary, many Egg Bombs or Barrages could be launched in a single battle; they traded power for availability. Ventus decided to hold one large egg in her body instead of many small ones. A larger egg meant more space for energy to be stored, and thus more power behind the attack. To Ventus’s delight, the added power had an unexpected but very welcome effect: the egg shards now flew everywhere with such force that nearby Pokemon would suffer damage, as well. Unfortunately, not everything was sunshine and rainbows; a larger egg meant more effort was needed to squeeze it out. In fact, so much effort was needed that when the egg came out at last, she was rocketed up and away.
Type: Flying | Stat: Physical | Base damage: 15%, a flat 3% to anyone within 5m | Energy: 8% | Accuracy: 100% | Target: 1 target, damages anyone within 2m | Duration: 1 action
Effects: Ventus flies directly over her target and squeezes a fairly large egg out of herself. The egg explodes on the target, damaging them, while eggshells fly every which way, dealing a flat 3% damage to anyone within two meters of the initial explosion. Upon ejecting the egg, Ventus is immediately thrown up and forward, though she can still somewhat control the direction of her flight with her wings. Also, as she expends a lot of effort forcing the egg out, Ventus takes 3% recoil damage. Finally, Ventus only stores one of these explosive eggs in her body, so she can only use this attack one per battle.
Usage Gap: Once per battle
(changes in effect summary are underlined)
... phew
The description of how the attack works seems really vague and doesn't make much sense. A backstory that heavily involves legendary mons is generally frowned upon.[Sparky] Shinx (F)
Ability: Intimidate
Signature Move: Time Spark
Raised in the Luxray tribes of Dialga, Sparky worships the time dragon without mercy. Sparky grew up taking everything the dragon did to heart. This has affected the way Sparky battles. She used her worship to appeal to Dialga. Dialga has allowed her to reverse time to eliminate statuses the opponent may have.
Using the mentality of time, Sparky creates a spark that will hurt and help the opponent. The spark flies all around the field, shocking every Pokemon, including allies. The shock can paralyze the target(s), but can also remove the effects of other major status conditions the target(s) had before the spark.
Type: Electric / Stat: Special / Base Damage: 65 / Accuracy: 95% / Target: All / Energy: 16%
Effects: 30% chance of Paralyzing the target(s); 50% curing the major statuses the target(s) had before Time Spark (Excluding Paralysis)
Usage Gap: 6 Rounds
Approved.Huh, I just realized this never got approved.
Chaos (Female) <Magic Guard>
Signature Attribute: Stem Cells
Signature Move: Stem-Cell Power
Like the vast majority of Pokémon, Chaos has access to the Hidden Power technique. She was always fascinated by its random typing, perfectly matching her own tedency to never know what element she would be using at the present time. She began to train it, concentrating carefully on the energy as it was produced; with a whole lot of training, she managed to get it somewhat under control, binding it to her current form. Quite simply, it is the same type as she happens to be at the time, occasionally gaining a special effect to go with it.
Type: Varies / Stat: Special / Damage: 6% / Accuracy: 100% / Target: Single Target / Energy: 5% / Duration: One Action
This move's type is dependant on Chaos' own type. It can also gain a secondary effect, depending on its type, at a 30% chance of activation.
Dark: flinch
Electric: inflict mild paralysis
Fire: inflict mild burn
Ghost: lower a random stat by one stage
Ice: inflict mild freezing
Poison: inflict mild poisoning
Usage Gap: two rounds.
This really doesn't make much sense, and it's too similar to explosion.[Her Majesty's Supermarine uguu] wailmer (f) <Oblivious>
Move modification: Immolation of the Whale
As Abrahamic mythology tells us, the Leviathan shoots fire from its face.
And as science tells us, the wailmer line is filled with inflammable gas.
The two are quite unrelated, but amusing nevertheless. Consider also, for instance, that the wailmer line is known to explode when popped.
This is, then, only perfectly logical.
Type: Fire / Base power: 750 / Stat: Physical / Energy: 40% / Accuracy: 100% / Target: Self and All
Effects: The user explodes, yielding the results one would expect from exploding a whale-thing filled with inflammable gas.
The base power of this attack is multiplied by the proportion of the user's current health to the user's maximum health.
The user faints.
Usage Gap: Twice per battle.
The effect doesn't really seem to match the description, but other than that, it looks ok. Approved.![]()
[Grevy] Blitzle [♂]
Signature Attribute: Gigantism
Grevy is a blitzle from Fairchild Island, an island in the Orange Archipelago that is well-known for its giant pokémon. Although much of the island's population is pidgeot and rhyperior, there are healthy numbers of a bunch of other kinds of pokémon, such as a small herd of huge blitzle and zebstrika. Grevy was one of the few of these imported to Asber and he ended up on Blastoise's team over the holiday season.
Effects: Grevy is eight feet tall and just about two hundred pounds even. He can support far more weight and is much more physically powerful overall than the average two-foot-tall blitzle. All of his physical attacks do an extra 1% damage after all other calculations.
Attempting a signature attribute (gulp).
[Prickles] Cacnea (M)
Ability:Sand VeilIlluminate
Signature Attribute: Jack-o-Lantern
There once was a man who had a love of fire, a burning passion that made him ire.
But a man like he, he bore no shame. He declared he was a botanist to astonishing acclaim.
A friend to fire and a friend to grass, he declared from the rooftops during Sunday’s mass.
He then fell from the sky and broke his back, leaving him in pain inside his worn old shack.
Not one soul had ever put trust in him, only stealing his life whim by whim.
Soon he bore dire anger for fellow man, and he formulated a very passionate plan.
He would find all the plants, protect them he would.
Then set fire to the humans, let them burn as they should.
He walked into the blaze a happy soul, laughing and cheering through his final toll.
He did not walk out, to the plants’ dismay. He died that day, he died that day.
The eternal sandstorm encompassing Sinnoh’s Route 228 is not a very natural phenomenon, breaking the mildly cold climate of the region. This is not because of a sudden change in regional weather, but events of a more spiritual nature.
Before Sinnoh had been completely overcome by modern tides, a small village had stood inside the sea-worn valley of Route 228, a small town very similar to Celestic in the mainland. In the town was said to be a very joyous, patient and passionate man, old man Kelvin. He was spontaneous for his age, dancing and prancing about, proclaiming to the heavens his love for his greenhouse and his love for the sun. But a freak accident left him in great pain and forced the populace into a slow and steady show of inconsideration to him.
Being the passionate man he was, he never forgave them for forgetting him. Reports state he burned the town to the ground, then walked into the inferno himself, waving cheerily to his greenhouse, the only building left untouched by his blaze.
Hikers and trainers passing through the Route 228 sandstorm at night occasionally reported sightings of a will-o-wisp like figure floating amongst the sands, eternally searching, but always staying far from the humans. Time had bent his will and twisted his ambitions.
Old man Kelvin’s spirit searched for a vessel, a shelter from the curse of the sandstorm he brought, the sand would forever douse his fires and leave him in eternal pain. He had watched his garden plummet to the vicious sand, and the grit tore anger into him. He would search for a rough, harsh and powerful grass type to shelter his flame. The Cacturne and Cacnea were the only ones that had prevailed in the sandstorm he brought, and he feared leaving the site of the blaze as he may spread the accursed sand wherever he went. The Cacturne always sensed when he was close, and banished him far away from them with malevolent energies, in turn protecting their children furiously.
One fateful night, he came upon a bright orange sphere nestled in the sand, lying still and asleep like a child. His heart welled with fire; there were no Cacturne in sight, and this beautiful orange Cacnea lay unaware. He delved his spirit of fire through the pores in the sand dwellers skin. He had seen pumpkins akin to the baby; the children from the village had loved the jack-o-lanterns he carved.
He was reborn that day.
With time, the infant grew with the spirit inside him. When his parents had realized what was held inside him, they fled in shame and fear. Prickles was left with only the burning spirit of old man Kelvin to nurture him. With time, his mouth grew into a malevolent smile to let the flame within him breathe, his flower wilted and out sprouted a knotted stem. He felt himself get larger, more bright and more, more fiery with every breath he took, slowly shedding his former self to be reborn anew.
Effect: Prickles is considered to be a Grass/Fire type on all occasions (weather, STAB, W/R, etc.), on evolution to Cacturne his secondary type will be Fire and not Dark (he will still be a Grass/Fire type).
Prickles’ shines a fiery light from within himself, shunning the darkness around him and embracing the flame. He loses and gains the following moves:
-Faint Attack, Payback, Nasty Plot, Switcheroo, Fling, Dark Pulse, Sandstorm
+Flame Wheel, Flame Charge, Inferno, Will-o-wisp, Fire Punch
On evolution, the glands in his body that produce deadly poison (along with major healing glands) will be unable to do so. The spirit of old man Kelvin influence overcoming them, giving him more fire based abilities as a gift for nurturing the old flame:
-Toxic, Venoshock, Acid, Poison Sting, Poison Jab, Smellingsalt, Synthesis, Pin Missile, Embargo
+Sunny Day, Blaze Kick, Flamethrower, Fire Blast
Due to the unnatural energy residing within him, he cannot use Natural Gift, Secret Power or Hidden Power.
When wandering the desert on Route 228, attempting to find prey, Prickles realized that he illuminated the area around him, allowing him to be seen even under the harsh cloak of the sand (Prickles’ ability is now Illuminate instead of Sand Veil, he is no longer immune to Sandstorm’s damage).
edit: Derp, put Inferno instead of Will-o-wisp
This never got added D:!
Also I'm just going to casually pile more stuff onto this mountain of words:
[Stacat] Kricketune (M) <Swarm>
Signature Attribute: Deaf Musician
Being deaf, Stacat is rather.. bad at making music. It's difficult for him to tell whether or not he's off-key when he can't hear himself playing songs. It was difficult for a deaf Kricketot to fit into a Kricketot swarm when all he did was clack his antennae off-key and off-tempo, and really freaking loudly. Eventually the rest of his swarm got fed up with his overenthusiastic nonsense and just left him behind, leaving the confused Kricketot to fend for himself and presumably, die.
Fortunately, Stacat was captured by the League (it wasn't hard to notice a lone Kricketot buzzing away at twice the normal volume!) and bought by Kusarigamaitachi, who then gifted him to Dragon. The now-Kricketune remains oblivious to the fact that he is really loud and buzzes away day and night, causing ridiculous amounts of trouble for his Trainer. (Which is probably what Kusari wanted isn't it I see what you did there.)
Because he can't hear himself, Stacat's sound-based moves are twice as loud. This makes them nearly twice as powerful, though they take twice as much energy. He's not very good at using quieter sound based moves like Growl or Sing, since they come out as Roars and Snarls, and even Metal Sounds. Without hearing to rely on, Stacat tends to rely on his vision a lot more and light-based moves used against him will have twice the accuracy and effects, and almost double the power.
Effects: The BP and effects of Stacat's sound-based moves are increased x1.5 before all calculations. The energy usage of these is doubled as well. Light or sight-based moves used against him have x1.5 BP before all calculations, doubled accuracy and effects, and a 10% chance to make him flinch. Stacat has Soundproof in addition to all other abilities.
+ Hyper Voice, Metal Sound, Roar, Snarl, Supersonic
-Growl, Sing, Perish Song, Round, Sleep Talk
It's worth a shot :P
Katrina (Female Absol)
Ability: Pressure
Signature Attribute: Accident Prone
Now, everyone knows the old story about Absols. How they were said to bring disasters, and how they were considered to be bad luck. That story has been disproved for quite some time, but Katrina tends to be rather... unfortunate. When she was young, she had dated a rather handsom Frillish. (Don't ask how it happened. It just did.) But when Katrina broke up with him, he got so mad that he laid a curse on her. The curse caused Katrina to have severely bad luck, and it tends to spread to those around her. She was an outcast to pokemon and people for quite some time, until a young trainer finally found her. He trained her to battle, and since then the Absol learned to use her own misfortune to her advantage. When her bad luck spreads to other pokemon- opponent or ally- the battle always seems to turn to her favor. Also, Katrina has gained slight control over the curse, so it hits her opponents a little more than usual. But that doesnt mean she doesnt get hit by it. It can hurt her as much as her opponent if she's not careful.
Effects: After Katrina is sent out to battle, the curse takes into play immidiately. However, it takes one round for it to hit the other pokemon, whether enemy or ally. There is a %10 percent chance that Katrina or her allies will get hit by the curse, causing any part of the arena to hurt her and her teamates, (ex. The ground giving way, or a tree branch falling on her.) doing 5% damage. There is also a 15% chance that the same will happen to her opponents, also dealing 5% damage. The ability Super Luck is canceled.
[Charles] Pidgeotto (Male)
Signature Attribute: Thunder Shield
Barubu and his Pidgeotto-Charles-were watching their good old Shiftry-tv, and a peculiar boy around the age of ten was instructing his Pikachu to use Thunder on his Swellow. Barubu was shocked(quite literally) by the end result- this boy's Swellow was completely protected from harm by a field of electricity. Barubu was eager to test out this new technique, and recruited his Pichu for assistance. In Blastoise's backyard(because what's he gonna do? Tell mommy?), Barubu and his pokémon produced their own Thunder Shield. Only, things went downhill faster than a Jigglypuff caught in it's own Sing. Pichu as a species are unable to control their power nearly as well as the likes of Pikachu. Hugging tight to Charles, Lavelle let out the strongest Thunder she could muster, right into the Pidgeotto's brain; Lavelle was instantly knocked out. Electricity flowing through him as he was determined to please his trainer, Charles coated himself in reserves of electric energy and soared. Barubu cheered loudly, and repeated the process in-between frequent trips to the Pokémon Center to heal his Pichu. Over time, Charles learned to mimic Pichu and can use his reserves of electricity in chaotic bursts.
Moves Gained: Volt Tackle, Thunder
Downside: Due to the electricity raging through him and his lack of natural combatants to it, Charles has a 10% chance to be mildly paralyzed every round. If the RNG decides to paralyze him again while he's already paralyzed, it goes up a stage(Mild-Moderate, Moderate-Severe).
Approved.n_n for my newly obtained electivire.
[Mal] Electivire (M)
Body Modification: Static Heat
It's not a strange thing, for electivire to avoid physical contact. They've lived their entire lives creating electricity that threatens any predator to back away, and if it dares touch them, they get zapped on contact. For Mal, that electricity was always a bit different.
Something that often gets ignored: while electricity will shock you, it might also leave you burned. And something about the electricity that was naturally generated by Mal - perhaps it sparks to form heat instead of power, or maybe it's just a genetic thing - a stray recessive magmar somewhere in his ancestry - either way, whenever he touched someone, they felt hot instead of jumpy.
Over the years, he's learned to control this heat just enough to maintain his natural electricity as well, though he views this as little improvement.
Effects: Mal has the abilities Flame Body and Static instead of Motor Drive.
You'll probably need more of a restriction on the multiple conditionals, otherwise this is going to be a real headache for anyone reffing it. Extra conditionals once per round sounds reasonable.[Tuft] Accelgor (Male)
Ability: Hydration
Signature Attribute: Assimilation Plot
Like many bug-types, Tuft puts a lot of faith in the swarm. He firmly believes that two pokemon at half power, or even at a fourth of their power, are far better than one at full power. Together a team can accomplish great things, no matter who they're facing, as long as they have strength in numbers; two heads are better than one after all. This was the central philosophy of all insects, and his pride elevated it to the highest status; in his opinion it really was.
Bugs were the best, of course. And why? They shared their wisdom, had immense amounts of creativity, and even were humble about their being better than everyone.
That tends to be the case when you're at the bottom of the food chain and have been snacked on for millennia.
The main thing that caused this magnificence was the hive mind. The hive mind gave courage, it gave duty, it gave power, it made things become simple, it consumed, it conquered. It was truly the most efficient way to go about quashing enemies, and even better; there could be no resistance, nor confusion. There was only the Queen, the Queen's subjects, and the Queen's foes.
After consulting with a few other insects and converting others to his sinister cult, he crafted a plan; make everyone a single Swarm, with or without himself as the Hive Queen. However, there was a problem; Tuft didn't really know how to go about this. He knew he had some psychic powers, but he didn't know quite how to use them; not yet. The best he had was the move guard split, which accounted a good deal of bonding--but only with one pokemon. He needed help with this, sadly, and if he had to cavort with the enemy (any not of the bug type, and all not affiliated with a Swarm), he had best do it thoroughly with a type that knew its place--the psychics.
Slowly but surely winning Rael's favor, and all the psychics or near-psychics on Mai's team, Tuft reached out, and with tutoring began to understand. All he needed was just the slightest bit more refinement, a touch of understanding; for that he went to one of the closest telekinetic he could call a member of a Swarm.
Reuniclus gained power from others, and it only stood to reason that he could do the same. The girl he sought out taught him her secrets, some with trial-and-error, some concepts melded purely into his mind. After careful practice, Tuft eventually shared thoughts with the wild pokemon; in days, he released his hand from hers to do the same. He had taken a step foward, if a small one; once he returned to a slightly confused Mai, he realized that with the linking force of pokeballs things were much simpler. The hardest part of the journey had been the first step; now, if only Mai's team were a bit larger...
Effects: Immediately after being sent into battle, Tuft forces himself into the consciousness of all allies and performs a sort of Mental Fusion; this manifests itself as conditional limits becoming for the team instead of for the pokemon. For example, in a double battle, this means that if Tuft's ally only has two conditionals in an action, he can use the extra mindpower to comprehend four--this works in reverse and if Tuft has no conditionals his ally can comprehend five. This works with all teammates (so a valid number of conditional commands could be four, five, two, and one in a battle with four pokemon per side), but despite the support of the swarm a pokemon still has limits; no pokemon can obtain over five valid conditionals. Tuft, being the centerpiece of the hive mind, can only obtain four conditionals with this and will only pass over one extra conditional at maximum.
In a single battle, this connection to the hive shows itself as gaining the ability swarm.
After becoming so dependent on this synchronization of minds Tuft has lost confidence in his ability to attack on his own. Therefore, he starts out the battle with -2 attack and special attack; these act as normal stat reductions and can be gotten rid of through the effects of haze, psych up, etc.
Ice Daggers - Looks better, I'm just wondering why fire, steel and rock types are immune to this move? They aren't immune to regular ice attacks after all. Still, if you want it that way, approved.I decided that rather than canceling out a move, the daggers would damage the opponent when they attack, sort of like a pseudo Rough Skin/Iron Barbs. Changes in Bold.
Ghirahim [M] Sneasel
<Keen Eye>
Signature Move: Ice Daggers
Ghirahim takes profound enjoyment in causing his opponents pain. In researching tactics, he found a way to taunt and enrage his opponents that pleases him to no end. In a regular Ice Shard, the air in front of the user is flash frozen, and a number of jagged shards form. These can be flung at an opponent very quickly. However, Ghirahim found that if the air is frozen at a slower rate, he could control the shape the ice took. Naturally, he formed them into sharp, kunai-like daggers. He also found that by manipulating the frozen air around him, he could have these daggers circle him as a protective shield and have a multitude flung at once. The daggers are very sharp, but fragile. They will be broken by one solid hit from or against anything, and will melt if hit by fire or any type of heat.
Type: Ice /Stat: Physical / Damage: 2% per dagger /Accuracy: 100% / Target: Multiple / Energy: 1% per dagger / Duration: up to 4 actions / Priority: last/normal
Effects: Ghirahim creates 5-10 sharp daggers from ice. These daggers circle him like a shield while they are intact. A physical move used against Ghirahim will break all daggers circling him and hurt the pokemon who used the move to break them, and possibly cause the user to flinch. Effects of the attack are not negated and damage is not reduced (unless the user flinches.) Damage and effects are as follows:
1-2 daggers: 1% ice-type damage
3-4 daggers: 3% ice type damage
5-6 daggers: 5% ice type damage
7-8 daggers: 7% ice-type damage and a 5% chance to flinch
9-10 daggers: 9% ice-type damage and a 15% chance to flinch.
Additionally, if a Fire, Rock or Steel type pokemon attacks, or the move used is Fire, Rock, or Steel type, the opponent will take no damage and all the daggers will break. This shield does not stop Special moves, and the daggers will not break unless said special move used was Fire, Rock, or Steel type.
Ghirahim cannot use any moves aside from casting daggers towards his opponent while they circle him. He can fling up to 5 daggers at once, and direct them at as many pokemon as he chooses and distribute them any way he wants. Accuracy should be calculated like Pin Missile and Spike Cannon, dealing 2% damage per hit, and breaking on contact. The daggers will last up to 4 actions unused, and then they will melt. This move has a decreased priority (-2) on the action the daggers are formed. The daggers have no effect on Steel, Rock, and Fire type Pokemon, as they would shatter harmlessly and/or melt when they got close.
Usage Gap: 5 Rounds after all effects fade.
Ghirahim [M] Sneasel
<Keen Eye>
Signature Attribute: Overconfidence
Ghirahim, like his namesake, has trained long and hard, so much so, that he has complete confidence in his abilities as a fighter. He can do no wrong, and if he does it wasn’t his fault. At least in his eyes. He isn’t without merit, as his abilities are slightly above par compared to other Sneasels. His overconfidence comes at a price, and an obvious one at that- He completely underestimates his opponent’s skills, thinking them to be lowly and weak, despite their size, appearance, etc. This has won him a few battles, and gotten him KO’d in many others.
Effects: Due to his trust in his abilities (and his training) moves that Ghirahim uses do 4% more damage after all other multipliers are applied. Due to being completely absorbed in his greatness, he underestimates others. This means that moves used against him do 4% extra damage after all other modifiers are applied. Ghirahim is also not intimidated by any opponents in any fashion, so Intimidate, Scary Face, etc. do not work on him. However, due to the size of his ego, moves such as Swagger, Flatter, and Taunt used against him last twice as long.
Approved.clarification, fiddled with the effect a bit, but: I am having difficulty with the usage gap text -- usually, it is expressed from end of all effects, but confusion ... is not a fixed-duration effect. is just inflicting confusion the effect, and the actual confusion unrelated, perhaps? hm.
[Puff] drifloon (f) <Unburden>
Move modification: Projection of Madness
Once, Puff could have been considered sane. A bit odd, perhaps -- one might say rather eccentric. That was before Puff witnessed a flight of legendaries -- we say witness, because they cannot be simply seen, only experienced. The influence of even one of Darkrai, Giratina, or Mewtwo would be detrimental to one's sanity. Perhaps the mere sight of the three would not be so bad for most -- but the experience drove Puff, already nearly orthogonal (or normal) to ordinary thinking, over the edge.
It is decidedly not a good idea to keep a pokémon with ghost powers and minor telepathy around which is also batshit insane. Often, Puff projects ... not quite images, but representations of something strange and alien to most minds -- representations of something which might drive one insane, if one could grasp its true form; perhaps fortunately, most cannot.
Even so, the projection is likely to befuddle those who observe it, to the point that observers are often left with lasting, though reparable, mental damage; the sheer madness evoked by the illusions is sufficient to overwhelm most barriers which would shelter minds from the effect.
However, certain pokémon, particularly those known for their oblivion, are frequently unfazed by Puff's projections. Puff herself, too, seems unaffected by her projections -- perhaps she does not observe them, or, more likely, it is simply not exceptionally strange to her.
Nevertheless, the mere act of conjuring the illusion tends to break down her own mental barriers, reducing her resistance to special attacks.
Type: Ghost / Stat: Other / Energy: 6% / Accuracy: 100% / Target: All
Effects: All pokémon are severely confused, and their Special Defense are reduced one stage. The user's Special Defense is reduced by one additional stage (a total of two stages).
Pokémon under any effect which would prevent confusion (such as Safeguard, Protect, or Wide Guard -- except Own Tempo; see below) are not immune; instead, the confusion is reduced by one stage for each effect which would prevent confusion. (The effects are left in place.)
The Special Defense penalties caused by this move's effect do not fade with time; however, they are treated as normal stat changes in every other way, and can be removed by the effects of Clear Smog, Haze, and Psych Up (if used at a pokémon without a persistent penalty to Special Defense).
Pokémon with the ability Own Tempo are entirely immune to the effect of this move. Puff is not confused by the effect of this move (but suffers all other effects).
Usage Gap: five rounds.
(the acute observer may not that blasting through safeguard, protect is more a drawback than a benefit, most of the time.)
So Havid's contact attacks trigger this ability as well as the opponent's? Eh, I think you're going to have to put a limit on this, or at least reduce the chance. It's pretty overpowered as it is now, and it'll probably end up becoming a bit of a pain for the ref to keep track of.While I'm trying to bring back old sigthings...
[Havid] Ditto (X) Limber
Signature attribute: Horizontal Transfer
Although most captured ditto evolved into the current form millions of years ago, there is an old strain of ditto with a far more open and malleable genome than most. They absorbed DNA through contact, DNA that was was not as unstable as their own, so it would not change with their chromosomes as they underwent transformation. That is, the ditto participated in horizontal transfer.
Which is a fancy way of saying the ditto were promiscuous little bastards. They traded genetic material all the time. Even in cross-species barriers. And Havid, being of this old and rare strain, still has this ability.
Okay, really simple.
Let's say I have a ditto; we'll call him David. And David is a happy little ditto, just bopping along through life, until he runs into a nasty piece of work called Hung. They trade DNA, and now, even though they look like they're the same pokémon, they're actually two new species, Havid and Dung. So Havid, he gets into your battle, and your referee doesn't recognise him as being illegitimate, because he still looks like David. And because of what he got from Hung, all those Havids are pricks and they're trying to kill you. The End.
Fortunately or unfortunately, other pokémon don't know what to do with this new genetic material, as their bodies are unable to adapt. Even other ditto are used to changing all of their DNA instead of keeping some unchanged.
Effects: Every time Havid makes physical contact with another pokémon, there is a 50% chance that Havid and the other pokémon exchange genetic information. Whenever this happens, Havid will copy one random move from the other pokémon and be able to use this move regardless of what it is transformed into. This means, for example, if Havid copies the move flamethrower from a charizard, for the rest of the battle, it can use flamethrower whether in its default form, transformed into a non-pokémon, or transformed into a pokémon incapable of using flamethrower. The number of moves that can be copied in this way is without limit, but it does not carry across battles, as it is purged by the cycle of the pokémon centre's healing machines.
Approved.huge backlog of unapproved stuff?
sure let's add more
[Nehushtan] Ekans [♀]
Signature Attribute: Asclepian Abilities
Across the pokémon world, there are Nurse Joys. And wherever you find these pink protectors of pokémon (p)wellbeing, you'll always find a chansey (or a blissey, or an in-training happiny, or an audino if you're in unova or someplace) running around close behind and dispensing healing eggs (or pulses, sometimes). However, in a small village called Ordania near Two Island, things are a bit... different. Although they still use berries and healing machines like the rest of the developed world, the Ordania Nurse Joys are a bit eager with venomous substances. As a result, they have eschewed the Kantoan tradition of Chansey nurses and instead make use of the local arbok and ekans population.
Nehushtan, although not from Ordania, was the only child born to an arbok from there. She learned everything from her mother; how to mix this berry and that thistle together to heal pneumonia, which of her prickly fangs to use to cure a sore back, and so on. And although Nehushtan was born with less loose skin and more scary patterns than her familial line generally had, her mother trained her to make up for it with quick thinking and herbal remedies.
Effects: Nehushtan, when without allies, is capable of zipping around between rounds and curing herself of a single status ability. She knows a cure for every status (although she can't cure her own sleep for obvious reasons), and she's quite resourceful, but this only works on fields with at least some variety of plant or fungal life, including Grass-types. It's hit-and-miss with so little time, though; as a result, she only has a 30% of curing herself between each round. If she fails, she'll gobble down whatever she's managed to put together and speed up her recovery by an action. As before, none of this works without some source of plants or fungi about.
When Nehushtan is on the field and has allies, however, her nurse training kicks in and she instead heals everyone else on her side, effectively giving her the ability Healer. When healing others, she is able to (in a pinch) use her specialized venom (which she herself is immune to) to heal them, so this does not require plant or fungal life. She's so focused on healing others, though, that she forgets to Intimidate her opponents until her allies are fainted and gone.
When you say "all fire attacks", do you mean all Sheila's fire attacks, or does that include those used by the opponent?Here we go, my very first attribute. I've been waiting ages to do this and now finally the 'mon I want it on is evolved.
[Sheila] Ninetales (F) <Flash Fire>
Signature Attribute: Mark Of The Demon
Once upon a time, Sheila was one of a pair of twins born to an unusual family of Ninetales, whom had within them things called Guardians - beings sworn to defend their host’s soul at all costs - whom took the form of nine-tailed fox demons. A particularly strong member of the family would find themselves possessed by their Guardian, using its abilities for their own on the outside if their life was in grave danger, usually in the form of enhanced abilities or a particularly strong attack. On a rare occasion, one could willingly call forth the powers of their guardian, after a battle within the mind to “tame” it.
It would come to pass that one day, Sheila’s twin, Azazel, a young kit at the time, would find herself in grave danger as described. However, though her mind was strong enough to call upon her Guardian, her body was not yet strong enough. Sadly, she died shortly after the battle, but the power of her Guardian would not allow her soul to move on. Instead, the energy transferred her soul through the Aura stream into the body of her sister, and her essence merged with that of Sheila’s own guardian, granting enough of a boost to be able to manifest on the outside if Sheila’s health is low enough.
100% health: No effect
< 50% Health: Glowing red marks begin to manifest around Sheila’s face. All Fire-type moves take 1% less energy to perform and do 1% more damage after all other modifiers have been applied.
< 40% Health: Red markings spread down Sheila’s body. All Fire-type moves take 2% less energy to perform and do 2% more damage after all other modifiers.
< 30% Health: Red markings continue to spread. Fire takes on a purple tint. All Fire-type attacks take 2% less energy to perform and do 2% more damage after all other modifiers. In addition, all Fire-type attacks now carry a 5% chance of Flinching.
< 20 % Health: Red markings have finished spreading. Fire is now bright purple. All Fire-type attacks take 3% less energy to perform and do 3% more damage after all other modifiers. In addition, all Fire-type attacks now carry a 10% chance of Flinching.
< 10% Health: Red markings glowing brightly. Fire takes on a darker purple hue. All Fire-type attacks take 3% less energy to perform and do 4% more damage after all other modifiers. In addition, all Fire-type attacks now carry a 15% chance of Flinching.
The effects sections is a little confusing. If you remove the first two sentences and reword the third and forth to clarify that it has a 10/15% chance of activating each round, it would be clearer.Katrina (Female Absol)
Ability: Pressure
Signature Attribute: Accident Prone
Now, everyone knows the old story about Absols. How they were said to bring disasters, and how they were considered to be bad luck. That story has been disproved for quite some time, but Katrina tends to be rather... unfortunate. When she was young, she had dated a rather handsom Frillish. (Don't ask how it happened. It just did.) But when Katrina broke up with him, he got so mad that he laid a curse on her. The curse caused Katrina to have severely bad luck, and it tends to spread to those around her. She was an outcast to pokemon and people for quite some time, until a young trainer finally found her. He trained her to battle, and since then the Absol learned to use her own misfortune to her advantage. When her bad luck spreads to other pokemon- opponent or ally- the battle always seems to turn to her favor. Also, Katrina has gained slight control over the curse, so it hits her opponents a little more than usual. But that doesnt mean she doesnt get hit by it. It can hurt her as much as her opponent if she's not careful.
Effects: After Katrina is sent out to battle, the curse takes into play immidiately. However, it takes one round for it to hit the other pokemon, whether enemy or ally. There is a %10 percent chance that Katrina or her allies will get hit by the curse, causing any part of the arena to hurt her and her teamates, (ex. The ground giving way, or a tree branch falling on her.) doing 5% damage. There is also a 15% chance that the same will happen to her opponents, also dealing 5% damage. The ability Super Luck is canceled.
This is based on that insane "They're using the thunder as armour!" episode, right? I know it's cannon and all, but... it just makes zero sense. The description here is also really vague, and I'm not seeing anything that effectively explains how a Pidgeotto could learn to wield electricity.[Charles] Pidgeotto (Male)
Signature Attribute: Thunder Shield
Barubu and his Pidgeotto-Charles-were watching their good old Shiftry-tv, and a peculiar boy around the age of ten was instructing his Pikachu to use Thunder on his Swellow. Barubu was shocked(quite literally) by the end result- this boy's Swellow was completely protected from harm by a field of electricity. Barubu was eager to test out this new technique, and recruited his Pichu for assistance. In Blastoise's backyard(because what's he gonna do? Tell mommy?), Barubu and his pokémon produced their own Thunder Shield. Only, things went downhill faster than a Jigglypuff caught in it's own Sing. Pichu as a species are unable to control their power nearly as well as the likes of Pikachu. Hugging tight to Charles, Lavelle let out the strongest Thunder she could muster, right into the Pidgeotto's brain; Lavelle was instantly knocked out. Electricity flowing through him as he was determined to please his trainer, Charles coated himself in reserves of electric energy and soared. Barubu cheered loudly, and repeated the process in-between frequent trips to the Pokémon Center to heal his Pichu. Over time, Charles learned to mimic Pichu and can use his reserves of electricity in chaotic bursts.
Moves Gained: Volt Tackle, Thunder
Downside: Due to the electricity raging through him and his lack of natural combatants to it, Charles has a 10% chance to be mildly paralyzed every round. If the RNG decides to paralyze him again while he's already paralyzed, it goes up a stage(Mild-Moderate, Moderate-Severe).
The moves lost/gained need evened out just a tad more. You'll need to drop something else if you're gaining a move as powerful as blizzard. (Maybe double edge or similar)
[Shiva] Starly (F)
Signature Attribute: Your Final Fantasy
During the time she was an egg, she was kept in a fridged ice cave as a offering to the "Great Ice Avian" Articuno. Encased in ice from the low temperature, instead of being suspended in pre-life, her undeveloped body changed to match the environment around her. To the shock of the pokemon that tended the alter to Articuno, her egg hatched upon the offering ice slab. Believed to be a chosen one by the "Great Ice Avian" she was slated her role as a form of Priestess to Articuno, believed to have beem given a part of the Legend's power as shown by her blue and white colouring rather than the usual plumage of a Starly
Type Change: Normal/Flying --> Ice/Flying
Moves gained and Lost:
+Hail, Blizzard, Mist, Ice Beam, Avalanche, Icicle Spear, Ice Shard
-Sunny Day, Heat Wave, Sand Attack, Take Down, Fury Attack, Quick Attack
Sunnyside - I believe Negrek said no to legendary moves, although that was a while ago, so I'm not sure if her stance on them has changed. I'll wait for her say on that.Coloursfall said:[Sunnyside] Volcarona (female) <Flame Body Drought>
Body Modification: Set Fire to the Sky
Volcarona are powerful creatures, the scales shed from their wings setting raging seas of fire as they battle, and their flames bright enough to replace the sun. They defy the stigma that follows the Bug type, by calling forth the brilliant, blinding corona of flame sired by the Sun.
But few realize their true potential. Few manage to survive past their larval form, and even of those that do, most do not often uncover true power.
But Sunnyside has. She knew, even as a tiny Larvesta, that she was destined for power. Her Partner, who had been the first face she saw upon her hatching, the one who raised her carefully, had told her so. He had shown her pictures of the old paintings in books, told her the stories his friends from Unova had told him of the fire that pumped through her veins.
He timed her evolution well, to grant her this power - she was taken to a rocky plateau just outside of Asber, and given the last word needed to trigger her evolution... just as the Moon crossed of the Sun, in a partial Eclipse. As her blazing wings broke forth from the shell of her former, weak, self, Sunnyside knew she had finally inherited the power her Partner spoke of. The flaming dust lit the sky, until finally the moon passed by on its heavenly journey, revealing the Sun again.
But Sunnyside was forever changed, a Guardian of the Sun - her mere presence causes the Sun to burn brightly, and she can harness its sacred power. But in exchange, darkness and rain weakens her body.
Effects: Sunnyside's ability becomes Drought, and she can use the attack Sacred Fire. But, if it is dark or raining, she cannot use the attack, and her Defence and Special Defence are both lowered by one stage each. She takes 1% damage/action in Rain.
[Big Daddy] Excadrill (Male) <Sand Rush>
Body Modification: Big Boned
Excadrill are normally only a little over two feet tall, and weigh a little less than 90 pounds. Big Daddy, however, as fitting his name, is...abnormally large for his kind. His trainer has many theories as to why this is - freak accident involving his evolution, the fact that there is an...abnormal number of Rhyperior in his family line, and other things. But whatever the reason, Big Daddy is, no ifs ands or buts, massive.
Effects: He stands at 8'0" tall and 350 lbs, four times the average size - and he can use the attack Heavy Slam as well. But his size comes at a price - Big Daddy has a permanent -1 to his Speed, which cannot be transferred or dispelled, making him able to fall to effectively -7 Speed, and can only rise to +5. He also cannot use Rapid Spin.
[Yzma] Kecleon (Female) <Colour Change>
Body Modification: Variations Within a Type
Kecleon are known for their ability Colour Change - the possibility to be any type. Some Kecleon see this as a fun game, or a minor inconvenience during battle, being easy to exploit. Yzma, however, as a mature Kecleon, has spent a good deal of her life trying out all the different types the world has to offer, becoming just as in tune with them as her natural Normal Type. So whenever her ability kicks in, making her a different type, some special things happen...
Effects: When Yzma is a type other than Normal, and uses the attacks Sleep Talk, Metronome, or Hidden Power, they will always match her type. For example, if she were to be a Fire type and use Metronome, it will always come up with Fire-Type attacks, and the same for Sleep Talk. If she cannot use an attack of her Type (for example, Sleep Talk as a Dragon type), it will default to being Normal-typed. Her Hidden Power type will always match her current type. However, she will not have STAB bonus to any attacks, except for her regular Normal type.
The effects sections is a little confusing. If you remove the first two sentences and reword the third and forth to clarify that it has a 10/15% chance of activating each round, it would be clearer.
I meant all Sheila's fire attacks, yes. Perhaps I am a dingus for thinking that much would be obvious. I can modify it to specify that if you'd like.When you say "all fire attacks", do you mean all Sheila's fire attacks, or does that include those used by the opponent?
The lost/gained moves look better, but the prankster drawback still doesn't make sense. The whole point of prankster is to boost a move's priority , unless you're fine with gaining an ability you can't use.
[Jet] Murkrow (M)
Signature Attribute: Jokes and Laughs
Jet loves a good laugh (or, rather, caw, but it's all the same to him). Countless times he's been caught firing Confuse Rays into crowds, causing disarray and chaos, or freezing people and Pokémon in place with a well-timed Mean Look.
Of course, most Pokémon are somewhat annoyed by Jet's antics, and actively seek revenge on him. Trouble is, Murkrow aren't exactly the fastest Pokémon, and he's been punished enough times to make an impresssion.
Now, Jet wasn't about to stand by and take the abuse. Having heard about faraway flocks of Murkrow with a special trait for blinding speed, he got an idea. And so, he started his journey to become just like those legendary Murkrow, and picked up a few skills in the process. At least, that's how he sees it.
Effects: Through practice, Jet has gained the ability Prankster; however, as his skills aren't quite as refined yet, all attacks boosted by the ability always move last within their priority bracket. He also loses Super Luck.
He's also picked up a few new pranks and lost some fodder, as detailed:
+ Switcheroo, Hypnosis, Magic Coat, Telekinesis, Encore, Nasty Plot
- Payback, Round, Brave Bird, Swift, Curse, Pursuit, Night Shade, Twister, Assurance, Air Cutter, Retaliate, Aerial Ace, Natural Gift
Approved.Anya (Female Honchkrow) <Super Luck>
Signature Attribute: Blackbird
"Blackbird singing in the dead of night / take these broken wings and learn to fly / you were only waiting for this moment to arise."
Anya has lived a downtrodden life. Murkrow are scavengers; they aren't a particularly loved species. They're pretty much considered pests, vermin, and it isn't stretching it to say they're hated. Most murkrow are fine with this; Anya, though, feels maligned by this fate. She isn't like other murkrow, okay with being a scavenger and eating dead things, living with the pack - she wants to be noticed for who she is and live with others, not just murkrow, but people. This is a difficult fate when the mere sight of her elicits shouts of hatred and fear. Even worse, the other murkrow hate her for her desire to separate herself; they feel maligned by her, as if she's saying that they are dirty, disgusting pokemon.
She's learned to build herself a coat of armour - metaphorically speaking, of course. Emotional armour. She takes this hatred she's received and uses it to make her stronger. Once you get over everyone hating you, nothing can bring you down.
Effects: Attacks like Taunt, Torment, Leer, etc. - anything whose intent is to falter Anya emotionally - gives her a temporary +1 atk and def that lasts until the effects of said attack fades as well (if taunted, whenever the taunt fades, her attack/defense boost does with it). These can rise above the normal +6 limit if her stats are already at +6.
No, the activation chances were fine, I just meant that it needed a bit of rewording to make its effects clear. Something like this:Okay. Let's go with 15%
I thought it might have been an oversight, since this seemed like an attribute that would only affect the one cursed by it. But yeah, it's fine, approved.I meant all Sheila's fire attacks, yes. Perhaps I am a dingus for thinking that much would be obvious. I can modify it to specify that if you'd like.
[Sheila] Ninetales (F) <Flash Fire>
Signature Attribute: Mark Of The Demon
Once upon a time, Sheila was one of a pair of twins born to an unusual family of Ninetales, whom had within them things called Guardians - beings sworn to defend their host’s soul at all costs - whom took the form of nine-tailed fox demons. A particularly strong member of the family would find themselves possessed by their Guardian, using its abilities for their own on the outside if their life was in grave danger, usually in the form of enhanced abilities or a particularly strong attack. On a rare occasion, one could willingly call forth the powers of their guardian, after a battle within the mind to “tame” it.
It would come to pass that one day, Sheila’s twin, Azazel, a young kit at the time, would find herself in grave danger as described. However, though her mind was strong enough to call upon her Guardian, her body was not yet strong enough. Sadly, she died shortly after the battle, but the power of her Guardian would not allow her soul to move on. Instead, the energy transferred her soul through the Aura stream into the body of her sister, and her essence merged with that of Sheila’s own guardian, granting enough of a boost to be able to manifest on the outside if Sheila’s health is low enough.
100% health: No effect
< 50% Health: Glowing red marks begin to manifest around Sheila’s face. All Fire-type moves take 1% less energy to perform and do 1% more damage after all other modifiers have been applied.
< 40% Health: Red markings spread down Sheila’s body. All Fire-type moves take 2% less energy to perform and do 2% more damage after all other modifiers.
< 30% Health: Red markings continue to spread. Fire takes on a purple tint. All Fire-type attacks take 2% less energy to perform and do 2% more damage after all other modifiers. In addition, all Fire-type attacks now carry a 5% chance of Flinching.
< 20 % Health: Red markings have finished spreading. Fire is now bright purple. All Fire-type attacks take 3% less energy to perform and do 3% more damage after all other modifiers. In addition, all Fire-type attacks now carry a 10% chance of Flinching.
< 10% Health: Red markings glowing brightly. Fire takes on a darker purple hue. All Fire-type attacks take 3% less energy to perform and do 4% more damage after all other modifiers. In addition, all Fire-type attacks now carry a 15% chance of Flinching.
You'll need to be more specific about pressure's reduced effects. Pressure increases the energy usage of a move by x1.2, and you can't exactly cut that in half, because it would end up reducing the foe's energy usage. I guess you could reduce it to x1.1, or maybe have pressure only activate during certain circumstances.This was never really approved, just maybe'd
[Mr. Wonderful] Male Spiritomb
Ability: Pressure
Signature Attribute: Trickery
Mr. Wonderful is a Ghost/Dark type Pokémon. Both of these types usually mean the Pokémon will be sly and use tricks. Mr. Wonderful is no different.
Ever since being rescued from 'That Damned Tower' as he puts it, he went back to using slyness and cunning to battle his foes. He has often used a few less than fair lies to get a foe to lower their guard. He will go to the ends of the earth as we know it to land a hit, and will go past any barriers that stand in his way. He spent all the time in That Damned Tower conferring with other prisoners in the Spirit Realm, which meant a few Spiritomb form a far off land(dream World) that possessed the Ability Infiltrator. This allows them to hit through barriers and screens. Mr. Wonderful was eager to learn how they harness it, and by doing such, gained it him self.
He learned how to harness his powers of being a ghost to fade through the average Reflect or two. That, and they only go a foot above their user. As a result, his attacks can go through them as well. But due to this, the effects of his other abilities are halved.
Effects: Mr. Wonderful gains Infiltrator in addition to Pressure, but Pressure's effectiveness is halved in return. His foe also starts with a +1 accuracy boost (this can be reset to 0), as he often leaves a few open spots to strike as he focuses mainly on offense.
Whoa, way too powerful, especially for a first stage Pokémon. I'd recommend looking over a few other approved sig moves in the thread first, if you haven't already, just to get a better idea of how much damage a first stage mon can dish out.![]()
[Atlas] Totodile (Male)
Ability: Torrent
Signature Move: Death Roll
It's tough being the little guy sometimes. People think that they can just walk all over you and underestimate your abilities. Being a small Pokemon, Atlas has had to find ways to compensate for his lack of height and weight in combat. Lucky for him, Atlas(like most of his species) is bless with a powerful set of jaws and claws that can give a good scratch if given the opportunity.
With a little experimentation, Atlas discovered that if he could lure a particularly tough opponent into the water and grab hold of them with his teeth and claws, he could roll them around violently. The whiplash caused by this effect would sometimes leave his opponent stunned(paralyzed) or even confused if he risked the move on land.
Type: Fighting / Stat: Physical / Base Damage 15% on land, 30% in water / Accuracy 60% on land, 90% in water / Target: Single / Energy: 10% on land or underground, 5% in or under water / Duration: 1-2 actions
Effects: Atlas grabs his opponent tightly with his teeth and claws, then rolls sideways, rocking and jostling them around violently. There is a chance that the opponent may become confused(land, 15% chance) or paralyzed(water, 20% chance). In water, the attack does more damage overall due to the lack of debris to interrupt the action. If this move is used on land, Atlas will receive 5% recoil, as it is intended for use in aquatic battles. While the opponent cannot attack during the roll, they can plan moves and make commands. They may attack before being grabbed, though if they are close to Atlas's jaws(within arm's length or less), the attack will take one action because they are within range.
Two actions - one to grab the opponent, the other to roll them unless the opponent's actions bring them within a mere snap away from Atlas's jaws. In that case, the move takes up one action.
Byrus: The moves lost/gained need evened out just a tad more. You'll need to drop something else if you're gaining a move as powerful as blizzard. (Maybe double edge or similar)