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NES/SNES pronunciation

How do you pronounce NES and SNES?

  • En ee ess/Ess enn ee ess

    Votes: 24 34.3%
  • Nezz/snezz

    Votes: 11 15.7%
  • Ness/sness

    Votes: 20 28.6%
  • Something else you didn't think of, you moron.

    Votes: 15 21.4%

  • Total voters
Oh, incidentally, I have a non-gamer friend who says that she used to have "One of those Nintendo Entertainment System things" when she was younger. Although I guess that's understandable considering she, uh, isn't a gamer anymore.
nezz/snezz. Somehow I think this is related to my poor enunciation in the first place and because I hate spelling out acronyms.
I never actually say "NES" or "SNES" when talking about them, and just say "Super Nintendo" or "Nintendo," but when I read the abbreviation online or somewhere, I say Ness and Sness. And sometimes, for SNES, S-N-ES. Yeah, that's weird. I never pronounce the letters out otherwise though.
I say "Nintendo" and "Super Nintendo", though nowadays people are calling their DS a"Nintendo", so it gets a bit confusing. Well, except for the part where I never talk about NES/SNESs.

Like Cirrus, I dislike pronouncing acronyms as words. It always sounds a bit silly to me.
(Especially Secretary of Defence).
I spell out N-E-S, but say "snezz" like Tailsy, because I'm inconsistent like that. Or I'll just call it a Super Nintendo.
I usually say "the original Nintendo" for the first one. I don't generally use an acronym for it, but if I do I say out each letter, otherwise it sounds weird and it's the name of a character anyway.

I use Snezz and Ess Enn Ee Ess pretty much interchangeably, both when reading and saying it, although I suppose I'm more likely to say the letters if I'm talking about ROMs. I would probably say "Super Nintendo" most of the time if I were writing it, but I don't end up talking about it online.
I pronounce it Nezz and Snezz, when I do talk about them. I never had them. My first Nintendo console was the N64....
The NES is either "Nintendo" (mostly back in the day when there wasn't anything else to call "Nintendo"), "the old Nintendo," or "N-E-S" occasionally.

The SNES, either "Super Nintendo" or "Super NES." But usually "Super Nintendo."

I've actually never known anyone who pronounced out all the letters in SNES, and I'd never even heard of anyone saying "nezz/snezz" before reading this thread...
I usually say N-E-S and S-N-E-S, but occasionally Nintendo and Super Nintendo.
I say N-E-S and Snes. Not sure why.But I also have been known to say Nintendo Entertainment System, and Super Nintendo Entertainment System.
With the exception of the snezz/nezz thing, I say them pretty much every way described here; no rhyme or reason why I say the way I do when I do. I guess I just like variety.
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