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CRUSHES thread [REBORN... again]

It's not a crush, but after hearing that Katy Perry's stood up to her pastor parents, I have a lot more respect for her.

Crush-like things: I still like to imagine Jeff/Tony or Paula fanfics. Jeff is simply adorable~
no crushes!
but i've been fucking lonely my whole life and might pretend to like someone so i can cling to them
I don't have one, and haven't had one in awhile.

I seriously doubt that anyone would even consider having a crush on me, and I'd like it that way.
I had a crush on a boy named Spencer in the second grade. x3
I sent him a secret admirer note, and he thought it said, "Love, A Bunny."
Ok now here is my RL crush.

Her name is dizzy. I have no clue what her real name is. Everyone calls her dizzy xD
I have a crush on my best friend's younger brother. >>;;; I think he's about two or three years younger than me. But he's cool. Now I need to get my friend to let me come over so I can internally drool over him. X3
this girl in my "Gay-to-Straight" group. I'd ask her out, but like i said, it's a Gay-to-Straight group and we have to be commited to converting to straight and she's already got herself a boyfriend because she's been attending meetings way before i have :sad:

Also a couple of anime porn chicks and some lesbians in the mini pornos i watch. espec if they have giant ( . Y . ) just the way guys and lesbians like them!

And a couple of stashed naked hooters chicks covered in cum.
this girl in my "Gay-to-Straight" group. I'd ask her out, but like i said, it's a Gay-to-Straight group and we have to be commited to converting to straight and she's already got herself a boyfriend because she's been attending meetings way before i have :sad:

Also a couple of anime porn chicks and some lesbians in the mini pornos i watch. espec if they have giant ( . Y . ) just the way guys and lesbians like them!

And a couple of stashed naked hooters chicks covered in cum.
Oh God.

First off - that group is terrible and will never work. You can't 'fix' gay.
Second off - t.m.i.
I've determined the guy I liked has no interest in me. There is a guy in my Algebra II class who likes me. But I'm not completely sure how I feel about him.
There's this one boy I am OBSESSIVE over named Seth Eckert. I swear, I try to flirt with him but I'm horrible at it. Worse than my friend McKayla and her crush Westvick(okay, maybe a little better than her). These are the things I've done to get him to look at/talk to me:

-'Accidently' bump into him
-Give him candy
-Tease him
-Give him cookies
-Sing with teacher in front of him (hey, singing with Mrs. Seele would make it seem less odd to others people... I think. It worked, he looked at me)
-Give him more candy
-Say hi
-Grab his shoulders (had to do this once in PE for an exercise, we stared at eachother for a while)

I figured out I liked him when we had to do this activity in PE. We all had to be seperated into groups of six and fit on a small blue mat. Now, to get on the small mat without touching the other areas of the floor was tricky, but our group found a way to do it; you smash yourselves together and hope that no-one falls.
Since Seth and I were in the same group (along with two girls I don't know the names of, Christina and Derron), we had to get very very close. I almost fell off the mat, and if anyone steps off the mat, your group is disqualified. So, I reached out and Seth grabbed me, and I had to grab his shoulders. He pulled me back up, and then someone (may have been Derron) bumped into me, pushing me into Seth even more. Since Seth and I were looking straight at eachother, our faces became pressed together(almost kissing) and we blushed. After pulling away, me and Seth looked at eachother again, and I got this really odd feeling in my lower-half of my body. Then I knew I liked him.

And that's the end of MewXCharmeleonXEevee's love story of epic phail.
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