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Forum Revival TV Tropes Mafia Revival - D7

hi guys, I forgot about the game until such a point as when checking in would have been too much executive dysfunction

do I want to bother finding out about the reasoning for my lynching
Hi MF!! I hope all's well!

Rari inspected you as mafia and just now flipped town, so I think you're the biggest lead for a lot of people right now.
hi guys, I forgot about the game until such a point as when checking in would have been too much executive dysfunction

do I want to bother finding out about the reasoning for my lynching
full disclosure we may have tried to pseudo-vigkill you overnight but seeing as you're still here you can probably guess how well that went
So I'm trying not to be on a high horse about this (and maybe failing, and I'm sorry if I am failing because I know I'm as much at fault as anyone) but my takeaways from the lynch yesterday are:
  • If we have a mechanically confirmed mafia on the table, I think it's probably best to just lynch the mafia over anyone else. Even if we seem to have some way to vig the mafia or we're not sure of the confirm.
  • Not liking what someone is doing with their role, or thinking they have been anti-town or haven't been contributing, doesn't mean they are mafia. Obviously I think town should try to play to their win conditions, but I also think not seeming to do so doesn't mean someone deserves to get lynched.
Here's a #Chartz / Cliffsnotes / purely mechanical summary of the thread so far!

Mod confirmation that the mafia can kill someone every night

DAY 1 (P#2 to P#1483)
  • JackPK dies, flipping not mafia. (P#2)
    • "eyes still wide open," "silent indignation", unclear cause of death, "no weapons, no obvious signs of shady activity"
  • Vipera Magnifica claims to take over the role/power of the first non-mafia to die but didn't get Jack's role. (P#74)
  • Negrek claims to learn the tropes of dead players "whenever a player dies" and "using meta knowledge", and Jack was Deadly Doctor. (P#105)
  • Seshas claims "spoopy info that suggests that Mafia have a say in the death flavor" (P#184)
    • Seshas expands on this as "mafia are pulling strings behind the curtain" (P#201) and "from a source I can confirm as probably trustworthy" (P#405)
  • Vipera Magnifica re-claims as "the first time a non-mafia player dies in the game, I will take on their role and power as the next night phase begins" (P#208)
  • IndigoEmmy claims Mysterious Informant / Expospeak with the information that "there are magic doctors and Nanomachine using doctors" that "don't get along" (P#310)
  • After Eifie brings up the possibility of them being MI, Seshas confirms the claim as Mysterious Informant and says they were vague because they didn't know if they could quote their role PM (P#614)
  • Vipera Magnifica joke-claims learning all the mafia (P#619), which is notably reacted to by ILS, Ottercopter, and Mawile
  • RedneckPhoenix claims The Fool (P#1387)
  • ILS claims "the magic doc that doesn't go along with Emmy's robot doc" (P#1437)
  • Ottercopter claims a role where she's "supposed to get lynched" (P#1469)
  • ILS is lynched, flipping not mafia. (P#1483)
  • During this day, Mr. Ultracool swaps his role with Eifie

DAY 2 (P#1485 to P#2891)
  • Boquise dies, flipping not mafia. (P#1485)
    • "in his bed", "smiling contentedly", "without a mark on him"
  • Negrek claims that ILS was White Mage and Boquise was A God Am I. (P#1492)
  • Ottercopter claims "vanilla townie until /something/ happens" but if she says what it is, it won't happen (P#1510)
  • MF claims "what I think my results are telling me is that Mawile (n0) and Negrek (n1) are both town." (P#1767)
  • Vipera Magnifica claims to have inherited White Mage, a standard doctor, with flavor hinting toward another doctor healing with technology (P#1773), clarifies his role's functionality (P#1787)
  • Vipera Magnifica claims to have gotten an anonymous "strange message" via Butterfree saying "kyeugh is not mafia" (P#1824)
  • mewtini claims mysterious role-related info linking to one of Eifie's clears being clear (lost the link to this post but it's somewhere)
  • Seshas says their role was vanilla townie with a bit of info included in their role PM (P#1903)
  • Ottercopter claims Thanatos Gambit, a VT trying to get killed by the mafia. (P#1907) Also claims Death Seeker. (P#4035)
  • Eifie claims a mechanical town clear on Mr. Ultracool (P#2286, P#2326)
  • Mawile fake claims Motion Detector.
    • He claims N0 Herbe no motion, N1 Vipera Magnifica motion. (P#2427, P#2469)
    • Herbe fake claims lovers with Mawile, via whoever targeted him first would become his lover, (P#2611) and knowing that Mawile was town. (P#2669)
  • Stryke claims "tech doctor" with "nanobots", N0 Herbe, N1 Vipera Magnifica. (P#2707) (target justification on P#3103)
  • kyeugh says she remembered "something major" (P#2884)
  • Odie_pie is lynched, flipping not mafia. (P#2891)
  • During this day, Eifie swaps her role with Keldeo.

DAY 3 (P#2892 to P#3587)
  • Eifie dies, flipping not mafia. (P#2892)
    • "in an alleyway", "doesn't have a mark on her", has a gun
  • Negrek claims Odie_pie was Mysterious Informant and Eifie was Vigilante Man. (P#2897)
  • rari_teh claims cop / Private Detective and Stalking Mission. N0 Mr. Ultracool not mafia, N1 Mawile mafia, N2 MF mafia. (P#2931) Special roles might give a misleading result. (P#3047)
  • kyeugh claims something made her suspicious of Mawile (P#2939)
  • Mawile fake-claims motion detecting kokorico with no movement. (P#2948)
  • kyeugh claims to know that there is a redirector. (P#2966)
  • MF fakeclaims possibly insane cop / Inspector Lestrade and Hot Pursuit. N0 Mawile mafia, N1 Negrek mafia, N2 Keldeo mafia. (P#3023)
  • Stryke claims to have healed Eifie N2 (P#3067)
  • Mr. Ultracool claims Body Snatcher, who can switch role and alignment with someone else by saying "it's not you, it's me" to them. He swapped with Eifie D1 and became Mysterious Informant with the information that there is an evil doctor. (P#3181, P#3182, clarification P#3469)
  • kokorico claims that Mawile shouldn't have received a "no movement" result on them N2. (P#3195)
  • Vipera Magnifica claims to have healed kyeugh N2 (P#3212)
  • Keldeo confirms Eifie body snatched D2, and started the game as Non-Action Guy and What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart Anyway, a vanilla town role that would power up. (P#3219)
  • Mawile essentially outs himself as mafia starting P#3232.
    • Mawile claims he "can't inherit the mafia head's killing ability" (P#3293), he doesn't know what happened with Jack or Eifie (P#3399)
  • kokorico claimed to have started the game as Non Action Guy, and then became White Mage at the start of N2, and healed Eifie N2. (P#3304, P#3369)
  • Vipera Magnifica claims to have confirmed with Butterfree that white magic heal clashes with nanotechnology, while two white mage healers don't clash. (P#3321)
  • RedneckPhoenix claims to have roleblocked ILS N0, kyeugh N1, Stryke N2; and his roleblock freezes daytime abilities the following day. (P#3338, P#3347, P#3356)
    • kyeugh confirms that RedneckPhoenix targeted her N1. (P#3363)
  • kyeugh claims that on N2, Vipera Magnifica targeted her and she was targeted with Nanomachines. (P#3506)
  • Mawile claims to be an out-group mafia with a complicated ability involving tampering with information, and targeted Herbe N0. (P#3535)
  • During this day, Keldeo swaps roles with rari_teh.
  • Mawile is lynched, flipping mafia. (P#3587)

DAY 4 (P#3588 to P#4009)
  • Negrek dies, flipping not mafia. (P#3588)
    • in the town square, "no marks on her body", has sunglasses and a journal of tropes
  • kokorico claims to have healed Keldeo N3 (P#3605)
  • Stryke claims to have healed kokorico N3 (P#3612) after coinflipping between em and VM (P#3661)
  • RedneckPhoenix claims to have blocked Stryke N3. (P#3627)
  • Herbe claims to be a bitter widower, whose goal is now to live to the end of the game, and that Mawile told him he was out-group mafia. (P#3646) He elaborates more on his real role (P#3673, P#3682)
  • Keldeo claims to have inspected Panini as town N3. (P#3665)
  • Vipera Magnifica claims to have healed Stryke N3. (P#3825)
  • RedneckPhoenix claims his role trope is Spanner In The Works. (P#3962)
  • During this day, rari_teh swaps roles with Ottercopter.
  • RedneckPhoenix is lynched, flipping not mafia. (P#4009)

DAY 5 (P#4009 to [ongoing])
  • rari_teh dies, flipping not mafia. (P#4010)
    • "by the fountain", "victorious grin", wrote "JUST THE BEGINNING" on the ground
  • kokorico claims to have healed VM N4. (P#4028)
  • Stryke claims to have healed MF N4. (P#4032)
  • VM claims to have healed kokorico N4. (P#4055)
Couple of questions:

@Herbe - what are your role and power tropes?

@kyeugh - if you're comfortable saying, what was your "something major" that you remembered at the end of Day 2, and how did you still get the info about RNP being a roleblocker on the same night that he roleblocked you?

@Vipera Magnifica - how did you know that Stryke was making a coinflip between yourself and kokorico on Night 3? Did I miss some strategizing somewhere?

@mewtini - if you're comfortable saying, how did you know one of Eifie's clears was true?

@Mist1422 - you wouldn't happen to be a Miller-type role, would you?
@mewtini - if you're comfortable saying, how did you know one of Eifie's clears was true?
Referring to her hypo-cop clears. This is a super non-urgent question, btw - you really don't need to say if you have any doubts about revealing info.
@mewtini - if you're comfortable saying, how did you know one of Eifie's clears was true?
Referring to her hypo-cop clears. This is a super non-urgent question, btw - you really don't need to say if you have any doubts about revealing info.
yeah, i'd rather not say for now, sorry! thanks for cliffs though :0 thank god. i was about to read way back tonight
Oh also, @kokorico - if your role PM mentions some type of doctor that heals with technology, would you be able to confirm with Butterfree what exactly happens if that doctor and you target the same person?

Are these the only remaining unresolved mechanical situations?
- Why VM inherited ILS's role and not Jack's role on N1
- Who messaged VM with "kyeugh is not mafia" on N1
- How Eifie died on N2, when kokorico magic-healed her and Stryke nanobots-healed her but was blocked by town RNP
- Why kyeugh got the result that VM targeted her and she was targeted with Nanomachines on N3

I'll try and look at some non-mechanical stuff later on today!
- Who messaged VM with "kyeugh is not mafia" on N1
Obviously we'll never know for sure, but can't this be attributed to Mawile? It's in line with his power, and it seems a lot more likely than any other explanation imo
Well how about this:
  • You heal M&F
  • VM coinflip-heals M&F or me
  • I coinflip-heal you or VM
All three of us have a chance of being healed (so the mafia can't safely target us), and we have a 50% shot at offing M&F

...or we could just lynch M&F on D5, which seems more straightforward and less risky
There's definitely a wolf on the Phoenix wagon, and according to my previous M&F spew, it can only be kokorico.

something something wolf in the henhouse

full disclosure: I have no idea how to play outgroup properly, obviously couldn't ask anyone for help, and have spent most of the game so far amusing myself by presenting increasingly implausible lies to see how far I had to go before someone scumread me. it was mildly disturbing that literally zero people indicated disbelief when I claimed doctor. smh.

it's been fun! kinda wish it didn't have to end like this (and tbh at this rate I reckon I could have strung y'all along for at least another night or two, since it seems like even seshas was second-guessing themself) but I think I really ought to Bomb Keldeo before he reveals his red check. sorry dude, it's not personal. see you around <3
Out of nowhere, surprising everyone, kokorico grabs Keldeo, pulls out a crude remote with a button on it, and presses the button.

The two of them are simultaneously blown to smithereens.

kokorico is dead. E was not mafia.

Keldeo is dead. He was not mafia.

Please carry on!
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