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Open Rift in the Dimensions

Barrolk glanced at Cirrus to acknowledge her, but right now his mind was focused on the volcanic stone. "You're definitely not a firespirit," he muttered and, not wanting to make the being think he was hostile, began talking to Cirrus without looking at her.

"Yuuya is a mischievous mole on team LoveSong. Not much else to say."
"You claim to be the Greatest Warrior in the Galaxy," Spire said, "Too bad that whatever Galaxy you're in isn't the only one out there. tell me... have you ever heard of a beast known as Gorea?"

"He's trying to sweet-talk that warrior," Ravage noted, "That warrior always seems to pull my circuits int he wrong direction."

"Do you think it will work?" Bonecrusher said, "Because whatever this 'Gorea' thing is, something tells me it won't work as leverage."

"We'll worry about that if things get violent."
"I've battled with it before in my travels. It is a powerful creature capable of absorbing the powers of those in close proximity. Its main weakness was that it had to draw energy from an object called the Seal Sphere to sustain itself. Of course, the Seal Sphere was near-indestructible and had to be blasted countless times with a Gamma-Radiation Class Weapon, and even then it managed to revive itself by using the energy of a Photon wave. It was only permanently destroyed when I and six others worked together to destroy the ship it had taken refuge in." Spire grinned, "And then, there are even more fearsome beasts. Aurora Unit 313. Mogenar War Golems. And don't even get me started about Helios of the Elysians."
"Alright, you can shut up now. I didn't want a lecture." Galacta Knight grumbled. "I assume you're here for the same reason I and many others are - you merely showed up here without knowing how, yes?"

((I'm afraid I'll have to go now, so~))
"Okay, so he's managed to throw the winged one off his bad side," ravage said, "But I still refuse to-"

"Quiet. It looks like he's about to explain how he ended up here."

"Yes, you could say that. I was exploring a planet where it is known that an inter-dimensional cannon exists. During my exploration, a portal suddenly appeared, and when I tried to examine it, it expanded and I was caught in it, leading me to here. i assume that this was just caused by the cannon itself."
"Oh," Cirrus replied. She had to try hard to keep calm in front of this creature; her fur was already starting to bristle.
"I suppose what I said earlier didn't quite match my story either..." Galacta Knight paused for a moment. That creature seemed to have become less aggressive. "I used to be sealed away because I was thought to be too powerful to co-exist with my kind. But just today, I was abruptly awakened. My theory is that the dimensional decay must have damaged that seal and, for some reason, it dropped me here. It's a wonder I wasn't mutated from being exposed to this distortion..." He hesitated. "My name is Galacta Knight. What is yours?"
"Call me Spire," said Spire. The Diamont turned his gaze on the two robots. "And you two seem to want to put as much distance away from me as possible. What do I have that you fear?"

"That cannon," the robot cat said, "It's radiating intense heat signatures. Extreme heat happens to be our species' weak point. Namely that something over, say, 6000 degrees could burn right through us."

"Well, my weapon is capable of launching superheated magma. Cross me.." His gaze hardened, "And I'll know how to hurt you." He paused, to let it sink and said, "I'm only kidding. Unless, of course, you do intend to double-cross us."

The larger robot said something that was no doubt highly offensive. The cat said: "Just ignore him. Anyway, I'm known as Ravage, and the giant behind me is my symbiotic partner Bonecrusher."
Taunos asked Geralt, "Wait, Geralt, you carry two swords on your back, yet when we fought Dialga, you only ever used one of them."
"Yes.", Geralt answered, "One sword is steel and the other is silver. Creatures of a magical or supernatural nature feel a stinging pain wherever they come in contact with silver. Detractors of my trade often say that the steel one is for humans, and the silver one is for monsters, but there are monsters susceptible to steel, just as there are monsters susceptible to silver."
"I see.", Taunos said, nodding in understanding.
"And one-handed swords are useful for witcher fighting styles because we can use our off-hand to cast signs.", Geralt continued.

"So how much longer are we going to wait around?", Geralt then asked everyone else, adding, "If we just stand around and let our group get larger, their assistance may not be worth the trouble."
((Gawd Geralt let the new guy get integrated srsly. >:(

And before anyone flames me for that, IT WAS A JOKE. Please don't take it seriously. :D I was going to post this sooner, but my keyboard stopped working and I had to get that worked out. Sorry for the slowdown.))

Sonic held his hands forward in a non-threatening gesture. "Well, none of us here mean any harm. There's not really anywhere else for any of us to go, so you may as well join us. Anyways, we should probably be heading out now..."

"Yeah..." Tails said, noticing the growing boredom of certain members of the group. He glanced at a nearby mirror-portal.

"Taunos, perhaps you should lead the way. You have a better idea of where we're going than I do. And going to the last world showed us we can go to individual areas, so lead us to wherever you think would work out the best."
((Hehe, he's got a cynical streak. =D))

"Very well, then.", Taunos said.
He walked over to the mirror.
"So how does that thing work?", Geralt asked.
"If I recall,", Taunos explained, "You simply think about where you want to go, then touch the mirror. For instance, now we want to get to Kalimdor."
He then touched the mirror, and like before, was whisked away and placed in front of a series of crystals. The one in front of him showed a dry, dusty plain. Adjacent, a crystal depicted a green, verdant forest. And another reflected a vast, green valley nestled between the mountains.
Geralt showed up next to Taunos, "So, these crystals are the true portals?"
"Yes.", Taunos said, "These three depict Kalimdor."
"And where are we headed?", Geralt asked.
"The middle one,", Taunos replied, "The Barrens."
((Now character introduction))

Logoth was in some kind of desert. He personally hated it. Nothing like the ice fields back home. He scanned it warily.
That portal wasn't normal. Something is very wrong.
He thought while scanned. He began to walk in the direction that he thought was west.
"Are you serious?!" Sly stared at the crystal in the mirror. "Why do we have to go there?! There's a perfectly good forest right THERE!!!!" Sly always felt exposed walking in the street, but this was insane. "I refuse to go."

Next to Sly, Obi-Wan fidgeted with his cloak to better conceal himself.
"Perfectly good, perhaps,", Taunos replied to Sly, "but much of the northern forests belong to the night elves. They tend to shoot on sight, and are never to be underestimated. Besides that, if we were to land in Felwood, we would also be set upon by satyrs and demons."
"And what about that green pasture?", Geralt asked.
"Ah, but my home village would lie within the Barrens. Not too far from Mulgore, actually, but speed is of the essence.", Taunos answered.
"Interesting," Spire muttered while he looked at the crystal portal, "This resembles some of the Stronghold Portals on Planet Bryyo."

"Those types of terrain are rather interesting," Ravage said, "The terrain of this dimension clearly differs from Cybertron."

"Well, that planet we crashed-landed on had some of that terrain," Bonecrusher reasoned, "Perhaps this dimension and that planet are related in some way."
Chikorita winced when she saw the viewing of the desert. She had to go there!? What if her leaf wilted?! She much preferred the look of the forest. That is, until she heard about the night elves, satyrs, and demons. Well, at least she didn't have to go inside a volcano. If she never sees another volcano, it'll be too soon.

"If you're done complaining, raccoon, we should get going." Galacta Knight glared at Sly.
"Yeah, raccoon." Vai grinned at Sly, and dragged Valkyrie forward so both could touch the mirror. They blinked, and both stood behind Taunos and Geralt. She could see the desert a bit more clearly from this side of the mirror.

"You live in a desert? Why would you live in a desert of your own will, unless there's a power source of some kind..?" Valkyrie looked up at Taunos curiously.
((It's actually just a dry savannah...))

"A desert?", Taunos questioned, "No, only centaurs live in the great deserts of the west. The Barrens are dry, but grasses still grow, and there are more than a few watering holes to be found. Life on the Barrens certainly isn't for everyone, but the region lies between the Orcish nation of Durotar and the tauren ancestral land of Mulgore, and important trade routes pass through as well. Power sources? Some speak of great stores of precious metals beneath the Barrens, but we tauren aren't the mining sort."
"In short," Geralt said, "harsh, yet profitable?"
"Indeed it is.", Taunos answered, "Worry not, I've lived there most of my life."
"Well then," Geralt said to Taunos, "After you."
Taunos walked up and touched the crystalline portal. Everybody else dissapeared in an instant.

He reappeared on the vast, dry plains of the Barrens. Taunos looked around, but he certainly didn't land near an oasis, seeing only the golden grasses and sparse trees. Then, however, he spotted someone. Walking closer, he realized it was a human, raised his staff defensively, and approached slowly. He then noticed that this human was unusual. He stood almost as tall as Taunos was, and quite muscular as well. Taunos lowered his staff, recognizing the human probably wasn't of Azeroth.
"Lost, friend?", Taunos asked the larger than normal human.

Geralt touched the crystal next, unsure of what to expect. He was pulled through space, and deposited on a dry grassland. Geralt looked around at his surroundings, but only saw the same thing in seemingly every direction. Geralt then saw Taunos and a very tall man. He walked over to the two.
"Friend of your's?", Geralt asked.
"No," Taunos replied to Geralt, "but he's certainly no normal human."
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