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Weird Feelings/Sensations


Back in action!
While I was playing out in the snow yesterday, I was just sitting down, like a cat, when a bird in a bush caught my eye, and suddenly, I had the urge to hunt it, as if I were a cat... luckily, though, I didn't take a paw step closer.

Also, when I was in bed last night, at first I thought my left hand was a paw.

Half of me seriously wants to become a cat.

Has anything like this ever happened to you?
Sometimes, I'll get some kind of idea in my head, and then later it happens, though usually a little differently. The best way I can explain it is to give an example... one time I was in the lunch line, and I imagined the guy I like coming up behind me and talking to me. Less than a minute later he did come up, though it was with a friend. It's really nothing; I mean, we're in the same lunch; it's not weird (is it?) that I'd imagine him joining me and he does. But it feels kinda neat all the same. I feel like ">D I am psychic for two seconds! Yes!"
I don't know if this counts, but sometimes I feel like the whole world is spinning around. I sometimes have to sit down cuz I get so dizzy.
Once I was in this art store, looking at dragons, and I had the feeling I had dragon wings. o.O
I've tried intense focus in bed sometimes and then my entire body tingled for a few seconds. Don't ask me why I attempted this.
I also have this odd feeling in my head when there's a TV on nearby.
This isn't that odd, but sometimes I get really emotional at ridiculous, small things - like someone doing something small that's nice for me. Or when I accidentally break something.
Well the only thing I can think of at the moment is the fact that I can be sitting there typing, and all of a sudden it'll feel as if I have wings. Like I can feel them there. It's very weird.

There was one other thing, but I forgot what it was. :/
While I'm in certain places (it seems like every single Dollar Store ever causes this), I'll suddenly become very light-headed and disoriented, sometimes to the point where I can hardly stand or I feel like I'm going to be sick or pass out, and random things that people in my life have said will go through my head for no reason. Sometimes I can run around until it goes away, but a few seconds after I slow down it comes back.

It's why I hate going into the Dollar Store. :|
I've tried intense focus in bed sometimes and then my entire body tingled for a few seconds. Don't ask me why I attempted this.
I also have this odd feeling in my head when there's a TV on nearby.

I get the same thing.

With the focusing I discovered it when I was about 12 and I've kept trying ever since because I'm still baffled at what it is. It feels like tensing, but you're not actually tensing muscles, as you say, just focusing on something in the back of your head and neck, and in your chest. Like it feels like rushing water inside your body and you feel it building up. At that point my vision begins to go wierd, like someone's turned the sharpness up to high on the TV so iobjects start to get those black edges, and I can't keep it up, it's like it uses effort and I get tired.

I have no idea what the sensation is but it feels wierd.
There's probably an internet community about it, somewhere.
Tell me if you figure out what it's called, other than "tensing up until you vibrate"
I can do it with my head.
Oh, I've got lots of these..
Sometimes I stand on my back porch and close my eyes, and think about how nice it would feel to just jump down and fly through the air... my backyard is one huge, really steep hill, so this would be something like a hundred foot drop.
And, about three times a day, I think something and then somebody says or does it word for word.
Very often, I think I'm a guy and get really confused by my room or my family referring to me as "she". I also dream that I am one (Or often, Link, but that's just part of my Zelda addiction)
Sometimes, I think I'm going to die right then, or think that if I fall asleep, I'll just die. Not in a paranoid sense, I'm really nonchalant about it, like, "Hey, I'm about to have a fatal heart attack. Hm, do I want rice or a hot pocket?"
Quite often, I've forgotten my own name, and/or the fact I'm a human. More than once, I've thought I was an animal of some kind.
I get the same thing.

With the focusing I discovered it when I was about 12 and I've kept trying ever since because I'm still baffled at what it is. It feels like tensing, but you're not actually tensing muscles, as you say, just focusing on something in the back of your head and neck, and in your chest. Like it feels like rushing water inside your body and you feel it building up. At that point my vision begins to go wierd, like someone's turned the sharpness up to high on the TV so iobjects start to get those black edges, and I can't keep it up, it's like it uses effort and I get tired.

I have no idea what the sensation is but it feels wierd.

I have something similar to that. For me it's similar to a yawn, except the feeling is in the back of my neck, and I get restless if I don't make have the tingling feeling happen. I like the feeling of it though. For me, I easily envoke it by tensioning the back of my neck, and raising my right shoulder and a tingling feeling travels down my body. I 'perfected' the feeling in 6th grade, where before then it looked like I was having an episode of some sort. It was honestly pretty funny.
I occasionally get the feeling that I've transcended mortality and this mundane existence as a whole.
This isn't that odd, but sometimes I get really emotional at ridiculous, small things - like someone doing something small that's nice for me. Or when I accidentally break something.

Same here.

Darksong, don't say anything.
I often have the feeling that I'm going to die soon.


I also have an almost permanent urge to chew on things (I usually end up chewing on my lip). Also the urge to howl at the moon, or just howl at anything, even in the middle of the day. The urge to chase small animals that run away. The feeling of having a tail, and the desire to wag it. The longing for soft, shaggy fur all over my body. And just general wolfishness.
When you put pressure on your eyes when they're closed you see all sorts of shapes and then you open your eyes and can't see anything.
Also a month or so ago I was almost asleep and it felt like I was rotating forward but falling backwards (or vice versa).
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