shy ♡
whispers in gay
Re: Pokémon Registration Office
A'right; removing Brit's attribute and added in that the effects fade when she picks up her pants.
(f) Shed Skin
Signature Move: TheCoats Pants Are Off
Everyone knows that wearing a longcoat is one of the surest ways to show that you’re a Badass, because nothing says “don’t fuck with me” more than having a long dark coat billowing out behind you as you walk. Well, if that's awesome, surely pants must be moreso. Because everyone wears pants.
Well, sometimes things get too serious for pants. Sometimes you need a way to show just how serious things are - and in those moments, taking off your pants is the only thing that works.
At the end of the attack, Brittany collects her pants.
Normal / Stat: Self / Target: self / 7% / 3-5 actions (randomized)
Losing the defense of her pants means effectively lowering her def and sp. def by -1; however, she gains +1 to her speed, atk. and sp. atk due to the sudden badass levels increasing. These effects fade when she picks her pants back up.
Every 6 rounds from end of all effects
(f) Prankster
Signature Attribute: Tough Love
Holly grew up in a very large family; she had to fight just to get the briefest glimpse of sunlight, and often-times her siblings would even scatter around leaving her out in the open to predators. She quickly learned how to take the offensive, rather than the natural cottonee way of tricking the opponent that came so naturally to her siblings. As time went on, she became more and more brutal, using both her species pranks and her own brand of physical strength; she was not a gentle pokemon.
Effects: Holly loses some less physical attacks in exchange for more offensive ones.
Loses: Round, Natural Gift, Helping Hand, Attract, and Charm
Gains: Snarl, Vacuum Wave, Shadow Sneak, Fake Out
A'right; removing Brit's attribute and added in that the effects fade when she picks up her pants.

Signature Move: The
Everyone knows that wearing a longcoat is one of the surest ways to show that you’re a Badass, because nothing says “don’t fuck with me” more than having a long dark coat billowing out behind you as you walk. Well, if that's awesome, surely pants must be moreso. Because everyone wears pants.
Well, sometimes things get too serious for pants. Sometimes you need a way to show just how serious things are - and in those moments, taking off your pants is the only thing that works.
At the end of the attack, Brittany collects her pants.
Normal / Stat: Self / Target: self / 7% / 3-5 actions (randomized)
Losing the defense of her pants means effectively lowering her def and sp. def by -1; however, she gains +1 to her speed, atk. and sp. atk due to the sudden badass levels increasing. These effects fade when she picks her pants back up.
Every 6 rounds from end of all effects

Signature Attribute: Tough Love
Holly grew up in a very large family; she had to fight just to get the briefest glimpse of sunlight, and often-times her siblings would even scatter around leaving her out in the open to predators. She quickly learned how to take the offensive, rather than the natural cottonee way of tricking the opponent that came so naturally to her siblings. As time went on, she became more and more brutal, using both her species pranks and her own brand of physical strength; she was not a gentle pokemon.
Effects: Holly loses some less physical attacks in exchange for more offensive ones.
Loses: Round, Natural Gift, Helping Hand, Attract, and Charm
Gains: Snarl, Vacuum Wave, Shadow Sneak, Fake Out
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