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Brittany's signature move is approved. I'm reversing the approval on the other one, though--the attacks gained seem kind of random and don't jive well with the description. They don't have a lot to do with physical strength (and in general aren't very strong), and not a lot seems to tie them together aside from the fact that most of them are priority attacks.A'right; removing Brit's attribute and added in that the effects fade when she picks up her pants.
[Brittany](f) Shed Skin
Signature Move: TheCoatsPants Are Off
Everyone knows that wearing a longcoat is one of the surest ways to show that you’re a Badass, because nothing says “don’t fuck with me” more than having a long dark coat billowing out behind you as you walk. Well, if that's awesome, surely pants must be moreso. Because everyone wears pants.
Well, sometimes things get too serious for pants. Sometimes you need a way to show just how serious things are - and in those moments, taking off your pants is the only thing that works.
At the end of the attack, Brittany collects her pants.
Normal / Stat: Self / Target: self / 7% / 3-5 actions (randomized)
Losing the defense of her pants means effectively lowering her def and sp. def by -1; however, she gains +1 to her speed, atk. and sp. atk due to the sudden badass levels increasing. These effects fade when she picks her pants back up.
Every 6 rounds from end of all effects
[Holly](f) Prankster
Signature Attribute: Tough Love
Holly grew up in a very large family; she had to fight just to get the briefest glimpse of sunlight, and often-times her siblings would even scatter around leaving her out in the open to predators. She quickly learned how to take the offensive, rather than the natural cottonee way of tricking the opponent that came so naturally to her siblings. As time went on, she became more and more brutal, using both her species pranks and her own brand of physical strength; she was not a gentle pokemon.
Effects: Holly loses some less physical attacks in exchange for more offensive ones.
Loses: Round, Natural Gift, Helping Hand, Attract, and Charm
Gains: Snarl, Vacuum Wave, Shadow Sneak, Fake Out
This may be the first sig attribute that gets approved for me.
[Mr.Turtle] Squirtle (M) Torrent
Sig attribute: Asthma
Mr. Turtle is an asthma patient, just like his Trainer. It happened when his owner was a baby, and his house was being remodeled. Both inhaled one to many wood shavings, and got afflicted by asthma. His allergy is usually activated by normal means, such as sand, pollen or wind carrying any of these things. However, having a lot of perseverance, he battles better.
Effects: Mr. Turtle's asthma has a 30% chance of being activated each round when hit by one of the following moves, Abilities or situations: Sand Stream, Sandstorm, Sand-Attack, Sand Tomb, Dig (if hit by sand), being hit by sand, Sweet Scent, Petal Dance, any wind move that carries pollen and/or sand. Once Mr.Turtle's Asthma is activated, he will recieve a -3 in Special Defense that cannot pass the +6/-6 limit. and has a 45% chance of sneezing (flinching). This can only be removed if a healing move (Recover, Heal Bell, Refresh, etc.), and it and all of its effects are removed for the rest of the battle. In addition, he gains a +3 Special Attack that cannot pass the +6/-6 limit because of his perserverance, and due to the mucus any move that he must spit (Water Gun, Bubble, etc) is considered Poison type.
and has a 45% chance of sneezing (flinching).
Those were just ones I pulled out of the top of my head, hopefully I fixed it (they're in the ground egg group now). Is this a bit better?
[Visionary] monozu (M)
Ability: Hustle
Signature Attribute: Psychic Heritage
Visionary is a slightly different dragon. Despite the mixed lineage of nearly all pokemon that gives them all sorts of moves, Visionary's trainer was sure it could learn some better ones. I mean, all it knew that was psychic type was rest! So then when Mai decided the team needed a deino, it definitely needed to be bred with psychic types to add some zing to its movepool.
Obviously, that was very stupid (oh my Arceus it's a dark type why would it learn psychic moves) but Mai went ahead with it anyway. She started with a arbok, which she had decided would probably be the best bridge between egg groups. She bred that arbok with psychic types until it was practically a psychic itself, instead of poison type. Espeon, girafarig, and grumpig were just the beginning, and eventually even swoobat were somehow included in this mating silliness. Once that male arbok was good and psychic, Mai set him off to make some eggs with a hydreigon and waited to see the results.
The first few times nothing happened. Other than the gifts having an arbok father usually brought, none of that psychic heritage seemed to carry through. So Mai tried again, and again, each time getting an entirely new arbok father with one more psychic parent to contribute to his heritage.
Yet it seemed that none of these dinosaurs were learning anything from their fathers. With every new egg that was made and hatched, all that seemed to change was the rapidly increasing bill of the daycare. Mai was just about ready to quit with this complicated 'breeding' business.
However, on the very last egg she was going to let herself afford, there was definitely some progress. The new baby seemed to hear things others couldn't and at times display some mild psychic powers. He also had quite some insight! Sometimes he came up with brilliant plans out of nowhere and thought of awesome ideas even his trainer hadn't considered.
When asked by his trainer how he came up with these ideas (translated by a psychic type, of course) he responded that 'He didn't, Bob did'.
There was no Bob on his team.
Eventually Mai and the breeder decided that no, Visionary was not crazy! It was determined that this 'Bob' was one of his future selves, when he became a hydreigon. It seemed that his psychic powers were much better than previously thought!
Sometimes there were downsides, though. At times he not only disregarded orders, but completely stupidly! His 'defensive' moves opened up positions that his opponents were eager to strike, and sometimes he spent entire actions mumbling, "Huh, what did you say Bob? I couldn't hear you!" to his 'future self'. Also, concentrating completely on the psychic type when it clearly wasn't compatible with him left him negleting the other types, and moves learned through breeding were much harder to recall and use.
Maybe they should have hatched one more egg.
Effects: Every round Bob has a 75% chance to give advice to Visionary through telepathy. This advice has an equal chance of being either good advice that is heard clearly or bad advice/ something Visionary didn't hear clearly, as he is a dark type with immunity to most psychic energy.
Each piece of advice also is either defensive or offensive, which will also have a 50% chance of being chosen. If a piece of advice is good offensive advice, then both of his offensive stats (attack and special attack) will gain a +1 boost for that round. If the advice Bob gives is bad offensive advice, then his stats will have a -1 reduction. The same goes for defensive advice.
On rounds where advice is good, than Visionary will have the ability analytic (with the observations being made by Bob and given to him with his advice). On rounds where advice is bad, Visionary will still have the ability Hustle and have a 35% chance of spending the first action of the round pondering what Bob was saying.
Visionary also gains the moves future sight and confusion. All egg moves that are types other than psychic cost 2% more energy to use.
A little complicated, but meh... I suppose it's fine. Might as well just say "all egg moves," though, since deino doesn't get any psychic-typed egg moves.I don't see any options to use it though... the only options I have for it is to attach it.
Hmmm... this is a bit tricky. Since it's commanded and not innate, it really ought to be a move, not an attribute. Cool idea, though.[Mushroom] Paras (Female) <Effect Spore>
Signature Attribute: Parasite
Mushroom has always been a easily scared, and a little clingy. Maybe she just wasn't cut out for a life of battling. Then she managed to find a way around it.
Common knowledge is that Paras host easily visable, parasitic mushrooms on thier back. They have learned to live in a semi-symbiotic relationship, with the mushrooms drawing some energy from Paras to survive, and Paras use the spores from the mushrooms to defend themselves.
Mushroom has found a way to mimic this symbiotic lifestyle for short periods of time. She can latch onto one of her allies in battle and share with them her knowledge and power. Alas, this also has some negative side-effects.
Effects: In a battle where Mushroom has one or more allies, she can be commanded to latch onto one of her allies, and form a symbiotic attachment. This means that Mushroom and the Pokemon she latched on to are considered as one Pokemon, with a maximum Health and Energy of 200% each. Mushroom dontates all of her health and energy to her ally upon latching on. Her ally also becomes able to use all of Mushrooms Special and Status attacks. Her ally also gains Mushrooms ability in addition to their own, and has their base speed reduced by 10. All atacks made by her host have their final damage multiplied by 1.8, rounded down. Her new host also takes an extra 1% damage from Poison, Rock, Bug and Ice attacks, as well as an extra 2% damage from Fire and Flying attacks. Mushroom cannot be ordered to unlatch from her knew host during the duration of the battle, nor can she attack on her own. Mushroom will only be classed as KOed when her host is. Finally Mushroom cannot latch onto any non-organic allies, such as Magneton or Metang.
Seeing as riolu is less than two and a half feet tall, the lifting the five-foot sword is really only the beginning of the problems. There is no possible way a riolu could wield such a weapon with anything approaching competence. Or at all.I've been working on this in a document on my computer. I was reading through the thread for some idea of the balance it should have, and I realized I had to re-post it. My bad.
[Eidolon] riolu (M)
Ability: Steadfast
Signature Attribute: Swordfighter
Eidolon is not an average riolu, for one reason and one reason alone: He has a sword. He was born in Iron Mountain, which is an ancient cavern on an island, and where you find ancient caverns, you find tombs, and where you find tombs, you find treasure, and armor, and, most importantly at the moment, swords. His is about five feet high, and a foot wide. And swords are heavy. This one weighs about two hundred pounds. As you can imagine, as a riolu, he couldn't lift it at first, but due to riolu's famous steadfastness, he kept trying, and practicing, and getting stronger until he could. Now he uses it in battle, where it's weight and his strength make him stronger than the riolu that you normally run into. Unfortunately, it's still way too heavy for him.
Effects: Eidolon's sword, and the strength he needed to be able to use it, makes him capable of incredible feats of power. It's a pity that it's over twice his size.
When Eidolon is sent into battle, his attack is greatly raised, and it cannot be lowered below -4. However, his speed priority is always 1 lower than that of his opponent. As well as that, using his sword Eidolon can use the moves Air Cutter, Leaf Blade, Night Slash, Psycho Cut, and Slash, but due to the weight of the sword, he cannot use any moves that have a speed priority greater than zero.
Yes.We can change the nickname of a Pokémon given to us, right?
For the sig attribute, the moves gained and lost should be more symmetrical. You're losing too many support moves for too many damaging moves.An attempt to make my Alomomola an AWESOMola. First a signature attribute...
(Prijetnja) Alomomola [F] <Hydration>
Signature Attribute: A Ghostly Past
As a young Alomomola, Prijetnja did not see all of the allure of helping those in need. While all of her friends would go off on their “healing classes”, Prijetnja would travel off towards the local Frillish Colony. Here she learned the ways of the ghost fish, and the culture of the Frillish. Though she could not phase through things, or have connections with the dead, she appreciated the culture of the Frillish much more than her own. Thus, it was to her horror when her colony, after being attacked by a rampaging Gyarados, had been decimated in one of her absences, and there was nothing she could do. She watched as her friends and family died around her, not knowing powerful enough healing techniques. Unable to live with the shame of being an Almomola that could not heal, she left her ravaged colony to look for a new life.
Prijetnja drifted through the vast oceans for weeks, falling into hysterical hallucinations caused by pain of loss, hunger, and loneliness. After over a month of this, poor Prijetnja came upon a beach, and she lay there in the cold sand, wanting to die. If not for Levijatan the Golurk finding her mere hours later, she would have passed away like the rest of her colony. Levijatan dragged Prijetnja to Ampharos, his trainer, and they dabated what to do with this poor specimen. At this point the Alomomola opened her eyes, and she saw the Golurk, and knew she had a new plan of action. Prijetnja had always felt more intone with ghost-types, and now she wished to become one.
She spoke with Levijatan, and the emotionless golem agreed to the seemingly impossible task. The two performed what at best could be called experiments, transferring ghost-type energy in to Prijetnja. It was a horribly painful experience, but the Almomola lived through it. After working for over a day straight, Prijetnja had become what she always dreamed of being, a ghost-type. Really all that had changed on the outside was the fact that she was now a dark purple colour, and her eyes a blood red. But on the inside she felt like an entirely new person. She could harness new moves, have connections with the dead of her colony (albeit small ones), and even float above the ground if she tried hard enough. All in all, Prijetnja finally felt that she had a reason to live.
Effect: Prijetnja is Ghost and Water-type. She also has the ability Levitate, but as this is not her natural ability she loses 2% energy/round. This means she can battle on arenas that would not normally support Water-Pokemon that cannot manoeuvre on land. The experiments that were done on her by Levijatan weakened her slightly mentally (as did the time floating at sea), so she will start the battle with –1 Sp. Def. However, because she is now Ghost-type, she gains +1 Sp. Atk to start the battle, as Ghost-types are formidable in that stat category. She also goes through the following move changes.
Lost Moves: Aqua Ring, Heal Pulse, Wish, Safeguard, Helping Hand, Wide Guard, Healing Wish, Light Screen, Attract, and Mirror Coat
Gained Moves: Hex, Ominous Wind, Shadow Ball, Shadow Sneak, Curse, Dream Eater, Nightmare, and Hypnosis
And a Signature Move...
Signature Move: Oceanic Séance
As a ghost-type, Prijetnja gains the use of moves she would not normally have access to, and loses some from her arsenal. But as Prijetnja became a ghost-type through unconventional ways, she has learned a quite unconventional move. After becoming a ghost-type, Prijetnja began to realize that she had formed a sort of makeshift connection with the dead. More specifically, those who died in the vicious rampage in her colony.
When Prijetnja performs Oceanic Séance she closes her eyes and begins to chant some ancient hymn in the Frillish language. These words begin a connection with one of her dead comrades, and when she opens her eyes after finishing the chant, she will see a hazy projection of whomever she summoned up, while her opponent will just see a pink haze beside Prijetnja. As Prijetnja is not a full-fledged ghost-type, she has no control over who will be summoned. Each Almomola along with there effect on Prijetnja is listed below.
Vitez – Vitez is Prijetnja’s father, a fierce knight in the Alomomola infantry. When Vitez is summoned Prijetnja feels encouraged, and will begin to attack more ferociously in her father’s honour, giving her a +2 Attack stat boost.
Briga – As Prijetnja’s mother, Briga is overly protective and will never be at peace unless her daughter remembers to be defensive in battle. Thus when she is summoned Prijetnja gets a +2 Defense stat boost.
Gore – Gore is Prijetnja’s older brother, and a menace of one. As children Gore would chase his sister around their cave indefinitely. Thusly, seeing him gives Prijetnja a +2 Speed stat boost.
Malo – Malo is Prijetnja’s relatively whiny little sister. While Gore would chase Prijetnja, Prijetnja would return the favour on her younger sibling. However, Malo was much more evasive, and thus the memory of this will give Prijetnja a +1 Evasiveness boost.
Šaman – The main healer of Prijetnja's colony was the mysterious Šaman, a claimed fortuneteller who was amazingly good with medicine. As a very spiritual person himself, when he is contacted Šaman will cure Prijetnja of one status ailment that she is suffering from.
Ljubav – Ljubav was Prijetnja's one time boyfriend in the colony. Apparently this relationship was the result of a lot of luck, so when Prijetnja sees the poor soul she will remember how luck is sometimes in her favour, and will have her critical hit rate increased by 1.
Ghost-type / Self targeting / 7% energy / Indefinite duration
Effect: Prijetnja randomly summons one of her dead friends or family members, and they give her one of the stat boosts or other support that is listed above. The family member remains in contact with her until she uses the attack again, or her concentration is severely disrupted, in which the effect of the summoned Alomomola disappears.
Usage Gap: 2 Rounds
It was worth a try at least.
First time try at one of these things, whoo. I hope these are okay. I'm such a pyromaniac today:
[Novale] Growlithe (M) <Intimidate>
Signature Attribute: Red Hot
Novale was born inside of a volcano and has tolerated harsh amounts of heat his entire life. But how was this volcano different than any other? Don't many Fire-types tolerate and live in volcanoes anyway? Well, in this particular volcano there was a special type of fertilizer that humans had their eyes on. As well, several sight-seekers would often visit, take pictures, and generally deface it. The Lord of the Volcano, Entei, had lived long to become extremely resentful of humans, and eventually became unable to control his temper in their presence. Everytime humans would approach the volcano, the Entei would use its immense legendary power to erupt the volcano and fill it with more heat than most Fire-types could tolerate. At first, Novale was overwhelmed by the fierce fiery heat. But after several years of ardent determination to get stronger and adapting to this fiery onslaught, his fur turned red hot and now constantly smokes and sizzles with intense heat even when he no longer lives in the volcano. It's so hot that even small amounts of water evaporate whenever they make contact with him. However, if a large body of water more than Novale's heat can tolerate strikes him, he'll fizzle and burn out and it'll hurt much more than it hurts a regular Fire-type.
Also due to the general increase of body heat over the years, he can also wield immensely hot and intense flames. But because he is not yet fully evolved, however, these flames sometimes become a bit too powerful for him to handle and take a lot out of him. He cannot yet fully control the fierce flames that burn within him.
In heavy rain, Novale is significantly weakened by the overwhelming amounts of water.
Effects: Novale gains a permanent 1.1x bonus to his Fire-type attacks on top of STAB and a super-effective hit. When calculated and if there is a decimal involved, it is rounded UP instead of down. For instance, 6% damage x 1.1 = 6.6 would do 7% damage. However, he uses 3% more energy on any Fire-type attack above 40 base power. Moves at and above 100 base power do not get the 1.1x boost. This also nullifies the super-effectiveness to neutral damage of Water-type attacks at or below 35 base power, receives 1.2x more damage from Water-type attacks above 35 base power on top of super-effectiveness and STAB, gets a -1 Defense/Special Defense the Rain, and Fire-type attacks do 1% less damage to him.
[Novale] Growlithe (M) <Intimidate>
Signature Move: Arkra Nova
From being stuck in that volcano for so long, as previously mentioned, Novale has gained immense fire power. With hard work and training, his trainer managed to teach him how to unleash most of the fire he emanates in a massive burst of searing heat.
To use this attack, Novale channels all of the heat from his sizzling fur. Several tongues of flame come outward from his body as he begins to gather up all of his energy. A ring made of immensely bright red fire forms around the tongues of flames, connecting them and surrounding him. Then he unleashes it. The tongues emanating from his body let go of the ring of fire, and it spreads outwards quickly and destructively, striking all targets in the vicinity, friend or foe, until it slowly dissipates. In doing so, he temporarily sheds the intense heat from his body and loses his ability to use more intense Fire-typed attacks. But retains his heightened weakness to Water-type attacks and Rain Dance.
Type: Fire / Stat: Special / Base Damage: 11% / Accuracy: 95 / Target: All / Energy: 9% / Duration: Two actions; one to charge up the energy and one to unleash it.
Effects: After the move is used, Novale loses most of the positive effects of Red Hot; his 1.1x bonus (but also does not get the 3% energy addition of Fire-type moves over 40 base power). He also loses the 1% damage subtraction from opponent Fire-type attacks and Water-type moves below 35 base damage do super-effective damage and no longer do neutral damage. These effects linger for 4 rounds. However, he still takes 1.2x more damage in addition to STAB and super-effectiveness from Water-type attacks above 35 base damage and still gets his Special Defense/Defense lowered in the Rain by 1. This attack also does not get the 1.1x bonus from Red Hot when used, due to him shedding the very heat that powers up his Fire-type attacks in the first place.
Arkra Nova also has an 8% chance of inflicting a burn.
Usage Gap: Once per battle
A little complicated, but meh... I suppose it's fine. Might as well just say "all egg moves," though, since deino doesn't get any psychic-typed egg moves.
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for Wargle: [Androgynous Porygon] Porygon (X) <Download>